--- title: "A Few Thoughts About... Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit Preview Released" date: 09/27/2021 published: true continue_link: false header_image: false taxonomy: category: blog tag: - markdown - multicourse - git - Docsify metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : A Few Thoughts About... Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit Preview Released 'twitter:description' : "Announcing the first preview release of my new Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit." 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2021-09-27-docsify-open-multicourse-starter-kit-preview-released/screenshot.jpg' --- _Recently I tweeted about the official first preview release of my new Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit, and I thought I would share it here:_

It's officially almost official! A preview of the https://t.co/Cj7y22iLmY Open MultiCourse Starter Kit is now available. This Docsify starter kit supports multiple courses within a single Docsify site via GitHub Pages. Learn more and try out a demo👇🏼https://t.co/HatUWNwVJJ

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) September 22, 2021