--- title: "A Few Thoughts About... Multi-section Pages in the Grav Open Course Hub and Open Publishing Space" date: 05/06/2019 published: true continue_link: true header_image: false taxonomy: category: blog tag: - Sections - MultiSection - Taxonomy metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : Few Thoughts About... Multi-section Pages 'twitter:description' : A brief tour of what multi-section pages can do, inside or outside of another platform. 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2019-05-10-a-few-thoughts-about-multi-section-pages/multi-section.png' --- _Recently I tweeted about what can be done with multi-section pages in the Open Course Hub and Open Publishing Space, and I thought I would share them here:_

With @getgrav Open Course Hub & Open Publishing Space you can seamlessly embed #OER Grav Markdown content (with 🔁Git sync) into another system with the 'chromeless' URL flag. For example, the page https://t.co/md8PbXiOji can be seamlessly embedded with https://t.co/vGErZJpEAK🚀 pic.twitter.com/NwVMposKmS

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) May 9, 2019

With the 'chromeless' feature for Open Course Hub and Open Publishing Space page-to-page links within a Grav site can be displayed within the same embedded content area, while external site links are opened in a new Browser window/tab👇 pic.twitter.com/IZZTH4ZV42

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) May 9, 2019

For each Open Course Hub and Open Publishing Space multi-section page you can configure various appearance options, such as displaying the next/prev section buttons, the display the site sidebar, and if the section navigation list is displayed on the left or right of pages👇 pic.twitter.com/Q1bcYfbzSL

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) May 9, 2019

By assigning a taxonomy tag to multi-section pages within the Open Course Hub or Open Publishing Space you can create different views of content, allowing you to have one Git repository of content with multiple sets for embedding👇 And that ends our tour of multi-section pages! pic.twitter.com/mwqSYTZ1fX

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) May 9, 2019