#!/bin/bash # hiboy改 原项目地址: https://github.com/zfl9/ss-tproxy source /etc/storage/script/init.sh source /etc/storage/app_26.sh source /etc/storage/app_27.sh # trap "exit 1" HUP INT QUIT TERM PIPE # 载入iptables模块 for module in ip_set ip_set_bitmap_ip ip_set_bitmap_ipmac ip_set_bitmap_port ip_set_hash_ip ip_set_hash_ipport ip_set_hash_ipportip ip_set_hash_ipportnet ip_set_hash_net ip_set_hash_netport ip_set_list_set xt_set xt_TPROXY do modprobe $module done if [ ! -d /opt/app/ss_tproxy ] ; then logger -t "【clash】" "找不到 /opt/app/ss_tproxy ,安装 opt 程序" /etc/storage/script/Sh01_mountopt.sh start mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy fi ss_tproxy_config='/etc/storage/app_27.sh' echo "$dnsmasq_conf_dir /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp /opt/app/ss_tproxy/conf /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d /tmp/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d" | while read dir_name; do [ ! -z "$dir_name" ] && [ ! -d "$dir_name" ] && mkdir -p $dir_name ; done echo "$dnsmasq_conf_file $proxy_all_svraddr $proxy_svraddr4 $proxy_svraddr6 $dnsmasq_conf_string $file_gfwlist_txt $file_gfwlist_ext $file_ignlist_ext $file_lanlist_ext $file_wanlist_ext $file_chnroute_txt $file_chnroute6_txt $file_chnroute_set $file_chnroute6_set" | while read file_name; do [ ! -z "$file_name" ] && [ ! -f "$file_name" ] && touch $file_name ; done if [ -n "$LAN_AC_IP" ] ; then case "${LAN_AC_IP:0:1}" in 0) LAN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_AC" ;; 1) LAN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" ;; 2) LAN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_AC" #LAN_TARGET="RETURN" ;; esac fi IPV4_RESERVED_IPADDRS=" " IPV6_RESERVED_IPADDRS=" ::/128 ::1/128 ::ffff:0:0/96 ::ffff:0:0:0/96 64:ff9b::/96 100::/64 2001::/32 2001:20::/28 2001:db8::/32 2002::/16 fc00::/7 fe80::/10 ff00::/8 " font_bold() { printf "\e[1m$*\e[0m" } color_red() { printf "\e[35m$*\e[0m" } color_green() { printf "\e[32m$*\e[0m" } color_yellow() { printf "\e[31m$*\e[0m" } log_error() { logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "【错误】""$*" logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "【错误】""出错了?试试手动重置 ss_tproxy 数据" echo "$(font_bold $(color_yellow '[ERROR]')) $*" 1>&2 stop exit 1 } is_true() { [ "$1" = 'true' ] } is_false() { [ "$1" = 'false' ] } file_is_exists() { [ -f "$1" ] } command_is_exists() { #command -v "$1" &>/dev/null hash "$1" 2>/dev/null } process_is_running() { kill -0 "$1" &>/dev/null } tcp_port_is_exists() { [ $($netstat -lnpt | grep -E ":$1[ \t]" | wc -l) -ne 0 ] } udp_port_is_exists() { [ $($netstat -anpu | grep -E ":$1[ \t]" | wc -l) -ne 0 ] } ss_tproxy_is_started() { # process_is_running "$status_dnsmasq_pid" || # process_is_running "$status_chinadns_pid" || # process_is_running "$status_dns2tcp4_pid" || # process_is_running "$status_dns2tcp6_pid" || iptables -t mangle -nL SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null || iptables -t nat -nL SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null || ip6tables -t mangle -nL SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null || ip6tables -t nat -nL SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null || [ $(ip -4 route show table $ipts_rt_tab 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ] || [ $(ip -6 route show table $ipts_rt_tab 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ] || [ $(ip -4 rule 2>/dev/null | grep -c "fwmark $ipts_rt_mark") -ne 0 ] || [ $(ip -6 rule 2>/dev/null | grep -c "fwmark $ipts_rt_mark") -ne 0 ] } is_ipv4_ipts() { [ "$1" = 'iptables' ] } is_ipv6_ipts() { [ "$1" = 'ip6tables' ] } is_global_mode() { [ "$mode" = 'global' ] } is_chnlist_mode() { [ "$mode" = 'chnlist' ] } is_gfwlist_mode() { [ "$mode" = 'gfwlist' ] } is_chnroute_mode() { [ "$mode" = 'chnroute' ] } is_enabled_udp() { is_false "$tcponly" } is_need_iproute() { is_true "$tproxy" || is_enabled_udp } is_usrgrp_mode() { [ "$uid_owner" != "0" ] || [ "$gid_owner" != "0" ] } get_usrgrp_args() { if [ "$uid_owner" != "0" ] && [ "$gid_owner" != "0" ] ; then echo "--uid-owner $uid_owner --gid-owner $gid_owner" elif [ "$uid_owner" != "0" ] ; then echo "--uid-owner $uid_owner" elif [ "$gid_owner" != "0" ] ; then echo "--gid-owner $gid_owner" fi } is_nonstd_dnsport() { [ "$1" != '53' ] } is_empty_iptschain() { ipts="$1" ; table="$2" ; chain="$3" [ $($ipts -t $table -nvL $chain --line-numbers | grep -Ec '^[0-9]') -eq 0 ] } is_ipv4_address() { [ $(echo "$1" | grep -Ec '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$') -ne 0 ] } is_ipv6_address() { [ $(echo "$1" | grep -c ':') -ne 0 ] } is_domain_name() { ! is_ipv4_address "$1" && ! is_ipv6_address "$1" } is_md5_ok() { [ "$md5_check" == "OK" ] } is_md5_not() { [ "$md5_check" == "NOT" ] } set_sysctl_option() { option_name="$1" ; option_value="$2" if command_is_exists "sysctl"; then sysctl -w "$option_name=$option_value" >/dev/null else option_path="/proc/sys/${option_name//.//}" echo "$option_value" >$option_path fi } resolve_hostname_by_hosts() { cat /etc/hosts /etc/storage/dnsmasq/hosts | sed 's/#.*//g' | grep -v '^$' | grep -F "$1" | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}' } resolve_hostname_by_doh() { addr_family="$1" ; hostname="$2" ipaddr=$(resolve_hostname_by_hosts "$hostname") if [ "$ipaddr" ] ; then if [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] ; then ipaddr=$(echo "$ipaddr" | grep -v ":" | head -n1) is_ipv4_address "$ipaddr" && echo "$ipaddr" return fi if [ "$addr_family" = '-6' ] ; then ipaddr=$(echo "$ipaddr" | grep ':' | head -n1) is_ipv6_address "$ipaddr" && echo "$ipaddr" return fi fi [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] && arNslookup "$hostname" || arNslookup6 "$hostname" } resolve_hostname_by_dig() { addr_family="$1" ; hostname="$2" ipaddr=$(resolve_hostname_by_hosts "$hostname") if [ "$ipaddr" ] ; then if [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] && is_ipv4_address "$ipaddr"; then echo "$ipaddr" return fi if [ "$addr_family" = '-6' ] && is_ipv6_address "$ipaddr"; then echo "$ipaddr" return fi fi [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] && dns_qtype='A' || dns_qtype='AAAA' dig +short "$dns_qtype" "$hostname" | grep -Ev '^;|\.$' | head -n1 } resolve_hostname_by_getent() { addr_family="$1" ; hostname="$2" [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] && db_name='ahostsv4' || db_name='ahostsv6' getent "$db_name" "$hostname" | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}' } resolve_hostname_by_ping() { addr_family="$1" ; hostname="$2" [ "$addr_family" = '-4' ] && ping_cmd="$ping4" || ping_cmd="$ping6" $ping_cmd -nq -c1 -w1 -W1 "$hostname" | head -n1 | sed -r 's/\(|\)/|/g' | awk -F'|' '{print $2}' } resolve_hostname4() { ipaddr="" i_timeout=1 while [ -z "$ipaddr" ]; do ipaddr=$($resolver_func -4 "$1") [ -z "$ipaddr" ] && usleep 300000 i_timeout=`expr $i_timeout + 1` if [ "$i_timeout" -gt 2 ] ; then break fi done is_ipv4_address "$ipaddr" && echo "$ipaddr" } resolve_hostname6() { ipaddr="" i_timeout=1 while [ -z "$ipaddr" ]; do ipaddr=$($resolver_func -6 "$1") [ -z "$ipaddr" ] && usleep 300000 i_timeout=`expr $i_timeout + 1` if [ "$i_timeout" -gt 2 ] ; then break fi done is_ipv6_address "$ipaddr" && echo "$ipaddr" } resolve_svraddr() { update_dnsmasq_file if [ "$uid_owner" == "0" ] && [ "$gid_owner" == "0" ] ; then while read svraddr; do [ -z "$svraddr" ] && continue [ ! -z "$(echo $svraddr | grep$(echo $svraddr | grep$(echo $svraddr | grep$(echo $svraddr | grep" ] && continue [ ! -z "$(cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- | grep "$svraddr")" ] && continue if is_true "$ipv4"; then is_ipv6_address "$svraddr" && continue is_ipv4_address "$svraddr" && svrip_all="$svraddr" || svrip_all=$(resolve_hostname4 "$svraddr") is_ipv4_address "$svrip_all" && [ -z "$(grep $svrip_all $proxy_svraddr4)" ] && echo "$svrip_all" >> $proxy_svraddr4 fi if is_true "$ipv6"; then is_ipv4_address "$svraddr" && continue is_ipv6_address "$svraddr" && svrip_all="$svraddr" || svrip_all=$(resolve_hostname6 "$svraddr") is_ipv6_address "$svrip_all" && [ -z "$(grep $svrip_all $proxy_svraddr6)" ] && echo "$svrip_all" >> $proxy_svraddr6 fi done < $proxy_all_svraddr fi #ipset destroy $setname &>/dev/null ipset flush proxyaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush proxyaddr6 &>/dev/null ipset flush localaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush localaddr6 &>/dev/null ipset flush privaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush privaddr6 &>/dev/null echo "create proxyaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create proxyaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create chnroute hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create chnroute6 hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet6 create gfwlist hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create gfwlist6 hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet6 create adbybylist hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create localaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create localaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create privaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create privaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_dns_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_dns_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_ac hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_ac6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_gfw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_gfw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_chn hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_chn6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_mac_ac hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_bp hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_fw hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_gfw hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_chn hash:mac hashsize 64" | while read sstp_name; do ipset -! $sstp_name ; done ipset flush proxyaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush proxyaddr6 &>/dev/null proxy_svripv4="$(cat $proxy_svraddr4)" [ ! -z "$proxy_svripv4" ] && { for svr_ip in $proxy_svripv4; do echo "-A proxyaddr $svr_ip"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null ; } proxy_svripv6="$(cat $proxy_svraddr6)" [ ! -z "$proxy_svripv6" ] && { for svr_ip in $proxy_svripv6; do echo "-A proxyaddr6 $svr_ip"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null ; } ipset flush localaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush localaddr6 &>/dev/null ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d "addr:" | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A localaddr $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null ifconfig -a | grep inet6 | awk '{print $3}' | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A localaddr6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null ipset flush privaddr &>/dev/null ipset flush privaddr6 &>/dev/null for priv_ip in $IPV4_RESERVED_IPADDRS; do echo "-A privaddr $priv_ip"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_ignlist_ext | grep -E "^-" | cut -c2- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A privaddr $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null for priv_ip in $IPV6_RESERVED_IPADDRS; do echo "-A privaddr6 $priv_ip"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_ignlist_ext | grep -E "^~" | cut -c2- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A privaddr6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null } waiting_network() { [ -z "$1" ] && return is_ipv4_address "$1" && ping_cmd="$ping4" || ping_cmd="$ping6" until $ping_cmd -nq -c1 -W1 "$1" >/dev/null; do echo "waiting for network available..." sleep 1 done } load_pidfile() { source "$file_dnsserver_pid" || log_error "load pidfile failed, exit-code: $?" } update_pidfile() { echo "update_pidfile" # echo "status_dnsmasq_pid=$status_dnsmasq_pid" >$file_dnsserver_pid # echo "status_chinadns_pid=$status_chinadns_pid" >$file_dnsserver_pid # echo "status_dns2tcp4_pid=$status_dns2tcp4_pid" >>$file_dnsserver_pid # echo "status_dns2tcp6_pid=$status_dns2tcp6_pid" >>$file_dnsserver_pid } delete_pidfile() { rm -f $file_dnsserver_pid &>/dev/null } load_config() { if ! file_is_exists "$ss_tproxy_config"; then log_error "file not found: $ss_tproxy_config" else source "$ss_tproxy_config" $arguments || log_error "load config failed, exit-code: $?" fi for optentry in $optentries; do eval "$optentry"; done [ -z "$uid_owner" ] && uid_owner="0" [ -z "$gid_owner" ] && gid_owner="0" # MODE_TARGET if is_global_mode; then MODE_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" fi if is_chnroute_mode; then MODE_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_CHN" GFWLIST_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" CHN_TARGET="RETURN" CHN_WAN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" fi if is_gfwlist_mode; then MODE_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_GFW" GFWLIST_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" CHN_TARGET="RETURN" CHN_WAN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" fi if is_chnlist_mode; then MODE_TARGET="SSTP_GFW_CHN" GFWLIST_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" CHN_TARGET="SSTP_WAN_FW" CHN_WAN_TARGET="RETURN" fi # update_wanlanlist_ipset 规则处理标签 if is_true "$ipv4" && is_true "$ipv6"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist,gfwlist6" sstp_dst_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_fw,sstp_dst_fw6" sstp_dst_dns_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw,sstp_dst_dns_fw6" sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_bp,sstp_dst_bp6" elif is_true "$ipv4"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist" sstp_dst_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_fw" sstp_dst_dns_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw" sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_bp" else gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist6" sstp_dst_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_fw6" sstp_dst_dns_fw_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw6" sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_bp6" fi if is_chnlist_mode; then # 回国模式 反转 wanlist 规则, china DNS 需要走代理 dst_fw_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname" dst_dns_fw_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname" dst_bp_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_fw_ipset_setname" dst4_fw_type="sstp_dst_bp" dst6_fw_type="sstp_dst_bp6" dst4_dns_fw_type="sstp_dst_bp" dst6_dns_fw_type="sstp_dst_bp6" dst4_bp_type="sstp_dst_fw" dst6_bp_type="sstp_dst_fw6" dns4_fw_type="$dns_direct" dns6_fw_type="$dns_direct6" dns4_bp_type="$dns_remote" dns6_bp_type="$dns_remote6" chinadns_ng_trust_dns4="$dns_direct" chinadns_ng_trust_dns6="$dns_direct6" chinadns_ng_china_dns4="$dns_remote" chinadns_ng_china_dns6="$dns_remote6" else # 正常走代理模式 dst_fw_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_fw_ipset_setname" dst_dns_fw_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_dns_fw_ipset_setname" dst_bp_ipset_type="$sstp_dst_bp_ipset_setname" dst4_fw_type="sstp_dst_fw" dst6_fw_type="sstp_dst_fw6" dst4_dns_fw_type="sstp_dst_dns_fw" dst6_dns_fw_type="sstp_dst_dns_fw6" dst4_bp_type="sstp_dst_bp" dst6_bp_type="sstp_dst_bp6" dns4_fw_type="" dns6_fw_type="$dns_remote6" dns4_bp_type="$dns_direct" dns6_bp_type="$dns_direct6" chinadns_ng_trust_dns4="$dns_remote" chinadns_ng_trust_dns6="$dns_remote6" chinadns_ng_china_dns4="$dns_direct" chinadns_ng_china_dns6="$dns_direct6" fi #dns wan_dnsenable_x="$(nvram get wan_dnsenable_x)" [ "$wan_dnsenable_x" == "1" ] && DNS_china=`nvram get wan0_dns |cut -d ' ' -f1` [ "$wan_dnsenable_x" != "1" ] && DNS_china=`nvram get wan_dns1_x |cut -d ' ' -f1` [ -z "$DNS_china" ] && DNS_china="$dns_direct" chinadns_ng_8953="`nvram get app_1`" [ -z $chinadns_ng_8953 ] && chinadns_ng_8953=0 && nvram set app_1=0 chinadns_ng_enable=`nvram get app_102` [ -z $chinadns_ng_enable ] && chinadns_ng_enable=0 && nvram set app_102=0 chinadns_port=`nvram get app_6` [ -z $chinadns_port ] && chinadns_port=8053 && nvram set app_6=8053 if [ "$chinadns_port" != "8053" ] && [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" = "3" ] ; then chinadns_ng_enable=2 fi smartdns_enable="`nvram get app_106`" [ -z $smartdns_enable ] && smartdns_enable=0 && nvram set app_106=0 # ss_tproxy 配置文件的配置参数覆盖 web 的配置参数 dns_start_dnsproxy=`nvram get app_112` [ -z $dns_start_dnsproxy ] && dns_start_dnsproxy=0 && nvram set app_112=0 [ ! -z "$ext_dns_start_dnsproxy" ] && dns_start_dnsproxy="$ext_dns_start_dnsproxy" ss_dnsproxy_x=`nvram get ss_dnsproxy_x` [ -z $ss_dnsproxy_x ] && ss_dnsproxy_x=0 && nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=0 [ ! -z "$ext_ss_dnsproxy_x" ] && ss_dnsproxy_x="$ext_ss_dnsproxy_x" ss_pdnsd_all=`nvram get ss_pdnsd_all` [ -z $ss_pdnsd_all ] && ss_pdnsd_all=0 && nvram set ss_pdnsd_all=0 [ ! -z "$ext_ss_pdnsd_all" ] && ss_pdnsd_all="$ext_ss_pdnsd_all" ss_pdnsd_cn_all=`nvram get app_113` [ -z $ss_pdnsd_cn_all ] && ss_pdnsd_cn_all=0 && nvram set app_113=0 [ ! -z "$ext_ss_pdnsd_cn_all" ] && ss_pdnsd_cn_all="$ext_ss_pdnsd_cn_all" output_return=`nvram get app_114` [ -z $output_return ] && output_return=0 && nvram set app_114=0 [ ! -z "$ext_output_return" ] && output_return="$ext_output_return" output_udp_return=`nvram get ss_udp_enable` [ -z $output_udp_return ] && output_udp_return=0 && nvram set ss_udp_enable=0 [ ! -z "$ext_output_udp_return" ] && output_udp_return="$ext_output_udp_return" ss_all_udp=`nvram get app_81` [ -z $ss_all_udp ] && ss_all_udp=0 && nvram set app_81=0 [ ! -z "$ext_ss_all_udp" ] && ss_all_udp="$ext_ss_all_udp" } check_config() { file_is_exists "$file_gfwlist_txt" || log_error "file not found: $file_gfwlist_txt" file_is_exists "$file_gfwlist_ext" || log_error "file not found: $file_gfwlist_ext" file_is_exists "$file_ignlist_ext" || log_error "file not found: $file_ignlist_ext" file_is_exists "$file_chnroute_set" || log_error "file not found: $file_chnroute_set" file_is_exists "$file_chnroute6_set" || log_error "file not found: $file_chnroute6_set" #file_is_exists "$file_dnsserver_pid" && load_pidfile { ! is_global_mode && ! is_gfwlist_mode && ! is_chnroute_mode && ! is_chnlist_mode; } && log_error "the value of the mode option is invalid: $mode" { is_false "$ipv4" && is_false "$ipv6"; } && log_error "both ipv4 and ipv6 are disabled, nothing to do" [ -z "$proxy_svrport" ] && log_error "the value of the proxy_svrport option is empty: $proxy_svrport" #if [ "$uid_owner" == "0" ] && [ "$gid_owner" == "0" ] ; then #[ -z "$(cat $proxy_svraddr4)" ] && [ -z "$(cat $proxy_svraddr6)" ] && log_error "both proxy_svraddr4 and proxy_svraddr6 are empty" #fi command_is_exists 'ipset' || log_error "command not found: ipset" command_is_exists 'dnsmasq' || log_error "command not found: dnsmasq" is_need_iproute && { command_is_exists 'ip' || log_error "command not found: ip"; } is_true "$ipv4" && { command_is_exists 'iptables' || log_error "command not found: iptables"; } is_true "$ipv6" && { command_is_exists 'ip6tables' || log_error "command not found: ip6tables"; } # is_chnroute_mode && { command_is_exists 'chinadns_ng' || log_error "command not found: chinadns_ng"; } # ! is_enabled_udp && { command_is_exists "dns2tcp" || log_error "command not found: dns2tcp"; } case "$opts_ss_netstat" in auto) if command_is_exists 'ss'; then netstat='ss' elif command_is_exists 'netstat'; then netstat='netstat' else log_error "command not found: ss/netstat" fi ;; ss) command_is_exists 'ss' && netstat='ss' || log_error "command not found: ss" ;; netstat) command_is_exists 'netstat' && netstat='netstat' || log_error "command not found: netstat" ;; *) log_error "the value of the opts_ss_netstat option is invalid: $opts_ss_netstat" ;; esac case "$opts_ping_cmd_to_use" in auto) if command_is_exists 'ping' && command_is_exists 'ping6'; then ping4='ping'; ping6='ping6' elif command_is_exists 'ping'; then ping4='ping -4'; ping6='ping -6' else log_error "command not found: ping/ping6" fi ;; standalone) { command_is_exists 'ping' && command_is_exists 'ping6'; } && { ping4='ping'; ping6='ping6'; } || log_error "command not found: ping/ping6" ;; parameter) command_is_exists 'ping' && { ping4='ping -4'; ping6='ping -6'; } || log_error "command not found: ping" ;; *) log_error "the value of the opts_ping_cmd_to_use option is invalid: $opts_ping_cmd_to_use" ;; esac case "$opts_hostname_resolver" in auto) if command_is_exists 'nslookup' || command_is_exists 'wget' || command_is_exists 'curl' ; then resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_doh' elif command_is_exists 'dig'; then resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_dig' elif command_is_exists 'getent'; then resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_getent' elif command_is_exists 'ping'; then resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_ping' else log_error "command not found: nslookup/wget/curl/dig/getent/ping" fi ;; doh) if command_is_exists 'nslookup' || command_is_exists 'wget' || command_is_exists 'curl' ; then resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_doh' else log_error "command not found: nslookup/wget/curl" fi ;; dig) command_is_exists 'dig' && resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_dig' || log_error "command not found: dig" ;; getent) command_is_exists 'getent' && resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_getent' || log_error "command not found: getent" ;; ping) command_is_exists 'ping' && resolver_func='resolve_hostname_by_ping' || log_error "command not found: ping" ;; *) log_error "the value of the opts_hostname_resolver option is invalid: $opts_hostname_resolver" ;; esac } gfwlist_txt_append_domain_names() { printf "cn2qq.com\ngithub.io\ngithub.com\nrawgit.com\nrawgithub.com\ngithubusercontent.com\ngoogleapis.cn\ngoogleapis.com\n" printf "twimg.edgesuite.net\nv2fly.org\nv2ray.com\n" printf "blogspot.ae\nblogspot.al\nblogspot.am\nblogspot.ba\nblogspot.be\nblogspot.bg\nblogspot.bj\nblogspot.ca\nblogspot.cat\nblogspot.cf\nblogspot.ch\nblogspot.cl\nblogspot.co.at\nblogspot.co.id\nblogspot.co.il\nblogspot.co.ke\nblogspot.com\nblogspot.com.ar\nblogspot.com.au\nblogspot.com.br\nblogspot.com.by\nblogspot.com.co\nblogspot.com.cy\nblogspot.com.ee\nblogspot.com.eg\nblogspot.com.es\nblogspot.com.mt\nblogspot.com.ng\nblogspot.com.tr\nblogspot.com.uy\nblogspot.co.nz\nblogspot.co.uk\nblogspot.co.za\nblogspot.cv\nblogspot.cz\nblogspot.de\nblogspot.dk\nblogspot.fi\nblogspot.fr\nblogspot.gr\nblogspot.hk\nblogspot.hr\nblogspot.hu\nblogspot.ie\nblogspot.in\nblogspot.is\nblogspot.it\nblogspot.jp\nblogspot.kr\nblogspot.li\nblogspot.lt\nblogspot.lu\nblogspot.md\nblogspot.mk\nblogspot.mr\nblogspot.mx\nblogspot.my\nblogspot.nl\nblogspot.no\nblogspot.pe\nblogspot.pt\nblogspot.qa\nblogspot.re\nblogspot.ro\nblogspot.rs\nblogspot.ru\nblogspot.se\nblogspot.sg\nblogspot.si\nblogspot.sk\nblogspot.sn\nblogspot.td\nblogspot.tw\nblogspot.ug\nblogspot.vn\n" printf "google.ac\ngoogle.ad\ngoogle.ae\ngoogle.al\ngoogle.am\ngoogle.as\ngoogle.at\ngoogle.az\ngoogle.ba\ngoogle.be\ngoogle.bf\ngoogle.bg\ngoogle.bi\ngoogle.bj\ngoogle.bs\ngoogle.bt\ngoogle.by\ngoogle.ca\ngoogle.cat\ngoogle.cc\ngoogle.cd\ngoogle.cf\ngoogle.cg\ngoogle.ch\ngoogle.ci\ngoogle.cl\ngoogle.cm\ngoogle.cn\ngoogle.co.ao\ngoogle.co.bw\ngoogle.co.ck\ngoogle.co.cr\ngoogle.co.id\ngoogle.co.il\ngoogle.co.in\ngoogle.co.jp\ngoogle.co.ke\ngoogle.co.kr\ngoogle.co.ls\ngoogle.com\ngoogle.co.ma\ngoogle.com.af\ngoogle.com.ag\ngoogle.com.ai\ngoogle.com.ar\ngoogle.com.au\ngoogle.com.bd\ngoogle.com.bh\ngoogle.com.bn\ngoogle.com.bo\ngoogle.com.br\ngoogle.com.bz\ngoogle.com.co\ngoogle.com.cu\ngoogle.com.cy\ngoogle.com.do\ngoogle.com.ec\ngoogle.com.eg\ngoogle.com.et\ngoogle.com.fj\ngoogle.com.gh\ngoogle.com.gi\ngoogle.com.gt\ngoogle.com.hk\ngoogle.com.jm\ngoogle.com.kh\ngoogle.com.kw\ngoogle.com.lb\ngoogle.com.lc\ngoogle.com.ly\ngoogle.com.mm\ngoogle.com.mt\ngoogle.com.mx\ngoogle.com.my\ngoogle.com.na\ngoogle.com.nf\ngoogle.com.ng\ngoogle.com.ni\ngoogle.com.np\ngoogle.com.om\ngoogle.com.pa\ngoogle.com.pe\ngoogle.com.pg\ngoogle.com.ph\ngoogle.com.pk\ngoogle.com.pr\ngoogle.com.py\ngoogle.com.qa\ngoogle.com.sa\ngoogle.com.sb\ngoogle.com.sg\ngoogle.com.sl\ngoogle.com.sv\ngoogle.com.tj\ngoogle.com.tr\ngoogle.com.tw\ngoogle.com.ua\ngoogle.com.uy\ngoogle.com.vc\ngoogle.com.vn\ngoogle.co.mz\ngoogle.co.nz\ngoogle.co.th\ngoogle.co.tz\ngoogle.co.ug\ngoogle.co.uk\ngoogle.co.uz\ngoogle.co.ve\ngoogle.co.vi\ngoogle.co.za\ngoogle.co.zm\ngoogle.co.zw\ngoogle.cv\ngoogle.cz\ngoogle.de\ngoogle.dj\ngoogle.dk\ngoogle.dm\ngoogle.dz\ngoogle.ee\ngoogle.es\ngoogle.fi\ngoogle.fm\ngoogle.fr\ngoogle.ga\ngoogle.ge\ngoogle.gf\ngoogle.gg\ngoogle.gl\ngoogle.gm\ngoogle.gp\ngoogle.gr\ngoogle.gy\ngoogle.hn\ngoogle.hr\ngoogle.ht\ngoogle.hu\ngoogle.ie\ngoogle.im\ngoogle.io\ngoogle.iq\ngoogle.is\ngoogle.it\ngoogle.je\ngoogle.jo\ngoogle.kg\ngoogle.ki\ngoogle.kz\ngoogle.la\ngoogle.li\ngoogle.lk\ngoogle.lt\ngoogle.lu\ngoogle.lv\ngoogle.md\ngoogle.me\ngoogle.mg\ngoogle.mk\ngoogle.ml\ngoogle.mn\ngoogle.ms\ngoogle.mu\ngoogle.mv\ngoogle.mw\ngoogle.ne\ngoogle.net\ngoogle.nl\ngoogle.no\ngoogle.nr\ngoogle.nu\ngoogle.org\ngoogle.pl\ngoogle.pn\ngoogle.ps\ngoogle.pt\ngoogle.ro\ngoogle.rs\ngoogle.ru\ngoogle.rw\ngoogle.sc\ngoogle.se\ngoogle.sh\ngoogle.si\ngoogle.sk\ngoogle.sm\ngoogle.sn\ngoogle.so\ngoogle.sr\ngoogle.st\ngoogle.td\ngoogle.tg\ngoogle.tk\ngoogle.tl\ngoogle.tm\ngoogle.tn\ngoogle.to\ngoogle.tt\ngoogle.vg\ngoogle.vu\ngoogle.ws\n" } update_gfwlist() { update_gfwlist_file update_gfwlist_ipset update_chinadns_ng_ipset return } update_gfwlist_file() { logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "开始下载更新 gfwlist 文件...." mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule tmp_base64_gfwlist="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_base64_gfwlist.txt" tmp_gfwlist="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_gfwlist.txt" tmp_down_file="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_gfwlist_tmp.txt" rm -f $tmp_gfwlist $tmp_down_file $tmp_base64_gfwlist echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_ip.txt echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt ss_3p_enable=`nvram get ss_3p_enable` if [ "$ss_3p_enable" = "1" ] ; then ss_3p_gfwlist=`nvram get ss_3p_gfwlist` if [ "$ss_3p_gfwlist" = "1" ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "正在获取官方 gfwlist...." url='https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/gfwlist/gfwlist/gfwlist.txt' raw_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt' wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_base64_gfwlist "$url" "$raw_url" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_base64_gfwlist ] && [ -z "$(cat $tmp_base64_gfwlist | grep -Eo [^A-Za-z0-9+/=]+ | tr -d "\n")" ] ; then dos2unix $tmp_base64_gfwlist sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' -i $tmp_base64_gfwlist sed -e 's@$@====@g' -i $tmp_base64_gfwlist cat $tmp_base64_gfwlist | base64 -d > $tmp_down_file rm -f $tmp_base64_gfwlist [ -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep google )" ] && { rm -f $tmp_down_file ; logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "错误!!!找不到 google ,base64 解码官方 gfwlist 数据不完整" ; } [ -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep '\-\-\-EOF\-\-\-' )" ] && { rm -f $tmp_down_file ; logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "错误!!! 找不到 EOF , base64 解码官方 gfwlist 数据不完整" ; } if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then # blacklist cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed '/^$\|@@/d'| sed 's#!.\+##; s#|##g; s#@##g; s#http:\/\/##; s#https:\/\/##;' | sed '/\*/d; /apple\.com/d; /sina\.cn/d; /sina\.com\.cn/d; /baidu\.com/d; /byr\.cn/d; /weibo\.com/d; /zhongsou\.com/d; /youdao\.com/d; /sogou\.com/d; /so\.com/d; /soso\.com/d; /aliyun\.com/d; /taobao\.com/d; /jd\.com/d; /qq\.com/d; /iqiyi\.com/d;' | sed '/^[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$/d' | grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z\.-]\+$' | grep '\.' | sed 's#^\.\+##' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d; s/comUSA/com/g;' | sort -u >> $tmp_gfwlist # whitelist cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed '/^$/d'| grep '^@@.\+$' | sed 's#@##g; s#|##g; s#http:\/\/##; s#https:\/\/##;' | sed '/^[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$/d' | grep '^[0-9a-zA-Z\.-]\+$' | grep '\.' | sed 's#^\.\+##' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d; s/comUSA/com/g;' | sort -u | sed '/^$/d' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt printf "sina.cn\nsina.com.cn\nbaidu.com\nbyr.cn\n\nweibo.com\nzhongsou.com\nyoudao.com\nsogou.com\nso.com\nsoso.com\naliyun.com\ntaobao.com\njd.com\nqq.com\niqiyi.com\ngoogle.cn\n" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt fi else logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "错误!!!获取官方 gfwlist 下载失败" fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_3p_kool=`nvram get ss_3p_kool` if [ "$ss_3p_kool" = "1" ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "正在获取 koolshare 列表...." url='https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/hq450/fancyss/rules/gfwlist.conf' raw_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hq450/fancyss/master/rules/gfwlist.conf' wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$url" "$raw_url" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | sed 's/ipset=\/\.//g; s/\/gfwlist//g; /^server/d' >> $tmp_gfwlist fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_sub5=`nvram get ss_sub5` if [ ! -z "$ss_sub5" ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "正在获取 GFW 自定义域名 列表...." wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file $ss_sub5 $ss_sub5 Y if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep -Eo [^A-Za-z0-9+/=]+ | tr -d "\n")" ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | sed 's/ipset=\/\.//g; s/\/gfwlist//g; /^server/d' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' >> $tmp_gfwlist else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!!获取 GFW 自定义域名 列表 下载失败" fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi if [ ! -s $tmp_gfwlist ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "加入 固件内置list规则 列表...." rm -f /etc/storage/basedomain.txt tar -xzvf /etc_ro/basedomain.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt ln -sf /tmp/basedomain.txt /etc/storage/basedomain.txt [ -s /etc/storage/basedomain.txt ] && cat /etc/storage/basedomain.txt | sort -u >> $tmp_gfwlist fi ss_sub1=`nvram get ss_sub1` if [ "$ss_sub1" = "1" ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "处理订阅列表1....海外加速" url='/list.txt' wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile$url" "$hiboyfile2$url" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | sed 's/ipset=\/\.//g; s/\/gfwlist//g; /^server/d' >> $tmp_gfwlist fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_sub2=`nvram get ss_sub2` if [ "$ss_sub2" = "1" ] ; then #处理只做dns解释的域名 logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "处理订阅列表2....处理只做dns解释的域名" url='/dnsonly.txt' wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile$url" "$hiboyfile2$url" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | sed 's/ipset=\/\.//g; s/\/gfwlist//g; /^server/d' > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_sub3=`nvram get ss_sub3` if [ "$ss_sub3" = "1" ] ; then #处理需要排除的域名解释 logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "处理订阅列表3....处理需要排除的域名解释" url='/passby.txt' wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile$url" "$hiboyfile2$url" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | sed 's/ipset=\/\.//g; s/\/gfwlist//g; /^server/d' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_sub6=`nvram get ss_sub6` if [ ! -z "$ss_sub6" ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "正在获取 GFW IP 列表...." wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file $ss_sub6 $ss_sub6 Y if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep -Eo [^A-Za-z0-9+/=]+ | tr -d "\n")" ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9/]+' > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_ip.txt else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!!获取 GFW IP 列表 下载失败" fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi fi if [ ! -s $tmp_gfwlist ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "加入 固件内置list规则 列表...." rm -f /etc/storage/basedomain.txt tar -xzvf /etc_ro/basedomain.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt ln -sf /tmp/basedomain.txt /etc/storage/basedomain.txt [ -s /etc/storage/basedomain.txt ] && cat /etc/storage/basedomain.txt | sort -u >> $tmp_gfwlist fi rm -f $tmp_down_file # 临时添加的域名 echo "whatsapp.net" >> $tmp_gfwlist gfwlist_txt_append_domain_names >> $tmp_gfwlist # 添加自定义黑名单 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- | while read domain_addr; do echo "$domain_addr" >> $tmp_gfwlist; done #删除忽略的域名 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@b" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp $tmp_gfwlist cat /etc/storage/shadowsocks_mydomain_script.sh | sed '/^$\|#/d' | sed "s/http://g" | sed "s/https://g" | sed "s/\///g" | sort -u >> $tmp_gfwlist cat $tmp_gfwlist |grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' > $file_gfwlist_txt sed -e '/^$/d' -i $file_gfwlist_txt dos2unix $file_gfwlist_txt logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "完成下载 gfwlist 文件" rm -f $tmp_gfwlist rm -f /etc/storage/basedomain.txt ln -sf $file_gfwlist_txt /etc/storage/basedomain.txt } update_md5_check() { md5_file=/opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/$1.md5 shift touch "$@" md5_check="NOT" # 检测配置文件变化,不匹配则进行更新ipset if [ ! -s "$md5_file" ] ; then md5sum "$@" $ss_tproxy_config /opt/app/ss_tproxy/ss_tproxy > $md5_file return 1 fi md5sum -s -c $md5_file if [ "$?" == "0" ] ; then md5_check="OK" return 0 else md5sum "$@" $ss_tproxy_config /opt/app/ss_tproxy/ss_tproxy > $md5_file md5_check="NOT" return 1 fi } update_cflist_ipset() { touch $1 $2 a_ipset_conf=$1 b_ipset_conf=$2 # [a =>> b] 重复的 ipset 规则合并 # 把 a 文件 [ipset=/opt.cn2qq.com/adbybylist] # 合并到已存在的 b 文件 [ipset=/opt.cn2qq.com/gfwlist] # 得到 b 文件 [ipset=/opt.cn2qq.com/gfwlist,adbybylist] if [ -s $a_ipset_conf ] ; then echo "$(awk -F '/' '\ NR==FNR{\ alist=$3 if($1 == "ipset=") {\ a[$2]++\ }\ }\ NR>FNR{\ if($1 == "ipset=") {\ if($2 in a) {\ if($0 ~ alist) {\ print $0}\ else{\ print $0","alist}\ }\ else{\ print $0}\ }\ else{\ print $0 }\ }' $a_ipset_conf $b_ipset_conf)" > $b_ipset_conf echo "$(awk -F '/' '\ NR==FNR{\ if($1 == "ipset=") {\ a[$2]++\ }\ }\ NR>FNR{\ if($1 == "ipset=") {\ if(!($2 in a)) {\ print $0}\ }\ else{\ print $0 }\ }' $b_ipset_conf $a_ipset_conf)" >> $b_ipset_conf fi } update_chinadns_ng_ipset() { if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" != "1" ] ; then return fi mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule if is_true "$ipv4" && is_true "$ipv6"; then chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist,gfwlist6" chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname="chnroute,chnroute6" chinadns_ng_black_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_fw,sstp_dst_fw6" chinadns_ng_white_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_bp,sstp_dst_bp6" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null ipset -! create chnroute hash:net family inet ipset -! create chnroute6 hash:net family inet6 ipset -! sstp_dst_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet ipset -! sstp_dst_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 ipset -! create sstp_dst_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet ipset -! create sstp_dst_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 elif is_true "$ipv4"; then chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist,null" chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname="chnroute,null" chinadns_ng_black_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_fw,null" chinadns_ng_white_ipset_setname="sstp_dst_bp,null" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null ipset -! create chnroute hash:net family inet ipset -! sstp_dst_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet ipset -! create sstp_dst_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet else chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname="null,gfwlist6" chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname="null,chnroute6" chinadns_ng_black_ipset_setname="null,sstp_dst_fw6" chinadns_ng_white_ipset_setname="null,sstp_dst_bp6" ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null ipset -! create chnroute6 hash:net family inet6 ipset -! sstp_dst_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 ipset -! create sstp_dst_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 fi chinadns_ng_2_usage=" --no-ipv6 tag:gfw " if [ "$chinadns_ng_8953" = "1" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chinadns_ng_ipset】" "第三方 DNS 前套娃一个 chinadns_ng" chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage -b -l 8953 " chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4="" else chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage -b -l 8053 " if [ "$smartdns_enable" == "1" ] && [ -s /etc/storage/app_23.sh ] ; then logger -t "【update_chinadns_ng_ipset】" "chinadns_ng + smartdns 做查询接口" chinadns_ng_china_dns4="" chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4="" else logger -t "【update_chinadns_ng_ipset】" "chinadns_ng 做查询接口" if [ "${chinadns_ng_trust_dns4}" = "" ] ; then chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4="tcp://""${chinadns_ng_trust_dns4}" else chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4="${chinadns_ng_trust_dns4}" fi fi fi if is_true "$ipv4"; then chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage --china-dns $chinadns_ng_china_dns4 --trust-dns $chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4 " fi if is_true "$ipv6"; then chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage --china-dns $chinadns_ng_china_dns6 --trust-dns $chinadns_ng_trust_dns6 " fi if is_global_mode; then # global if [ "$ss_pdnsd_cn_all" = "1" ] ; then # 1:不进行 China 域名加速 chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --chnlist-file /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_null.txt " echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_null.txt fi if [ "$ss_pdnsd_cn_all" = "0" ] ; then # 0:使用 8053 端口查询全部 DNS 时进行 China 域名加速 chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --chnlist-file /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt,/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt " fi chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --default-tag gfw \ --add-tagchn-ip $chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname \ --add-taggfw-ip $chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt elif is_gfwlist_mode; then # gfwlist chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --gfwlist-file $file_gfwlist_txt --default-tag chn \ --add-tagchn-ip $chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname \ --add-taggfw-ip $chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname " if [ ! -s $file_gfwlist_txt ] ; then logger -t "【update_chinadns_ng_ipset】" "错误!!!$file_gfwlist_txt 文件为空,使用 固件内置 /etc/storage/basedomain.txt 规则...." rm -f /etc/storage/basedomain.txt tar -xzvf /etc_ro/basedomain.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt ln -sf /tmp/basedomain.txt /etc/storage/basedomain.txt [ -s /etc/storage/basedomain.txt ] && cat /etc/storage/basedomain.txt | sort -u >> $file_gfwlist_txt gfwlist_txt_append_domain_names >> $file_gfwlist_txt fi elif is_chnroute_mode; then # chnroute chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --chnlist-file /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt,/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt \ --add-tagchn-ip $chinadns_ng_chnip_ipset_setname --chnlist-first \ --gfwlist-file $file_gfwlist_txt \ --add-taggfw-ip $chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname \ --ipset-name4 chnroute \ --ipset-name6 chnroute6 " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt elif is_chnlist_mode; then # 回国模式 反转 gfwlist chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage""\ --gfwlist-file /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt,/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt \ --add-taggfw-ip $chinadns_ng_gfwlist_ipset_setname " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt fi chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage"" --verdict-cache 1000 " # 域名解释加速 chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage"" --group dnsonly \ --group-dnl /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt \ --group-upstream $chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4 " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt # 需要忽略的域名处理 chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage"" --group passby \ --group-dnl /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt \ --group-upstream $DNS_china " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt # black chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage"" --group black \ --group-dnl /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt \ --group-upstream $chinadns_ng_trust_tcp_dns4 \ --group-ipset $chinadns_ng_black_ipset_setname " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt # white chinadns_ng_2_usage="$chinadns_ng_2_usage"" --group white \ --group-dnl /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt \ --group-upstream $chinadns_ng_china_dns4 \ --group-ipset $chinadns_ng_white_ipset_setname " touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt [ ! -z "$ext_chinadns_ng_usage" ] && chinadns_ng_2_usage="$ext_chinadns_ng_usage" rule_file="" for i in $(echo "$chinadns_ng_2_usage" | sed "s@,@\ @g") ; do [ -f "$i" ] && [ -s "$i" ] && rule_file="$rule_file"" $i" done nvram set gfwlist_list="chinadns_ng 规则 `cat $rule_file | wc -l` 行 Update:$(date "+%m-%d %H:%M")" nvram set app_2="$chinadns_ng_2_usage" if [ "$1" == "not_check" ] ; then return fi update_md5_check update_chinadns_ng_gfwlist_dns $file_gfwlist_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt if is_md5_not ; then chinadns_ng_status=0 && nvram set chinadns_ng_status=0 /etc/storage/script/Sh09_chinadns_ng.sh fi } update_gfwlist_ipset() { if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] ; then return fi mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d touch /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_ip.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt update_md5_check update_gfwlist_dns /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt if is_md5_not ; then echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.sub.conf if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt ] ; then is_true "$ipv4" && cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns4_fw_type"'\n", $1)}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.sub.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns.txt | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns6_fw_type"'\n", $1)}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.sub.conf fi if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt ] ; then is_true "$ipv4" && cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$DNS_china"'\n", $1)}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.sub.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_dns_b.txt | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns_direct6"'\n", $1)}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.sub.conf fi fi if [ ! -s $file_gfwlist_txt ] ; then logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "错误!!!$file_gfwlist_txt 文件为空,使用 固件内置 /etc/storage/basedomain.txt 规则...." rm -f /etc/storage/basedomain.txt tar -xzvf /etc_ro/basedomain.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt ln -sf /tmp/basedomain.txt /etc/storage/basedomain.txt [ -s /etc/storage/basedomain.txt ] && cat /etc/storage/basedomain.txt | sort -u >> $file_gfwlist_txt gfwlist_txt_append_domain_names >> $file_gfwlist_txt fi sed -e '/^$/d' -i $file_gfwlist_txt if ! is_chnlist_mode; then update_md5_check update_gfwlist_txt $file_gfwlist_txt logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "开始加载 gfwlist 规则...." if is_md5_not ; then echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf if [ -s $file_gfwlist_txt ] ; then # 开始构造dnsmasq.conf if is_true "$ipv4" && is_true "$ipv6"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist,gfwlist6" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null elif is_true "$ipv4"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null else gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist6" ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null fi gfwlist_conf="" export file_number=`wc -l $file_gfwlist_txt | awk -F'\ ' '{print $1}'` is_true "$ipv4" && logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv4 规则 0%" && gfwlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv4 规则.+/已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv4 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' $file_gfwlist_txt)" && echo "$gfwlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf gfwlist_conf="" is_true "$ipv6" && logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv6 规则 0%" && gfwlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns_remote6"'\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv6 规则.+/已经加载 gfwlist dns ipv6 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' $file_gfwlist_txt)" && echo "$gfwlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf gfwlist_conf="" logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "已经加载 gfwlist ipset 规则 0%" && gfwlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$gfwlist_ipset_setname"'\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 gfwlist ipset 规则.+/已经加载 gfwlist ipset 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' $file_gfwlist_txt)" && echo "$gfwlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf gfwlist_conf="" sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf nvram set gfwlist_list="gfwlist 规则 `cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf | wc -l` 行 Update:$(date "+%m-%d %H:%M")" logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "配置更新,完成加载 gfwlist 规则...." else logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "更新错误!!! $file_gfwlist_txt 规则为空...." fi else [ ! -s $file_gfwlist_txt ] && logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "匹配错误!!! $file_gfwlist_txt 规则为空...." logger -t "【update_gfwlist】" "配置匹配,完成加载 gfwlist 规则...." fi fi } update_chnlist() { [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] || [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "3" ] && update_chnlist_file [ "$ss_pdnsd_cn_all" != "1" ] && update_chnlist_file "chnlist_mini.txt" return } update_chnlist_file() { logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "开始下载更新 chnlist 文件...." mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule tmp_down_file="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_chnlist_tmp.txt" rm -f $tmp_down_file #url='https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/felixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list/accelerated-domains.china.conf' #raw_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/felixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list/master/accelerated-domains.china.conf' #wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$url" "$raw_url" N 5 if [ "$1" = 'chnlist_mini.txt' ] ; then chnlist_txt="chnlist_mini.txt" wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile/chinalist.txt" "$hiboyfile2/chinalist.txt" N 5 else chnlist_txt="chnlist.txt" wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile/accelerated-domains.china.conf" "$hiboyfile2/accelerated-domains.china.conf" N 5 fi sed -e "s@server=/@@g" -i $tmp_down_file sed -e 's@/.*@@g' -i $tmp_down_file printf "com.cn\nedu.cn\nnet.cn\norg.cn\ngov.cn\n" >> $tmp_down_file # 添加自定义白名单 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@b" | cut -c4- | while read domain_addr; do echo "$domain_addr" >> $tmp_down_file; done #删除忽略的域名 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/$chnlist_txt sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/$chnlist_txt #删除gfwlist的域名 awk_del_list $file_gfwlist_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/$chnlist_txt dos2unix /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/$chnlist_txt sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/$chnlist_txt logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "完成下载 $chnlist_txt 文件" rm -f $tmp_down_file } update_chnlist_ipset() { if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] ; then return fi mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt if is_chnlist_mode; then [ ! -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt ] && update_chnlist_file "chnlist_mini.txt" logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "开始加载 chnlist 规则(回国模式)...." update_md5_check update_chnlist1_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt if is_md5_not ; then echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt ] ; then # 开始构造dnsmasq.conf if is_true "$ipv4" && is_true "$ipv6"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist,gfwlist6" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null elif is_true "$ipv4"; then gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist" ipset -! create gfwlist hash:net family inet ipset flush gfwlist &>/dev/null else gfwlist_ipset_setname="gfwlist6" ipset -! create gfwlist6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush gfwlist6 &>/dev/null fi # 回国模式直接使用远端DNS走代理,停止使用 dnsproxy chnlist_conf="" export file_number=`wc -l /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt | awk -F'\ ' '{print $1}'` is_true "$ipv4" && logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "已经加载 chnlist dns ipv4 规则 0%" && chnlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns_remote"'\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 chnlist dns ipv4 规则.+/已经加载 chnlist dns ipv4 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt)" && echo "$chnlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf chnlist_conf="" is_true "$ipv6" && logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "已经加载 chnlist dns ipv6 规则 0%" && chnlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns_remote6"'\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 chnlist dns ipv6 规则.+/已经加载 chnlist dns ipv6 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt)" && echo "$chnlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf chnlist_conf="" logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "已经加载 chnlist ipset 规则 0%" && chnlist_conf="$(awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$gfwlist_ipset_setname"'\n", $1 )}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 chnlist ipset 规则.+/已经加载 chnlist ipset 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}' /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt)" && echo "$chnlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf chnlist_conf="" sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "配置更新,完成加载 chnlist 规则...." else logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "更新错误!!! /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt 规则为空...." fi else [ ! -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "匹配错误!!! /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist.txt 规则为空...." logger -t "【update_chnlist】" "配置匹配,完成加载 chnlist 规则...." fi else if [ "$ss_pdnsd_cn_all" != "1" ] ; then [ ! -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt ] && update_chnlist_file "chnlist_mini.txt" update_md5_check update_chnlist2_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt if is_md5_not ; then echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "加速国内 dns 访问" logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "开始加载 chnlist_mini 规则...." chnlist_conf="" export file_number=`cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt | sed -e 's@^cn$@com.cn@g' |sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' |wc -l|awk -F'\ ' '{print $1}'` is_true "$ipv4" && logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv4 规则 0%" && chnlist_conf="$(cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt | sed -e 's@^cn$@com.cn@g' | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/'"$DNS_china"'\n", $1)}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv4 规则.+/已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv4 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}')" && echo "$chnlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf chnlist_conf="" is_true "$ipv6" && logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv6 规则 0%" && chnlist_conf="$(cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt | sed -e 's@^cn$@com.cn@g' | sort -u | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g; /^$/d; /#/d' | awk 'BEGIN {c=0;a=1}{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns_direct6"'\n", $1)}{i++}{b=i/ENVIRON["file_number"]*10}{if(b>a){a++}}{if(c!=a){c=a;system("eval sed \\\"s/已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv6 规则.+/已经加载 chnlist_mini ipv6 规则 "c"0%/g\\\" -Ei /tmp/syslog.log")}}')" && echo "$chnlist_conf" >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf chnlist_conf="" logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "配置更新,完成加载 chnlist_mini 规则...." sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf else logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "更新错误!!! /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt 规则为空...." fi else [ ! -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "匹配错误!!! /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/chnlist_mini.txt 规则为空...." logger -t "【update_chnlist_mini】" "配置匹配,完成加载 chnlist_mini 规则...." fi else echo "" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/accelerated-domains.china.conf fi fi nvram set gfwlist_list="gfwlist 规则 `cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf | wc -l` 行 Update:$(date "+%m-%d %H:%M")" } update_chnroute() { update_chnroute_file update_chnroute_ipset return } update_chnroute6() { update_chnroute_file "ipv6" update_chnroute_ipset "ipv6" return } update_chnroute_file() { mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule tmp_chnroute="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_chnroute.txt" tmp_down_file="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/tmp_chnroute_tmp.txt" rm -f $tmp_chnroute $tmp_down_file if [ "$1" != "ipv6" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "开始下载更新 chnroute 文件...." #url='https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/17mon/china_ip_list/china_ip_list.txt' #wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$url" "$url" N 5 #if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then #echo "" >> $tmp_down_file #cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' >> $tmp_chnroute #fi #rm -f $tmp_down_file wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$hiboyfile/chnroute.txt" "$hiboyfile2/chnroute.txt" N 5 if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' >> $tmp_chnroute fi rm -f $tmp_down_file ss_sub7=`nvram get ss_sub7` if [ ! -z "$ss_sub7" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "正在获取 ① 大陆白名单 IP 下载地址...." wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file $ss_sub7 $ss_sub7 Y if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep -Eo [^A-Za-z0-9+/=]+ | tr -d "\n")" ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' >> $tmp_chnroute else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!!获取 ① 大陆白名单 IP 下载失败" fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi ss_sub8=`nvram get ss_sub8` if [ ! -z "$ss_sub8" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "正在获取 ② 大陆白名单 IP 下载地址...." wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file $ss_sub8 $ss_sub8 Y if [ -s $tmp_down_file ] && [ ! -z "$(cat $tmp_down_file | grep -Eo [^A-Za-z0-9+/=]+ | tr -d "\n")" ] ; then echo "" >> $tmp_down_file cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' >> $tmp_chnroute else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!!获取 ② 大陆白名单 IP 下载失败" fi rm -f $tmp_down_file fi rm -f $tmp_down_file if [ ! -s $tmp_chnroute ] ; then tar -xzvf /etc_ro/china_ip_list.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt [ -s /tmp/china_ip_list.txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!!下载文件为空,使用 固件内置 /etc_ro/china_ip_list.tgz 规则...." && cat /tmp/china_ip_list.txt > $tmp_chnroute fi # 添加自定义白名单 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^b" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "$ip_addr" >> $tmp_down_file; done cat $tmp_chnroute | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9/]+' > $file_chnroute_txt rm -f $tmp_chnroute rm -f /etc/storage/china_ip_list.txt ln -sf $file_chnroute_txt /etc/storage/china_ip_list.txt rm -f $tmp_down_file dos2unix $file_chnroute_txt logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "完成下载 chnroute 文件" fi if is_true "$ipv6" || [ "$1" == "ipv6" ] ; then rm -f $tmp_chnroute $tmp_down_file logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "开始下载更新 chnroute6 文件...." # wget --user-agent "$user_agent" -O- 'https://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest' | grep CN | grep ipv6 | awk -F'|' '{printf("%s/%d\n", $4, $5)}' > $tmp_down_file url="$hiboyfile/chnroute6.txt" wgetcurl_checkmd5 $tmp_down_file "$url" "$url" N 5 # 添加自定义白名单 cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^~b" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "$ip_addr" >> $tmp_down_file; done cat $tmp_down_file | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' > $file_chnroute6_txt rm -f $tmp_down_file dos2unix $file_chnroute6_txt logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "完成下载 chnroute6 文件" fi } update_chnroute_ipset() { mkdir -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule if [ ! -s $file_chnroute_txt ] ; then tar -xzvf /etc_ro/china_ip_list.tgz -C /tmp ; cd /opt [ -s /tmp/china_ip_list.txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "错误!!! $file_chnroute_txt 文件为空,使用 固件内置 /etc_ro/china_ip_list.tgz 规则...." && cat /tmp/china_ip_list.txt > $file_chnroute_txt fi rm -f /etc/storage/china_ip_list.txt ln -sf $file_chnroute_txt /etc/storage/china_ip_list.txt chnroute_list="chnroute规则`ipset list chnroute -t | awk -F: '/Number/{print $2}'` 行" chnroute6_list="chnroute6规则`ipset list chnroute6 -t | awk -F: '/Number/{print $2}'` 行" if [ "$1" != "ipv6" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "开始加载 chnroute 规则...." if is_true "$ipv4"; then echo "$chnroute_list" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute_list_Number update_md5_check update_chnroute_txt $file_chnroute_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute_list_Number if is_md5_not ; then if [ -s $file_chnroute_txt ] ; then ipset -! create chnroute hash:net family inet ipset flush chnroute &>/dev/null cat $file_chnroute_txt | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9/]+' | sed -e "s/^/-A chnroute &/g" | ipset -! restore chnroute_list="chnroute规则`ipset list chnroute -t | awk -F: '/Number/{print $2}'` 行" nvram set chnroute_list="$chnroute_list Update:$(date "+%m-%d %H:%M")" echo "$chnroute_list" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute_list_Number update_md5_check update_chnroute_txt $file_chnroute_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute_list_Number logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "配置更新,完成加载 chnroute 规则...." else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "更新错误!!! $file_chnroute_txt 规则为空...." fi else [ ! -s $file_chnroute_txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "匹配错误!!! $file_chnroute_txt 规则为空...." logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "配置匹配,完成加载 chnroute 规则...." fi else nvram set chnroute_list="$chnroute_list" fi fi if is_true "$ipv6" || [ "$1" == "ipv6" ] ; then logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "开始加载 chnroute6 规则...." echo "$chnroute6_list" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute6_list_Number update_md5_check update_chnroute6_txt $file_chnroute6_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute6_list_Number if is_md5_not ; then if [ -s $file_chnroute6_txt ] ; then ipset -! create chnroute6 hash:net family inet6 ipset flush chnroute6 &>/dev/null cat $file_chnroute6_txt | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | sed -e "s/^/-A chnroute6 &/g" | ipset -! restore chnroute6_list="chnroute6规则`ipset list chnroute6 -t | awk -F: '/Number/{print $2}'` 行" nvram set chnroute6_list="$chnroute6_list Update:$(date "+%m-%d %H:%M")" echo "$chnroute6_list" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute6_list_Number update_md5_check update_chnroute6_txt $file_chnroute6_txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/chnroute6_list_Number logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "配置更新,完成加载 chnroute6 规则...." else logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "更新跳过!!! $file_chnroute6_txt 规则为空...." fi else [ ! -s $file_chnroute6_txt ] && logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "匹配错误!!! $file_chnroute6_txt 规则为空...." logger -t "【update_chnroute】" "配置匹配,完成加载 chnroute6 规则...." fi else nvram set chnroute6_list="$chnroute6_list" fi } update_wanlanlist_ipset() { for setname in $(ipset -n list | grep -i "sstp_"); do ipset flush $setname &>/dev/null #ipset destroy $setname &>/dev/null done echo "create proxyaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create proxyaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create chnroute hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create chnroute6 hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet6 create gfwlist hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create gfwlist6 hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet6 create adbybylist hash:net hashsize 1024 family inet create localaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create localaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create privaddr hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create privaddr6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_dst_dns_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_dst_dns_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_ac hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_ac6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_bp hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_bp6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_fw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_fw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_gfw hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_gfw6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_src_chn hash:net hashsize 64 family inet create sstp_src_chn6 hash:net hashsize 64 family inet6 create sstp_mac_ac hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_bp hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_fw hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_gfw hash:mac hashsize 64 create sstp_mac_chn hash:mac hashsize 64" | while read sstp_name; do ipset -! $sstp_name ; done # Telegram IP 规则 echo "G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, " | grep -E "^G" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_dns_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null echo "~G,2001:b28:f23d::/48 ~G,2001:b28:f23f::/48 ~G,2001:67c:4e8::/48 ~G,2001:b28:f23c::/48 ~G,2a0a:f280::/32 " | grep -E "^~G" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst6_dns_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null # wanlist dst IP 规则 if is_true "$ipv4"; then cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^b" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_bp_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^g" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^G" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_dns_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null fi if is_true "$ipv6"; then cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^~b" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst6_bp_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^~g" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst6_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^~G" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst6_dns_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null fi if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_ip.txt ] ; then if is_true "$ipv4"; then cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/gfwlist_ip.txt | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9/]+' | sed -e "s/^/-A $dst4_fw_type &/g" | ipset -! restore fi fi # wanlist 域名 规则 if [ -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf ] ; then # 删除自定义黑名单 (黑名单不走 gfwlist) cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@G" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/awk_del_list_tmp /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf sed -e '/^$/d' -i /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf fi if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] ; then # 删除自定义黑名单 (黑名单不走 gfwlist) cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@G" | cut -c4- >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt $file_gfwlist_txt cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@b" | cut -c4- > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt awk_del_list /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt $file_gfwlist_txt fi if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" != "1" ] ; then # 添加自定义黑名单 (黑名单改走 sstp_dst_fw sstp_dst_dns_fw) is_true "$ipv4" && cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns4_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns6_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@g" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$dst_fw_ipset_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv4" && cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@G" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns4_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@G" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns6_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf cat $file_wanlist_ext | grep -E "^@G" | cut -c4- | awk '{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$dst_dns_fw_ipset_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf fi # smartdns IP 规则 if [ "$smartdns_enable" == "1" ] && [ -s /etc/storage/app_23.sh ] ; then touch /etc/storage/app_23.sh cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep office | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+' | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_dns_fw_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep china | grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+' | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $dst4_bp_type $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] ; then cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep office | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("%s\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/blacklist.txt cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep china | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("%s\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/rule/whitelist.txt fi if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "3" ] ; then is_true "$ipv4" && cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep office | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns4_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep office | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns6_fw_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep office | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$dst_dns_fw_ipset_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv4" && cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep china | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns4_bp_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf is_true "$ipv6" && cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep china | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("server=/%s/'"$dns6_bp_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf cat /etc/storage/app_23.sh | grep "^server" | grep china | grep -E -o 'https://.+/' | awk -F "/" '{print $3}' | awk '{printf("ipset=/%s/'"$dst_bp_ipset_type"'\n", $1 )}' >> /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf fi fi # lanlist src IP 规则 if is_true "$ipv4"; then cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^b" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_bp $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^g" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_fw $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^n" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_ac $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^1" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_chn $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^2" | cut -c3- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_gfw $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null fi if is_true "$ipv6"; then cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^~b" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_bp6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^~g" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_fw6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^~n" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_ac6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^~1" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_chn6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E "^~2" | cut -c4- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A sstp_src_gfw6 $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null fi # lanlist mac 规则 cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E '^@' | cut -c2- | while read mac_c; do mac="${mac_c:2}"; mac=$(echo $mac | sed s/://g| sed s/://g | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'); mac="${mac:0:2}:${mac:2:2}:${mac:4:2}:${mac:6:2}:${mac:8:2}:${mac:10:2}"; if [ ! -z "$mac" ] ; then case "${mac_c:0:1}" in n|N) ipset -! -A sstp_mac_ac $mac ;; g|G) ipset -! -A sstp_mac_fw $mac ;; b|B) ipset -! -A sstp_mac_bp $mac ;; 1) ipset -! -A sstp_mac_chn $mac ;; 2) ipset -! -A sstp_mac_gfw $mac ;; esac fi done is_true "$ipv4" && update_lanlist_mac "iptables" "nat" is_true "$ipv6" && update_lanlist_mac "ip6tables" "nat" is_enabled_udp && is_true "$ipv4" && update_lanlist_mac "iptables" "mangle" is_enabled_udp && is_true "$ipv6" && update_lanlist_mac "ip6tables" "mangle" # adbyby host 规则 update_cflist_ipset /tmp/adbyby_host.conf /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf update_dnsmasq_file } update_lanlist_mac() { cat $file_lanlist_ext | grep -E '^@' | cut -c2- | while read mac_c; do mac="${mac_c:2}"; mac=$(echo $mac | sed s/://g| sed s/://g | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'); mac="${mac:0:2}:${mac:2:2}:${mac:4:2}:${mac:6:2}:${mac:8:2}:${mac:10:2}"; if [ ! -z "$mac" ] ; then case "${mac_c:0:1}" in n|N) $1 -t $2 -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m mac --mac-source $mac -j SSTP_WAN_AC ;; g|G) $1 -t $2 -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m mac --mac-source $mac -j SSTP_WAN_FW ;; b|B) $1 -t $2 -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m mac --mac-source $mac -j RETURN ;; 1) $1 -t $2 -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m mac --mac-source $mac -j SSTP_WAN_CHN ;; 2) $1 -t $2 -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m mac --mac-source $mac -j SSTP_WAN_GFW ;; esac fi done } update_dnsmasq_file() { mkdir -p /tmp/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d rm -rf /tmp/ss/dnsmasq.d/* if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" != "1" ] ; then dnsmasq_file="$(ls -p /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d | grep -v tmp | grep -v /)" [ ! -z "$dnsmasq_file" ] && echo "$dnsmasq_file" | while read conf_file; do [ "$(cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/$conf_file | grep -c "server=\|ipset=")" != "0" ] && ln -sf /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/$conf_file /tmp/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/$conf_file ; done fi restart_on_dhcpd } update_check_file() { [ ! -f /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/update_check_time ] && echo -n "0" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/update_check_time if [ $(($(date "+1%m%d%H%M") - $(cat /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/update_check_time))) -ge 70000 ] || [ ! -s /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/update_check_time ] ; then echo "update_check_file 开始新的 update_file" echo -n "$(date "+1%m%d%H%M")" > /opt/app/ss_tproxy/tmp/update_check_time update_gfwlist update_chnroute update_chnlist update_wanlanlist_ipset else echo "update_check_file 间隔少于7天直接返回" return fi } start_dnsserver() { start_dnsserver_dnsproxy start_dnsserver_confset return } start_dnsserver_dnsproxy() { # 尝试使用 chinadns_ng 实现 gfwliste 分流 if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" = "0" ] || [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" = "1" ] ; then chinadns_ng_enable=1 && nvram set app_102=1 if [ -z "$(chinadns_ng -h 2>&1 | grep "group-ipset")" ] ; then rm -f /opt/bin/chinadns_ng i_app_get_cmd_file -name="chinadns_ng" -cmd="chinadns_ng" -cpath="/opt/bin/chinadns_ng" -down1="$hiboyfile/chinadns_ng" -down2="$hiboyfile2/chinadns_ng" -notrestart fi if [ -z "$(chinadns_ng -h 2>&1 | grep "group-ipset")" ] ; then chinadns_ng_enable=2 && nvram set app_102=2 [ "$ss_dnsproxy_x" = "2" ] && ss_dnsproxy_x=0 ; nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=0 fi fi # 自动开启第三方 DNS 程序(dnsproxy) if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" = "3" ] ; then ss_dnsproxy_x=2 ; nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=2 fi if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] ; then # 已有开启 8053 第三方 DNS 程序 [ "$dns_start_dnsproxy" = "0" ] && chinadns_ng_8953=0 && nvram set app_1=$chinadns_ng_8953 [ "$dns_start_dnsproxy" = "1" ] && chinadns_ng_8953=1 && nvram set app_1=$chinadns_ng_8953 update_chinadns_ng_ipset "not_check" ss_dnsproxy_x=2 ; nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=2 fi [ ! -z "$ext_ss_dnsproxy_x" ] && ss_dnsproxy_x="$ext_ss_dnsproxy_x" if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" == "1" ] && [ "$ss_dnsproxy_x" = "2" ] ; then logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "使用 chinadns_ng 实现 gfwliste 分流" logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "自动开启 ChinaDNS-NG 防止域名污染" /etc/storage/script/Sh09_chinadns_ng.sh start return 0 fi # 跳过自动开启第三方 DNS 程序 [ "$dns_start_dnsproxy" = "1" ] && return if is_chnlist_mode ; then # 回国模式直接使用远端DNS走代理,停止使用 dnsproxy return fi if [ "$ss_dnsproxy_x" = "0" ] ; then i_app_get_cmd_file -name="dnsproxy" -cmd="dnsproxy" -cpath="/opt/bin/dnsproxy" -down1="$hiboyfile/dnsproxy" -down2="$hiboyfile2/dnsproxy" -notrestart logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "启动 dnsproxy 防止域名污染" pidof dnsproxy >/dev/null 2>&1 && killall dnsproxy pidof pdnsd >/dev/null 2>&1 && killall pdnsd if [ -s /sbin/dnsproxy ] ; then /sbin/dnsproxy -d else dnsproxy -d fi [ ! -z "`pidof dnsproxy`" ] && return logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "错误 dnsproxy 没启动!" ss_dnsproxy_x=1 ; nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=1 fi if [ "$ss_dnsproxy_x" = "1" ] ; then i_app_get_cmd_file -name="pdnsd" -cmd="pdnsd" -cpath="/opt/bin/pdnsd" -down1="$hiboyfile/pdnsd" -down2="$hiboyfile2/pdnsd" -notrestart logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "启动 pdnsd 防止域名污染" pidof dnsproxy >/dev/null 2>&1 && killall dnsproxy pidof pdnsd >/dev/null 2>&1 && killall pdnsd pdnsd_conf="/etc/storage/pdnsd.conf" if [ ! -f "$pdnsd_conf" ] || [ ! -s "$pdnsd_conf" ] ; then cat > $pdnsd_conf <<-\END global { perm_cache=2048; cache_dir="/var/pdnsd"; run_as="nobody"; server_port = 8053; server_ip =; status_ctl = on; query_method=tcp_only; min_ttl=1m; max_ttl=1w; timeout=5; } server { label= "opendns"; ip =,; port = 443; root_server = on; uptest= none; } server { label= "google dns"; ip =,; port = 53; root_server = on; uptest= none; } END fi chmod 755 $pdnsd_conf CACHEDIR=/var/pdnsd CACHE=$CACHEDIR/pdnsd.cache USER=nobody GROUP=nogroup if ! test -f "$CACHE"; then mkdir -p `dirname $CACHE` dd if=/dev/zero of="$CACHE" bs=1 count=4 2> /dev/null chown -R $USER.$GROUP $CACHEDIR fi pdnsd -c $pdnsd_conf -p /var/run/pdnsd.pid & [ ! -z "`pidof pdnsd`" ] && return logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "错误 pdnsd 没启动!" ss_dnsproxy_x=2 ; nvram set ss_dnsproxy_x=2 fi if [ "$ss_dnsproxy_x" = "2" ] ; then chinadns_ng_enable=3 && nvram set app_102=3 logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "使用 chinadns_ng 实现 gfwliste 分流" logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "自动开启 ChinaDNS-NG 防止域名污染" /etc/storage/script/Sh09_chinadns_ng.sh start return 0 fi } start_dnsserver_confset() { if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" != "1" ] ; then sed -Ei '/no-resolv|server=|dns-forward-max=1000|min-cache-ttl=1800|ss_tproxy/d' /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf sed ":a;N;s/\n\n\n/\n\n/g;ba" -i /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf echo "#ss_tproxy" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf if [ "$ss_pdnsd_all" = "1" ] ; then cat >> "/etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf" <<-\EOF no-resolv #ss_tproxy server= #ss_tproxy EOF fi cat >> "/etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf" <<-\EOF dns-forward-max=1000 #ss_tproxy min-cache-ttl=1800 #ss_tproxy EOF if is_chnlist_mode; then # 回国模式直接使用远端DNS走代理,停止使用 dnsproxy sed -Ei "/server=" /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf # echo "#server= #ss_tproxy" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf echo "server=${dns_remote:=} #ss_tproxy" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf fi is_true "$ipv6" && echo "server=${dns_remote6:=2001:4860:4860::8888#53} #ss_tproxy" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf fi sed -Ei "/conf-dir=\/tmp\/ss\/dnsmasq.d/d" /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf sed -Ei "/conf-dir=\/opt\/app\/ss_tproxy\/dnsmasq.d/d" /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf sed -Ei "/conf-dir=\/tmp\/ss_tproxy\/dnsmasq.d/d" /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf mkdir -p $dnsmasq_conf_dir echo "$(for conf_dir_arg in $dnsmasq_conf_dir; do [ -d $conf_dir_arg ] && echo "conf-dir=$conf_dir_arg #ss_tproxy"; done)" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf echo "$(for conf_file_arg in $dnsmasq_conf_file; do [ -s $conf_file_arg ] && echo "conf-file=$conf_file_arg #ss_tproxy"; done)" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf while read dnsmasq_string_arg; do if [ ! -z "$dnsmasq_string_arg" ] ; then echo "$dnsmasq_string_arg #ss_tproxy" >> /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf fi done < $dnsmasq_conf_string update_dnsmasq_file } stop_dnsserver() { sed -Ei '/no-resolv|server=|dns-forward-max=1000|min-cache-ttl=1800|ss_tproxy/d' /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf sed ":a;N;s/\n\n\n/\n\n/g;ba" -i /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf sed -Ei "/conf-dir=\/opt\/app\/ss_tproxy\/dnsmasq.d/d" /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf update_md5_check stop_dnsserver_restart_dhcpd /etc/storage/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf if is_md5_not ; then update_dnsmasq_file fi killall pdnsd dnsproxy if [ "$chinadns_ng_enable" = "1" ] ; then chinadns_ng_enable=0 && nvram set app_102=0 /etc/storage/script/Sh09_chinadns_ng.sh stop fi # kill -9 $status_dnsmasq_pid &>/dev/null # kill -9 $status_chinadns_pid &>/dev/null # kill -9 $status_dns2tcp4_pid &>/dev/null # kill -9 $status_dns2tcp6_pid &>/dev/null # delete_pidfile } flush_dnscache() { ! ss_tproxy_is_started && return # kill -HUP "$status_dnsmasq_pid" } modify_resolvconf() { return if is_false "$opts_overwrite_resolv"; then while umount /etc/resolv.conf &>/dev/null; do true; done temp_resolv_conf="/opt/app/ss_tproxy/resolv.conf" touch $temp_resolv_conf chmod 0644 $temp_resolv_conf umount /etc/resolv.conf mount -o bind $temp_resolv_conf /etc/resolv.conf #rm -f $temp_resolv_conf fi echo "# Generated by ss-tproxy at $(date '+%F %T')" >/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv4" && echo "nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv6" && echo "nameserver ::1" >>/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv4" && DNS_china=`nvram get wan0_dns |cut -d ' ' -f1` is_true "$ipv4" && [ ! -z "$DNS_china" ] && echo "nameserver $DNS_china" >>/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv6" && DNS6_china=`nvram get wan0_dns6 |cut -d ' ' -f1` is_true "$ipv6" && [ ! -z "$DNS6_china" ] && echo "nameserver $DNS6_china" >>/etc/resolv.conf } restore_resolvconf() { return if is_false "$opts_overwrite_resolv"; then while umount /etc/resolv.conf &>/dev/null; do true; done else echo "# Generated by ss-tproxy at $(date '+%F %T')" >/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv4" && echo "nameserver $dns_direct" >>/etc/resolv.conf is_true "$ipv6" && echo "nameserver $dns_direct6" >>/etc/resolv.conf fi } start_proxy_proc() { eval "$proxy_startcmd" || log_error "failed to start local proxy process, exit-code: $?" } stop_proxy_proc() { eval "$proxy_stopcmd" &>/dev/null } enable_ipforward() { is_true "$ipv4" && set_sysctl_option 'net.ipv4.ip_forward' 1 is_true "$ipv6" && set_sysctl_option 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding' 1 } disable_icmpredir() { for dir in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/* ; do dir="$(basename "$dir")" set_sysctl_option "net.ipv4.conf.${dir//.//}.send_redirects" 0 done } delete_gfwlist() { ss_tproxy_is_started && return is_true "$ipv4" && ipset -X gfwlist &>/dev/null is_true "$ipv6" && ipset -X gfwlist6 &>/dev/null } delete_chnroute() { ipset -X localaddr &>/dev/null ipset -X localaddr6 &>/dev/null ipset -X privaddr &>/dev/null ipset -X privaddr6 &>/dev/null ipset -X chnroute &>/dev/null ipset -X chnroute6 &>/dev/null } delete_iproute2() { is_true "$ipv4" && { ip -4 rule del table $ipts_rt_tab ip -4 route flush table $ipts_rt_tab } &>/dev/null is_true "$ipv6" && { ip -6 rule del table $ipts_rt_tab ip -6 route flush table $ipts_rt_tab } &>/dev/null } _flush_iptables() { $1 -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -D OUTPUT -j SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -D PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -D OUTPUT -j SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_OUTPUT &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_RULE &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_RULE &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_RULE &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_RULE &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_LAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_LAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_WAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_WAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_GFW_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_GFW_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_WAN_GFW &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_WAN_GFW &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_WAN_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_WAN_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_WAN_FW &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_WAN_FW &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -F SSTP_WAN_DNS &>/dev/null $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_WAN_DNS &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_LAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_LAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_WAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_WAN_AC &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_GFW_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_GFW_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_WAN_GFW &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_WAN_GFW &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_WAN_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_WAN_CHN &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_WAN_FW &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_WAN_FW &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_WAN_DNS &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_WAN_DNS &>/dev/null } flush_iptables() { is_true "$ipv4" && _flush_iptables "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && _flush_iptables "ip6tables" [ ! -z "$(ip6tables -vnL INPUT --line-numbers | grep -Ei "udp *dpt:53 *reject")" ] && ip6tables -D INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j REJECT } _show_iptables() { echo "$(color_green "==> $1-mangle <==")" $1 -t mangle -nvL --line-numbers echo echo "$(color_green "==> $1-nat <==")" $1 -t nat -nvL --line-numbers } show_iptables() { is_true "$ipv4" && _show_iptables "iptables" { is_true "$ipv4" && is_true "$ipv6"; } && echo is_true "$ipv6" && _show_iptables "ip6tables" } check_dnsredir() { is_false "$ipts_reddns_onstop" && return is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct" || direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct6" [ ! -z "$ipts_reddns_ip" ] && is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="$ipts_reddns_ip" $1 -t nat -N SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination $direct_dns_ip $1 -t nat -N SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p udp -d $direct_dns_ip --dport 53 -j MASQUERADE &>/dev/null } check_startdnsredir() { is_false "$ipts_reddns_onstart" && return is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="${dns4_fw_type%%#*}" || direct_dns_ip="${dns6_fw_type%%#*}" [ ! -z "$ipts_reddns_ip" ] && is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="$ipts_reddns_ip" $1 -t nat -N SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -I SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination $direct_dns_ip $1 -t nat -N SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p udp -d $direct_dns_ip --dport 53 -j MASQUERADE &>/dev/null } check_snatrule() { set_snat_rule='false' { is_ipv4_ipts $1 && is_true "$ipts_set_snat"; } && set_snat_rule='true' { is_ipv6_ipts $1 && is_true "$ipts_set_snat6"; } && set_snat_rule='true' is_false "$set_snat_rule" && return $1 -t nat -N SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m conntrack --ctstate SNAT,DNAT -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p tcp --syn -j MASQUERADE $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p udp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MASQUERADE $1 -t nat -A SSTP_POSTROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -p icmp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MASQUERADE } check_iptschain() { $1 -t nat -nL SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null && $1 -t nat -A PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t nat -nL SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null && $1 -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j SSTP_POSTROUTING } check_postrule() { ss_tproxy_is_started && return { is_false "$ipts_reddns_onstop" && is_false "$ipts_set_snat" && is_false "$ipts_set_snat6"; } && return is_true "$ipv4" && { check_dnsredir "iptables"; check_snatrule "iptables"; check_iptschain "iptables"; } is_true "$ipv6" && { check_dnsredir "ip6tables"; check_snatrule "ip6tables"; check_iptschain "ip6tables"; } } _flush_postrule() { $1 -t nat -D PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_PREROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -F SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null $1 -t nat -X SSTP_POSTROUTING &>/dev/null } flush_postrule() { ss_tproxy_is_started && return is_true "$ipv4" && _flush_postrule "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && _flush_postrule "ip6tables" } _delete_unused_iptchains() { if is_empty_iptschain $1 mangle SSTP_PREROUTING; then $1 -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_PREROUTING fi if is_empty_iptschain $1 mangle SSTP_OUTPUT; then $1 -t mangle -D OUTPUT -j SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t mangle -X SSTP_OUTPUT fi if is_empty_iptschain $1 nat SSTP_PREROUTING; then $1 -t nat -D PREROUTING -j SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t nat -X SSTP_PREROUTING fi if is_empty_iptschain $1 nat SSTP_OUTPUT; then $1 -t nat -D OUTPUT -j SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t nat -X SSTP_OUTPUT fi if is_empty_iptschain $1 nat SSTP_POSTROUTING; then $1 -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j SSTP_POSTROUTING $1 -t nat -X SSTP_POSTROUTING fi } delete_unused_iptchains() { is_true "$ipv4" && _delete_unused_iptchains "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && _delete_unused_iptchains "ip6tables" } start_iptables_pre_rules() { $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t nat -N SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t nat -N SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t nat -N SSTP_POSTROUTING if is_need_iproute; then is_ipv4_ipts $1 && iproute2_family="-4" || iproute2_family="-6" ip $iproute2_family route add local default dev $ipts_if_lo table $ipts_rt_tab ip $iproute2_family rule add fwmark $ipts_rt_mark table $ipts_rt_tab fi } start_iptables_post_rules() { $1 -t mangle -I PREROUTING $wifidogn_manglex -j SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t nat -I PREROUTING $wifidognx -j SSTP_PREROUTING $1 -t nat -I OUTPUT $wifidognx_output -j SSTP_OUTPUT $1 -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j SSTP_POSTROUTING } start_iptables_tproxy_mode() { is_ipv4_ipts $1 && loopback_addr="" || loopback_addr="::1" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && lan_ipaddr="$lan_ipv4_ipaddr" || lan_ipaddr="$lan_ipv6_ipaddr" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && gfwlist_setname="gfwlist" || gfwlist_setname="gfwlist6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && gfwlist_setfamily="inet" || gfwlist_setfamily="inet6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && grep_pattern="^-" || grep_pattern="^~" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && proxyaddr_setname="proxyaddr" || proxyaddr_setname="proxyaddr6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct" || direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && remote_dns_ip="${dns_remote%%#*}" || remote_dns_ip="${dns_remote6%%#*}" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && remote_dns_port="${dns_remote##*#}" || remote_dns_port="${dns_remote6##*#}" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && chnroute_setname="chnroute" || chnroute_setname="chnroute6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && privaddr_setname="privaddr" || privaddr_setname="privaddr6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && localaddr_setname="localaddr" || localaddr_setname="localaddr6" ipset -! -N $localaddr_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily ipset -! -N $privaddr_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily ipset -! -N $chnroute_setname hash:net family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $gfwlist_setname hash:net family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null cat $file_gfwlist_ext | grep -E "$grep_pattern" | cut -c2- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $gfwlist_setname $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null # src 规则 is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_ac_setname="sstp_src_ac" || sstp_src_ac_setname="sstp_src_ac6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_bp_setname="sstp_src_bp" || sstp_src_bp_setname="sstp_src_bp6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_fw_setname="sstp_src_fw" || sstp_src_fw_setname="sstp_src_fw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_gfw_setname="sstp_src_gfw" || sstp_src_gfw_setname="sstp_src_gfw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_chn_setname="sstp_src_chn" || sstp_src_chn_setname="sstp_src_chn6" #ipset -X $sstp_src_bp_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_bp_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_ac_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_ac_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_chn_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_chn_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_gfw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_gfw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null # dst 规则 is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_bp_setname="sstp_dst_bp" || sstp_dst_bp_setname="sstp_dst_bp6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_fw_setname="sstp_dst_fw" || sstp_dst_fw_setname="sstp_dst_fw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw" || sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw6" #ipset -X $sstp_dst_bp_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_bp_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_dst_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null ######################### SSTP_RULE (tcp and udp) ######################### $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_RULE $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_GFW_CHN $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j CONNMARK --restore-mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m mark --mark 0xff -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m set --match-set $privaddr_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p tcp -m set --match-set $proxyaddr_setname dst -m multiport --dports $proxy_svrport -j RETURN is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -m set --match-set $proxyaddr_setname dst -m multiport --dports $proxy_svrport -j RETURN if is_enabled_udp; then $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $direct_dns_ip --dport 53 -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j RETURN else $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p tcp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p tcp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j RETURN fi $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_bp src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_fw src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_ac src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_gfw src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_chn src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_bp_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_fw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_ac_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_gfw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_chn_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN if [ "$LAN_AC_IP" == "2" ] ; then $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC else $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -j ${LAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_AC} fi $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_AC -j ${MODE_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j RETURN is_enabled_udp && [ "$ss_all_udp" == "1" ] && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -p udp -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $gfwlist_setname dst -j ${GFWLIST_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -j RETURN is_enabled_udp && [ "$ss_all_udp" == "1" ] && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -p udp -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $chnroute_setname dst -j ${CHN_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -j ${CHN_WAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_FW -p tcp -m multiport --dports $ipts_proxy_dst_port_tcp --syn -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_FW -p udp -m multiport --dports $ipts_proxy_dst_port_udp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_FW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_DNS -p tcp -m multiport --dports 1:65535 --syn -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_DNS -p udp -m multiport --dports 1:65535 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j CONNMARK --save-mark ######################### SSTP_OUTPUT/SSTP_PREROUTING ######################### if is_usrgrp_mode; then $1 -t mangle -I SSTP_OUTPUT -m owner $(get_usrgrp_args) -j RETURN fi if is_nonstd_dnsport "$dnsmasq_bind_port"; then if [ "$lan_ipaddr" != "$loopback_addr" ] ; then $1 -t nat -A SSTP_OUTPUT -p udp -d $lan_ipaddr --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port else $1 -t nat -A SSTP_OUTPUT -p udp -d $loopback_addr --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port fi fi $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_OUTPUT -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p tcp -j SSTP_RULE is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_OUTPUT -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp -j SSTP_RULE $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -i $ipts_if_lo -m mark ! --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j RETURN if is_false "$selfonly"; then if is_nonstd_dnsport "$dnsmasq_bind_port"; then is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port fi $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p tcp -j SSTP_RULE is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp -j SSTP_RULE fi if [ "$lan_ipaddr" != "$loopback_addr" ] ; then $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p tcp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $lan_ipaddr --on-port $proxy_tcpport is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p udp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $lan_ipaddr --on-port $proxy_udpport else $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p tcp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $loopback_addr --on-port $proxy_tcpport is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p udp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $loopback_addr --on-port $proxy_udpport fi check_snatrule $1 } start_iptables_redirect_mode() { is_ipv4_ipts $1 && loopback_addr="" || loopback_addr="::1" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && lan_ipaddr="$lan_ipv4_ipaddr" || lan_ipaddr="$lan_ipv6_ipaddr" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && gfwlist_setname="gfwlist" || gfwlist_setname="gfwlist6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && gfwlist_setfamily="inet" || gfwlist_setfamily="inet6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && grep_pattern="^-" || grep_pattern="^~" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && proxyaddr_setname="proxyaddr" || proxyaddr_setname="proxyaddr6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct" || direct_dns_ip="$dns_direct6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && remote_dns_ip="${dns_remote%%#*}" || remote_dns_ip="${dns_remote6%%#*}" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && remote_dns_port="${dns_remote##*#}" || remote_dns_port="${dns_remote6##*#}" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && chnroute_setname="chnroute" || chnroute_setname="chnroute6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && privaddr_setname="privaddr" || privaddr_setname="privaddr6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && localaddr_setname="localaddr" || localaddr_setname="localaddr6" ipset -! -N $localaddr_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily ipset -! -N $privaddr_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily ipset -! -N $chnroute_setname hash:net family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $gfwlist_setname hash:net family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null cat $file_gfwlist_ext | grep -E "$grep_pattern" | cut -c2- | while read ip_addr; do echo "-A $gfwlist_setname $ip_addr"; done | ipset -! restore &>/dev/null # src 规则 is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_ac_setname="sstp_src_ac" || sstp_src_ac_setname="sstp_src_ac6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_bp_setname="sstp_src_bp" || sstp_src_bp_setname="sstp_src_bp6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_fw_setname="sstp_src_fw" || sstp_src_fw_setname="sstp_src_fw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_gfw_setname="sstp_src_gfw" || sstp_src_gfw_setname="sstp_src_gfw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_src_chn_setname="sstp_src_chn" || sstp_src_chn_setname="sstp_src_chn6" #ipset -X $sstp_src_bp_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_bp_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_ac_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_ac_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_chn_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_chn_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_src_gfw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_src_gfw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null # dst 规则 is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_bp_setname="sstp_dst_bp" || sstp_dst_bp_setname="sstp_dst_bp6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_fw_setname="sstp_dst_fw" || sstp_dst_fw_setname="sstp_dst_fw6" is_ipv4_ipts $1 && sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw" || sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname="sstp_dst_dns_fw6" #ipset -X $sstp_dst_bp_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_bp_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_dst_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null #ipset -X $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname &>/dev/null ipset -! -N $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname hash:net hashsize 64 family $gfwlist_setfamily &>/dev/null ######################### SSTP_RULE (for tcp) ######################### $1 -t nat -N SSTP_RULE $1 -t nat -N SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t nat -N SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t nat -N SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t nat -N SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t nat -N SSTP_GFW_CHN $1 -t nat -N SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t nat -N SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t nat -A SSTP_RULE -p tcp -m set --match-set $proxyaddr_setname dst -m multiport --dports $proxy_svrport -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_RULE -m mark --mark 0xff -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_RULE -m set --match-set $privaddr_setname dst -j RETURN if ! is_enabled_udp; then $1 -t nat -A SSTP_RULE -p tcp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports $proxy_tcpport fi $1 -t nat -A SSTP_RULE -j SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_bp src -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_fw src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_ac src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_gfw src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_chn src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_bp_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_fw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_ac_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_gfw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_chn_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN if [ "$LAN_AC_IP" == "2" ] ; then $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC else $1 -t nat -A SSTP_LAN_AC -j ${LAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_AC} fi $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_AC -j ${MODE_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t nat -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $gfwlist_setname dst -j ${GFWLIST_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $chnroute_setname dst -j ${CHN_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -j ${CHN_WAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_FW -p tcp -m multiport --dports $ipts_proxy_dst_port_tcp --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports $proxy_tcpport $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_FW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t nat -A SSTP_WAN_DNS -p tcp -m multiport --dports 1:65535 --syn -j REDIRECT --to-ports $proxy_tcpport if is_ipv4_ipts $1; then koolproxy_enable=`nvram get koolproxy_enable` if [ "$koolproxy_enable" != "0" ] ; then # 加载 kp过滤方案 规则 logger -t "【SS】" "设置内网(LAN)访问控制【kp过滤方案】" cat $file_lanlist_ext | sort -u | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '^@' | grep -v '^#' | while read ip_addr do if [ ! -z "$ip_addr" ] ; then case "${ip_addr:0:1}" in 1|1) iptables -t nat -I SSTP_LAN_AC -p tcp -m mark --mark $(echo ${ip_addr:2} | awk -F "." '{printf ("0x%02x", $1)} {printf ("%02x", $2)} {printf ("%02x", $3)} {printf ("00/0xffffff00\n")}') $EXT_ARGS_TCP -j SSTP_WAN_CHN ;; 2|2) iptables -t nat -I SSTP_LAN_AC -p tcp -m mark --mark $(echo ${ip_addr:2} | awk -F "." '{printf ("0x%02x", $1)} {printf ("%02x", $2)} {printf ("%02x", $3)} {printf ("00/0xffffff00\n")}') $EXT_ARGS_TCP -j SSTP_WAN_GFW ;; n|N) iptables -t nat -I SSTP_LAN_AC -p tcp -m mark --mark $(echo ${ip_addr:2} | awk -F "." '{printf ("0x%02x", $1)} {printf ("%02x", $2)} {printf ("%02x", $3)} {printf ("00/0xffffff00\n")}') $EXT_ARGS_TCP -j SSTP_WAN_AC ;; g|G) iptables -t nat -I SSTP_LAN_AC -p tcp -m mark --mark $(echo ${ip_addr:2} | awk -F "." '{printf ("0x%02x", $1)} {printf ("%02x", $2)} {printf ("%02x", $3)} {printf ("00/0xffffff00\n")}') $EXT_ARGS_TCP -j SSTP_WAN_FW ;; b|B) iptables -t nat -I SSTP_LAN_AC -p tcp -m mark --mark $(echo ${ip_addr:2} | awk -F "." '{printf ("0x%02x", $1)} {printf ("%02x", $2)} {printf ("%02x", $3)} {printf ("00/0xffffff00\n")}') -j RETURN ;; esac fi done fi fi ######################### SSTP_RULE (for udp) ######################### if is_enabled_udp; then $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_RULE $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_GFW_CHN $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -N SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j CONNMARK --restore-mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m mark --mark 0xff -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -m set --match-set $privaddr_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -m set --match-set $proxyaddr_setname dst -m multiport --dports $proxy_svrport -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $direct_dns_ip --dport 53 -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -p udp -d $remote_dns_ip --dport $remote_dns_port -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j SSTP_LAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_bp src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_fw src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_ac src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_gfw src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set sstp_mac_chn src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_bp_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_fw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_ac_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_gfw_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $sstp_src_chn_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_CHN if [ "$LAN_AC_IP" == "2" ] ; then $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -j SSTP_WAN_AC else $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_LAN_AC -j ${LAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_AC} fi $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_AC -j ${MODE_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_GFW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j SSTP_WAN_CHN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_GFW_CHN -j RETURN [ "$ss_all_udp" == "1" ] && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -p udp -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -m set --match-set $gfwlist_setname dst -j ${GFWLIST_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_GFW -j RETURN [ "$ss_all_udp" == "1" ] && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -p udp -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_FW $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_bp_setname dst -j RETURN $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -m set --match-set $chnroute_setname dst -j ${CHN_TARGET:=RETURN} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_CHN -j ${CHN_WAN_TARGET:=SSTP_WAN_FW} $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_FW -p udp -m multiport --dports $ipts_proxy_dst_port_udp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_FW -m set --match-set $sstp_dst_dns_fw_setname dst -j SSTP_WAN_DNS $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_WAN_DNS -p udp -m multiport --dports 1:65535 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j MARK --set-mark $ipts_rt_mark $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_RULE -j CONNMARK --save-mark fi ######################### SSTP_OUTPUT/SSTP_PREROUTING ######################### if is_usrgrp_mode; then $1 -t nat -I SSTP_OUTPUT -m owner $(get_usrgrp_args) -j RETURN is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -I SSTP_OUTPUT -m owner $(get_usrgrp_args) -j RETURN fi if is_nonstd_dnsport "$dnsmasq_bind_port"; then if [ "$lan_ipaddr" != "$loopback_addr" ] ; then $1 -t nat -A SSTP_OUTPUT -p udp -d $lan_ipaddr --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port else $1 -t nat -A SSTP_OUTPUT -p udp -d $loopback_addr --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port fi fi [ "$output_return" != "1" ] && $1 -t nat -A SSTP_OUTPUT -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p tcp -j SSTP_RULE if [ "$output_return" != "1" ] || [ "$output_udp_return" == "1" ] ; then is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_OUTPUT -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp -j SSTP_RULE fi is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -i $ipts_if_lo -m mark ! --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j RETURN if is_false "$selfonly"; then if is_nonstd_dnsport "$dnsmasq_bind_port"; then is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp --dport 53 -j RETURN $1 -t nat -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports $dnsmasq_bind_port fi $1 -t nat -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p tcp -j SSTP_RULE is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname src -m set ! --match-set $localaddr_setname dst -p udp -j SSTP_RULE fi if [ "$lan_ipaddr" != "$loopback_addr" ] ; then is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p udp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $lan_ipaddr --on-port $proxy_udpport else is_enabled_udp && $1 -t mangle -A SSTP_PREROUTING -p udp -m mark --mark $ipts_rt_mark -j TPROXY --on-ip $loopback_addr --on-port $proxy_udpport fi check_snatrule $1 } start_iptables() { resolve_svraddr is_true "$ipv4" && start_iptables_pre_rules "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && start_iptables_pre_rules "ip6tables" if is_true "$tproxy"; then is_true "$ipv4" && start_iptables_tproxy_mode "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && start_iptables_tproxy_mode "ip6tables" else is_true "$ipv4" && start_iptables_redirect_mode "iptables" is_true "$ipv6" && start_iptables_redirect_mode "ip6tables" fi is_true "$ipv4" && get_wifidognx_output is_true "$ipv4" && get_wifidognx is_true "$ipv4" && get_wifidognx_mangle is_true "$ipv4" && start_iptables_post_rules "iptables" check_startdnsredir "iptables" wifidognx_output="" wifidognx="" wifidogn_manglex="" is_true "$ipv6" && start_iptables_post_rules "ip6tables" is_true "$ipv4" && { is_false "$ipv6" && [ -z "$(ip6tables -vnL INPUT --line-numbers | grep -Ei "udp *dpt:53 *reject")" ] && ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j REJECT ; } logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "完成加载 iptables 转发规则...." } gen_include() { echo '#!/bin/bash' >/tmp/firewall.sstp.pdcn cat <<-CAT >>/tmp/firewall.sstp.pdcn iptables-restore -n <<-EOF $(iptables-save | sed "s/webstr--url/webstr --url/g" | grep -E "SSTP|^\*|^COMMIT" |sed -e "s/^-A \(OUTPUT\|PREROUTING\)/-I \1 1/") EOF CAT return $? } get_wifidognx_output() { wifidognx_output="" wifidogn=`iptables -t nat -L OUTPUT --line-number | grep Outgoing | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## Outgoing if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidogn=`iptables -t nat -L OUTPUT --line-number | grep vserver | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## vserver if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidognx_output=1 else wifidognx_output=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi else wifidognx_output=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi } get_wifidognx() { wifidognx="" #wifidogn=`iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING --line-number | grep AD_BYBY | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## AD_BYBY #if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidogn=`iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING --line-number | grep Outgoing | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## Outgoing if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidogn=`iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING --line-number | grep vserver | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## vserver if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidognx=1 else wifidognx=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi else wifidognx=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi #else # wifidognx=`expr $wifidogn + 1` #fi wifidognx=$wifidognx } get_wifidognx_mangle() { wifidogn_manglex="" wifidogn=`iptables -t mangle -L PREROUTING --line-number | grep Outgoing | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## Outgoing if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidogn=`iptables -t mangle -L PREROUTING --line-number | grep UP | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'END{print $1}'` ## UP if [ -z "$wifidogn" ] ; then wifidogn_manglex=1 else wifidogn_manglex=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi else wifidogn_manglex=`expr $wifidogn + 1` fi wifidogn_manglex=$wifidogn_manglex } awk_del_list() { touch $1 $2 a_list_conf=$1 b_list_conf=$2 # [a =>> b] 在 b 文件寻找 a 文件的匹配文字并删除,重新生成b文件 if [ -s $a_list_conf ] && [ -s $b_list_conf ] ; then echo "$(awk '\ NR==FNR{\ a[$0]++\ }\ NR>FNR{\ if(($0 in a)) {\ print ""\ }\ else{\ print $0 }\ }' $a_list_conf $b_list_conf)" > $b_list_conf fi } start() { ss_tproxy_is_started && { stop; status; echo; } waiting_network "$opts_ip_for_check_net" [ ! -z "$(type -t pre_start)" ] && pre_start flush_postrule enable_ipforward disable_icmpredir restore_resolvconf start_proxy_proc start_dnsserver start_iptables modify_resolvconf update_gfwlist_ipset update_chinadns_ng_ipset update_chnroute_ipset update_wanlanlist_ipset update_chnlist_ipset update_check_file update_dnsmasq_file [ ! -z "$(type -t post_start)" ] && post_start delete_unused_iptchains gen_include } stop() { [ ! -z "$(type -t pre_stop)" ] && pre_stop restore_resolvconf flush_iptables #delete_chnroute delete_iproute2 stop_dnsserver stop_proxy_proc check_postrule [ ! -z "$(type -t post_stop)" ] && post_stop gen_include } status() { echo "mode: $mode" tcp_port_is_exists $proxy_tcpport && echo "pxy/tcp: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "pxy/tcp: $(color_red '[stopped]')" if is_enabled_udp; then udp_port_is_exists $proxy_udpport && echo "pxy/udp: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "pxy/udp: $(color_red '[stopped]')" fi # process_is_running $status_dnsmasq_pid && echo "dnsmasq: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "dnsmasq: $(color_red '[stopped]')" # if is_chnroute_mode; then # process_is_running $status_chinadns_pid && echo "chinadns: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "chinadns: $(color_red '[stopped]')" # fi # if ! is_enabled_udp; then # is_true "$ipv4" && { process_is_running $status_dns2tcp4_pid && echo "dns2tcp4: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "dns2tcp4: $(color_red '[stopped]')"; } # is_true "$ipv6" && { process_is_running $status_dns2tcp6_pid && echo "dns2tcp6: $(color_green '[running]')" || echo "dns2tcp6: $(color_red '[stopped]')"; } # fi } version() { echo "ss-tproxy v4.6" } help() { cat <<'EOF' Usage: ss-tproxy [-x] [name=value...] COMMAND := { start start ss-tproxy stop stop ss-tproxy restart restart ss-tproxy status status of ss-tproxy show-iptables show iptables rules flush-postrule flush legacy rules flush-dnscache flush dnsmasq cache delete-gfwlist delete ipset@gfwlist update-chnlist update chnlist list update-gfwlist update gfwlist list update-chnroute update chnroute list version show version and exit help show help and exit } Specify the -x option for debugging of bash scripts Specify the name=value to override ss-tproxy configs Issues or bug report: https://github.com/zfl9/ss-tproxy See https://github.com/zfl9/ss-tproxy/wiki for more details EOF } main() { arguments="" optentries="" for arg in "$@"; do if [ "$arg" = '-x' ] ; then set -x elif [ $(echo "$arg" | grep -c '=') -ne 0 ] ; then optentries="$optentries ""$arg" else arguments="$arguments ""$arg" fi done if [ -z "$arguments" ] ; then echo "$(color_yellow "Missing necessary options")" help return 0 fi load_config check_config for options in $arguments; do [ "$options" != "h" ] && [ "$options" != "v" ] && logger -t "【sh_ss_tproxy.sh】" "$options" case "$options" in start) start; status;; stop) stop; status;; restart) stop; status; echo; start; status;; status) status;; show_iptables) show_iptables;; flush-postrule) flush_postrule;; flush-dnscache) flush_dnscache;; delete_gfwlist) delete_gfwlist;; delete_chnroute) delete_chnroute;; update-chnlist|update_chnlist) update_chnlist;; update-gfwlist|update_gfwlist) update_gfwlist;; update-chnroute|update_chnroute) update_chnroute;; update-chnroute6|update_chnroute6) update_chnroute6;; update_chnlist_file) update_chnlist_file;; update_gfwlist_file) update_gfwlist_file;; update_chnroute_file) update_chnroute_file;; update_chnroute_file6) update_chnroute_file "ipv6";; update_chnlist_ipset) update_chnlist_ipset;; update_gfwlist_ipset) update_gfwlist_ipset;; update_chnroute_ipset) update_chnroute_ipset;; update_chnroute_ipset6) update_chnroute_ipset "ipv6";; update_wanlanlist_ipset) update_wanlanlist_ipset;; adbyby_cflist_ipset) update_cflist_ipset /tmp/adbyby_host.conf /opt/app/ss_tproxy/dnsmasq.d/r.gfwlist.conf ;; resolve_svraddr) resolve_svraddr;; start_iptables) start_iptables;; start_dnsserver_confset) start_dnsserver_confset;; v) version;; h|help) help;; *) echo "$(color_yellow "Unknown option: $arg")"; help; return 1;; esac done return 0 } main "$@"