% CPDL #48971 % Copyright ©2018 Peter Hilton - https://github.com/hilton \version "2.18.2" revision = "7" \pointAndClickOff #(set-global-staff-size 15.0) \paper { #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Century Schoolbook L" "Source Sans Pro" "Luxi Mono" (/ 15 20))) annotate-spacing = ##f top-margin = 10\mm bottom-margin = 10\mm left-margin = 15\mm right-margin = 15\mm top-markup-spacing = #'( (basic-distance . 10) ) markup-system-spacing = #'( (padding . 10) ) system-system-spacing = #'( (basic-distance . 20) (stretchability . 50) ) ragged-bottom = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##t } year = #(strftime "©%Y" (localtime (current-time))) \header { title = \markup \medium \fontsize #7 \override #'(font-name . "Source Sans Pro Light") { \center-column { "O bene mio" \vspace #1 } } composer = \markup \sans \column \right-align { "Adrian Willaert (c. 1490 - 1562)" } copyright = \markup \sans { \vspace #2 \column \center-align { \line { Copyright \year \with-url #"http://hilton.org.uk" "Peter Hilton" - \with-url #"http://www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/O_bene_mio_(Adrian_Willaert)" "CPDL #48971" - Lilypond source \with-url #"https://github.com/hilton/sheet-music" https://github.com/hilton/sheet-music - rev \revision - This work is licensed under } \line { the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License published at \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" } } } tagline = ##f } \layout { indent = #0 ragged-right = ##f ragged-last = ##f \context { \Score \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t \remove "Metronome_mark_engraver" \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-staff-spacing = #'((padding . 10) (stretchability . 100)) } \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \context { \StaffGroup \remove "Span_bar_engraver" } \context { \Voice \override NoteHead #'style = #'baroque \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" \consists "Ambitus_engraver" } } global = { \key c \major \time 4/2 \tempo 2 = 80 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" \accidentalStyle "forget" } showBarLine = { \once \override Score.BarLine #'transparent = ##f } ficta = { \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t \override AccidentalSuggestion #'parenthesized = ##f } stanzaA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1. " \repeat unfold 2 { O be -- ne mi -- o fa fam -- m’u -- no fa -- vo -- re, } Che que -- sta se -- ra ti pos -- sa par -- la -- re, ti pos -- sa par -- la -- re. } stanzaB = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"2. " \repeat unfold 2 { Vi -- e -- ni sen -- za pa pau -- "ra e" non bus -- sa -- re, } But -- ta la por -- ta che po -- rai en -- tra -- re, che po -- rai en -- tra -- re. } stanzaC = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"3. " \repeat unfold 2 { Al -- la fi -- ne -- "stra in" -- si si -- "no al" -- le du -- "e o" -- re, } Fa -- rò la spi -- a che po -- rai en -- tra -- re, che po -- rai en -- tra -- re. } refrain = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 2 { E s’al -- cu -- no ti ci tro -- va e tu gri -- da, e tu gri -- da, ‘chi ven -- d’o -- va, chi ven -- d’o -- va, chi ven -- d’o -- va. } } soprano = \new Voice { \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { d2 f2. g4 f2 e d f2. f4 e2. e4 d2 c } d d2. e4 f2 d e4 f g f e2 d d4 e f e d2 \time 3/2 \ficta cis r2 e4 e \time 4/2 \repeat unfold 2 { f2 d d4 c c2 b d4 e f2 e f4 g a2 g bes1 g2 a f g e f d e f e1 } \alternative { { \time 2/2 d2 e4 e \time 4/2 } { d\breve \showBarLine \bar "|." } } } \addlyrics { \stanzaA \refrain } \addlyrics { \stanzaB } \addlyrics { \stanzaC } } alto = \new Voice { \relative c' { \repeat unfold 2 { b2 d2. d4 d2 cis r4 d d2 \ficta c! c2. c4 b2 c } b g2. g4 d'2 a cis4 d d d \ficta cis2 d4 b2 c4 a g f2 e r cis'4 \ficta cis \repeat unfold 2 { d2 b b4 c a2 d b4 c a2 g d'4 e f2 e r d e f d e2. e4 d2 f e d4 d2 \ficta cis8 b \ficta cis2 } \alternative { { d2 cis4 \ficta cis } { d\breve } } } \addlyrics { \stanzaA \repeat unfold 2 { E s’al -- cu -- no ti ci tro -- va e tu gri -- da, e tu gri -- da, ‘chi ven -- d’o -- va, chi ven -- d’o -- va, chi ven -- d’o -- _ _ _ va. } } \addlyrics { \stanzaB } \addlyrics { \stanzaC } } tenor = \new Voice { \relative c' { \clef "treble_8" \repeat unfold 2 { g2 a2. bes4 a2 a f \ficta bes a a4 a g1 e2 } g b2. c4 a2 f a4 a b a a2 a4 g2 g4 c c a2 a r a4 a \repeat unfold 2 { a2 g g4 e f2 d g4 g c2 c a4 c c2 c d1 c2 c a b c a2. a4 c2 a a1 } \alternative { { a2 a4 a } { a\breve } } } \addlyrics { \stanzaA \refrain } \addlyrics { \stanzaB } \addlyrics { \stanzaC } } bass = \new Voice { \relative c { \clef bass \repeat unfold 2 { g2 d'2. g,4 d'2 a bes1 f2 a c4 c g2 c } g g2. c4 d2 d a4 d g, d' a2 d4 g,2 c4 f, c' d2 a r a4 a \repeat unfold 2 { d2 g, g4 a f2 g g4 c f,2 c' d4 c f2 c g'1 c,2 f f e a, d d a d a1 } \alternative { { d2 a4 a } { d\breve } } } \addlyrics { \stanzaA \refrain } \addlyrics { \stanzaB } \addlyrics { \stanzaC } } \score { \transpose c d { \new StaffGroup << \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) \new Staff << \global \soprano \set Staff.instrumentName = #"S" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"S" >> \new Staff << \global \alto \set Staff.instrumentName = #"A" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"A" >> \new Staff << \global \tenor \set Staff.instrumentName = #"T" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"T" >> \new Staff << \global \bass \set Staff.instrumentName = #"B" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"B" >> >> } \header { piece = "" } \layout { } \midi { } }