## This is a sample configuration file. See the nxlog reference manual about the ## configuration options. It should be installed locally and is also available ## online at http://nxlog.org/nxlog-docs/en/nxlog-reference-manual.html ## Please set the ROOT to the folder your nxlog was installed into, ## otherwise it will not start. #define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog Moduledir %ROOT%\modules CacheDir %ROOT%\data Pidfile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.pid SpoolDir %ROOT%\data LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log Module xm_json Module im_internal Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000; to_json(); Module im_msvistalog Query \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ # note by tak (3/17/2015) # $EventTime maps to Windows event log's Event/System/TimeCreated in datetime type (refer to nxlog's manual). # The time granularity on Windows is microseconds, we divide it by 1000 to get a millisecond epoch. # The reason we use epoch is because (1) it's a format elasticsearch can easily parse, # and (2) strftime function in nxlog (which is from libc) can't handle milliseconds. Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000; Exec $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000; to_json(); # Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000; to_json(); # Exec to_json(); # Exec $Message = to_json(); # Exec to_json(); #Exec $EventReceivedTime = integer($EventReceivedTime) / 1000000; Module om_file File 'C:/logmsg.txt' Module om_tcp Host Port 3515 Module om_tcp Host Port 5140 Module om_ssl Host Port 5141 CAFile %CERTDIR%/loggly_full.crt AllowUntrusted FALSE Path internal, eventlog => out3