--- title: "MultiCourse Hub with Course Groups Now Available" date: 06/10/2019 published: true continue_link: true header_image: false taxonomy: category: blog tag: - MultiCourseHub - CourseGroups metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : MultiCourse Hub with course groups now available 'twitter:description' : Multiple course instances can now be grouped (e.g. by term) in MultiCourse Hub. 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2019-06-10-multicourse-hub-course-groups-now-available/multicoursegroups-admin.png' --- To support organizing course content by term (or by other criteria), sharing content between different course offerings, and further-separating development of future vs. current course content, [MultiCourse Hubs](https://demo.hibbittsdesign.org/grav-skeleton-open-matter-multi-course-hub-site/) now support [course groups](https://demo.hibbittsdesign.org/grav-skeleton-open-matter-multicoursegroups-hub-site/) (e.g. multiple course offerings grouped together). ![MultiCourse Hub with Groups in the Admin Panel](multicoursegroups-admin.png) Figure 1 - MultiCourseHub with Groups in the Admin Panel === ![MultiCourse Hub with Groups Course List](multicoursegroups-courselist.png) Figure 2 - MultiCourseHub with Groups Course List (courses can also be not listed) ![MultiCourse Hub with Groups synchronized to a GitHub Repository](multicoursegroups-github.png) Figure 3 - MultiCourseHub with Groups synchronized to a GitHub Repository ![MultiCourse Hub with Groups synchronized to a GitHub Repository - course folder with multiple terms](multicoursegroups-github-2.png) Figure 4 - MultiCourseHub with Groups synchronized to a GitHub Repository - course folder with multiple terms