from __future__ import print_function __author__ = "Alaleh Azhir,Peter Kerpedjiev" import collections as col import sys import argparse class GeneInfo: def __init__(self): pass def merge_gene_info(gene_infos, gene_info): """ Add a new gene_info. If it's txStart and txEnd overlap with a previous entry for this gene, combine them. """ merged = False for existing_gene_info in gene_infos[gene_info.geneId]: if ( existing_gene_info.chrName == gene_info.chrName and existing_gene_info.txEnd > gene_info.txStart and gene_info.txEnd > existing_gene_info.txStart ): # overlapping genes, merge the exons of the second into the first existing_gene_info.txStart = min( existing_gene_info.txStart, gene_info.txStart ) existing_gene_info.txEnd = max(existing_gene_info.txEnd, gene_info.txEnd) for (exon_start, exon_end) in gene_info.exonUnions: existing_gene_info.exonUnions.add((exon_start, exon_end)) merged = True if not merged: gene_infos[gene_info.geneId].append(gene_info) return gene_infos def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=""" python Calculate the union of the exons of a list of transcript. chr10 27035524 27150016 ABI1 76 - NM_001178120 10006 protein-coding abl-interactor 1 27037498 27149792 10 27035524,27040526,27047990,27054146,27057780,27059173,27060003,27065993,27112066,27149675, 27037674,27040712,27048164,27054247,27057921,27059274,27060018,27066170,27112234,27150016, """ ) parser.add_argument("transcript_bed") # parser.add_argument('-o', '--options', default='yo', # help="Some option", type='str') # parser.add_argument('-u', '--useless', action='store_true', # help='Another useless option') args = parser.parse_args() inputFile = open(args.transcript_bed, "r") gene_infos = col.defaultdict(list) for line in inputFile: words = line.strip().split("\t") gene_info = GeneInfo() try: gene_info.chrName = words[0] gene_info.txStart = words[1] gene_info.txEnd = words[2] gene_info.geneName = words[3] gene_info.score = words[4] gene_info.strand = words[5] gene_info.refseqId = words[6] gene_info.geneId = words[7] gene_info.geneType = words[8] gene_info.geneDesc = words[9] gene_info.cdsStart = words[10] gene_info.cdsEnd = words[11] gene_info.exonStarts = words[12] gene_info.exonEnds = words[13] except: print("ERROR: line:", line, file=sys.stderr) continue # for some reason, exon starts and ends have trailing commas gene_info.exonStartParts = gene_info.exonStarts.strip(",").split(",") gene_info.exonEndParts = gene_info.exonEnds.strip(",").split(",") gene_info.exonUnions = set( [ (int(s), int(e)) for (s, e) in zip(gene_info.exonStartParts, gene_info.exonEndParts) ] ) # add this gene info by checking whether it overlaps with any existing ones gene_infos = merge_gene_info(gene_infos, gene_info) for gene_id in gene_infos: for contig in gene_infos[gene_id]: output = "\t".join( map( str, [ contig.chrName, contig.txStart, contig.txEnd, contig.geneName, contig.score, contig.strand, "union_" + gene_id, gene_id, contig.geneType, contig.geneDesc, contig.cdsStart, contig.cdsEnd, ",".join([str(e[0]) for e in sorted(contig.exonUnions)]), ",".join([str(e[1]) for e in sorted(contig.exonUnions)]), ], ) ) print(output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()