--- title: "CMPT-363 User Interface Design Fully Online once again this Spring, with Grav Open Course Hub" date: 12/30/2020 published: true continue_link: true header_image: false taxonomy: category: blog tag: - Open - CourseHub - OnlineCourse - Flipped-LMS metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : CMPT-363 User Interface Design fully online once again this spring, with Grav Open Course Hub 'twitter:description' : 'A sneak peek at the next fully online version of CMPT-363 using the Grav Open Course Hub' 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2020-12-30-cmpt-363-fully-online-once-again-this-spring/screenshot.png' --- Well, that didn't take long for plans to change... unexpectedly I have been asked to teach CMPT-363 once again spring so I am now heads-down in planning the course while considering what I learned from my students in the second fully online CMPT-363 this past fall at [SFU](https://www.sfu.ca/). Some key changes will include trying a student open mic Q & A, a new weekly review quiz tutorial, a new term project, more frequent session mini-breaks, and a somewhat revised approach to the student-generated final exam. === For students not in other Canvas LMS courses a [multi-device site with Canvas links](https://opencoursehub.cs.sfu.ca/paulh/cmpt-363/211/home) is available, and for students in other Canvas courses content is [seamlessly embedded into Canvas](https://canvas.sfu.ca/courses/59869). ![SFU CMPT-363 Spring 2021 Open Course Hub](browser.png) Figure 1 - SFU CMPT-363 Spring 2021 Open Course Hub ![SFU CMPT-363 Spring 2021 Open Course Hub within Canvas LMS](browser-canvas.png) Figure 2 - SFU CMPT-363 Spring 2021 Open Course Hub within Canvas LMS Looking forward to connecting with my new students in less than 2 weeks! Happy New Year🎉 (See ya later 2020!) ===