@prefix : .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix ov: .
@prefix dbo: .
@prefix dbr: .
@prefix yago: .
@prefix doap: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix swo: .
@prefix swol: .
@prefix bibo: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix dce: .
@prefix vann: .
@prefix schema: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix gist: .
@base .
<> rdf:type owl:Ontology ;
rdfs:label "Health IT Ontology"@en;
skos:altLabel "HITO"@en;
rdfs:comment "The Health IT Ontology (HITO) allows systematically describing application systems and software products in health IT.";
dcterms:abstract "The Health IT Ontology (HITO) allows systematically describing application systems and software products in health IT. Our motivation is that information management professionals have a strong need to share and compare knowledge about health IT in several situations. These situations are, among others, to describe the components of a health information system as part of its strategic or operational management, to select a new software product, to learn about available evidence regarding an application, or to hire or train health IT specialists."@en;
doap:repository ;
dcterms:license ;
dcterms:title "A Health IT Ontology to describe health IT systems in a comparable way"@en;
dcterms:creator "Prof. Alfred Winter, IMISE Leipzig, Germany",
"Prof. Elske Ammenwerth, UMIT Tirol, Austria",
"Konrad Höffner, IMISE Leipzig, Germany",
"Verena Dornauer, UMIT Tirol, Austria",
"Franziska Jahn, IMISE Leipzig, Germany",
"Michelle Bindel, IMISE Leipzig, Germany";
dcterms:contributor "Birgit Schneider, IMISE Leipzig, Germany",
"Maryam Ghalandari, IMISE Leipzig, Germany",
"Thomas Pause, formerly IMISE Leipzig, Germany";
dcterms:created "2022-10-20"^^xsd:gYear;
dcterms:publisher ;
vann:preferredNamespaceURI ;
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "hito";
owl:versionInfo "22.10";
#owl:versionIRI ;
foaf:homepage ;
foaf:logo ;
rdfs:seeAlso , ;
ov:defines :ExperimentalStudyRCT;
ov:defines :FeatureCatalogue;
ov:defines :FeatureClassified;
ov:defines :FeatureCitation;
ov:defines :Journal;
ov:defines :LabStudy;
ov:defines :NonExperimentalStudy;
ov:defines :OrganizationalUnitCatalogue;
ov:defines :OrganizationalUnitClassified;
ov:defines :OrganizationalUnitCitation;
ov:defines :OutcomeCriteriaCatalogue;
ov:defines :OutcomeCriteriaClassified;
ov:defines :OutcomeCriteriaCitation;
ov:defines :QuasiExperimentalStudy;
ov:defines :SoftwareProduct;
ov:defines :Study;
ov:defines :StudyMethod;
ov:defines :UserGroupCatalogue;
ov:defines :UserGroupClassified;
ov:defines :UserGroupCitation;
ov:defines :ValidationStudy;
ov:defines :ApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue;
ov:defines :ApplicationSystemTypeClassified;
ov:defines :ApplicationSystemTypeCitation;
# ov:defines :Certification;
ov:defines :Citation;
ov:defines :Classification;
ov:defines :Client;
# ov:defines :CommunicationStandard;
ov:defines :DatabaseManagementSystem;
ov:defines :EnterpriseFunctionCitation;
ov:defines :EnterpriseFunctionClassified;
ov:defines :EnterpriseFunctionCatalogue;
ov:defines :Interoperability;
ov:defines :Terminology.
# Object Properties
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spIsOfAstCit
:spIsOfAstCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :citation ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeCitation ;
rdfs:label "is of"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/astClaFrom
:astClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue ;
rdfs:domain :ApplicationSystemTypeClassified ;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/astClaSupportsEfCla
:astClaSupportsEfCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :ApplicationSystemTypeClassified ;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionClassified ;
rdfs:label "supports"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/astCitClassifiedAs
:astCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified ;
rdfs:domain :ApplicationSystemTypeCitation ;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/certification
#:certification rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
:certification rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
# rdfs:range :Certification ;
# rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "certification"@en .
:catalogue rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Classified;
rdfs:range :Catalogue;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
:citation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :Citation;
rdfs:label "citation"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/classified
:classified rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Citation;
rdfs:range :Classified;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/fCitClassifiedAs
:fCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified ;
rdfs:domain :FeatureCitation ;
rdfs:range :FeatureClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/efCitClassifiedAs
:efCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified ;
rdfs:domain :EnterpriseFunctionCitation ;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ocCitClassifiedAs
:ocCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified ;
rdfs:domain :OutcomeCriteriaCitation ;
rdfs:range :OutcomeCriteriaClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ocClaFrom
:ocClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue;
rdfs:domain :OutcomeCriteriaClassified ;
rdfs:range :OutcomeCriteriaCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ouCitClassifiedAs
:ouCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified ;
rdfs:domain :OrganizationalUnitCitation ;
rdfs:range :OrganizationalUnitClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spUsedInOuCit
:spUsedInOuCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :citation ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :OrganizationalUnitCitation ;
rdfs:label "used in"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The organizational unit where the software product is used."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spUsedByUserCit
:spUsedByUserCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :citation ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :UserGroupCitation ;
rdfs:label "offers"@en .
:evaluatesApplicationSystemType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeCitation ;
rdfs:label "evaluates"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/efClaFrom
:efClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue;
rdfs:domain :EnterpriseFunctionClassified ;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/evaluatesProduct
:evaluatesProduct rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:label "evaluates"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingFeature
:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingFeature rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :FeatureCitation ;
rdfs:label "evaluates"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingUserGroup
:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeHavingUserGroup rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :UserGroupCitation ;
rdfs:label "evaluates application system or software product used by"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeUsedInUnit
:evaluatesApplicationSystemTypeUsedInUnit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :OrganizationalUnitCitation ;
rdfs:label "evaluates application system or software product used in"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/fClaFrom
:fClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue;
rdfs:domain :FeatureClassified ;
rdfs:range :FeatureCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/firstAuthor
:firstAuthor rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
#rdfs:range xsd:String ;
rdfs:range :FirstAuthor;
rdfs:label "first author"@en ;
#skos:example "AllainTJ", "AmmenwerthE";
rdfs:comment "The surname and the initials of the first author of the modelled evaluation study."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ocEvaluatesOcCit
:ocEvaluatesOcCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :OutcomeCriteriaCitation ;
rdfs:label "evaluates"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/pmid
:pmid rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
#rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
rdfs:range :Pmid ;
rdfs:label "has PMID"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/studyMethod
:studyMethod rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :StudyMethod ;
rdfs:label "study method"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/homepage
:homepage rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
skos:closeMatch doap:homepage ;
#rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
rdfs:range :Homepage ;
rdfs:label "homepage"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The website on which a software product is described or where its code can be downloaded. Is represented through an URL that links to the repository."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/implements
:implements rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeCitation ;
rdfs:comment "If installed and customized, a software product implements a certain application system."@en ;
rdfs:label "implements"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/interoperability
:interoperability rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :Interoperability;
rdfs:label "interoperability"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/license
:license rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range swo:SWO_0000002 ;
rdfs:label "license"@en ;
vann:example swol:SWO_9000085, swol:SWO_9000084, swol:SWO_1000046 ;
rdfs:comment "The license under which a software product is distributed."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spOffersFCit
:spOffersFCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :citation ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :FeatureCitation ;
rdfs:label "offers"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ouClaFrom
:ouClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue ;
rdfs:domain :OrganizationalUnitClassified ;
rdfs:range :OrganizationalUnitCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/repository
:repository rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
skos:closeMatch doap:repository ;
#rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
rdfs:range :Repository ;
rdfs:label "repository"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A storage location for software-code, along with relevant metadata."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/programmingLanguage
:programmingLanguage rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range yago:WikicatProgrammingLanguages ;
rdfs:label "programming language"@en ;
vann:example , dbr:JavaScript, ;
rdfs:comment "The programming language used to develop a software product."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/programmingLibrary
:programmingLibrary rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Content ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :ProgrammingLibrary ;
rdfs:label "programming library or toolkit"@en ;
#vann:example # no instances yet
rdfs:comment "Programming toolkits are utility programs that are used to develop and maintain software. Programming libraries are a collection of prewritten functions that are ready to be used in coding. Both help programmers in developing software in a fast and safe manner."@en, "Eine Programmierbibliothek ist eine Sammlung von wiederverwendbarem Code."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/publishedInJournal
:publishedInJournal rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
rdfs:range :Journal ;
rdfs:label "published In Journal"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The journal the evaluation study is published in."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/operatingSystem
:operatingSystem rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :OperatingSystem;
rdfs:label "operating system"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The operating system a software uses. A software product might be able to run on a variety of operating systems."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/softwareProductComponent
:softwareProductComponent rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:label "software product component"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/subClassifiedOf
:subClassifiedOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Classified;
rdfs:range :Classified;
rdfs:label "subclassified of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The subject is a subordinate to the object classified in a hierachy. Whether this is a part-of, specialization or other type of hierarchy depends on the catalogue authors. Generic property only used as a superproperty."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/subFeatureOf
:subFeatureOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :subClassifiedOf ;
rdfs:domain :FeatureClassified;
rdfs:range :FeatureClassified;
rdfs:label "subfeature of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The subject is a subordinate of another classified software feature."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/subFunctionOf
:subFunctionOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :subClassifiedOf ;
rdfs:domain :EnterpriseFunctionClassified;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionClassified;
rdfs:label "subfunction of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The subject is subordinate of another classified enterprise function"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/subStandardOf
:subInteroperabilityOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Interoperability;
rdfs:range :Interoperability ;
rdfs:label "subinteroperability of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The subject is a child of another interoperability standard."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/supportsFunction
:supportsFunction rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :FeatureCitation ;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionCitation ;
rdfs:label "supports function citation"@en ;
rdfs:comment "the software feature supports function citation"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/supportsFunctionClassified
:supportsFunctionClassified rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :subClassifiedOf ;
rdfs:domain :FeatureClassified;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionClassified ;
rdfs:label "supports classified function"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The classified enterprise function supported by the software feature."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/client
:client rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :Client ;
rdfs:label "client"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The type of hardware and software environment on which a software product is able to be run."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/supportedByFeatureCitation
:supportedByFeatureCitation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :EnterpriseFunctionCitation ;
rdfs:range :FeatureCitation ;
rdfs:label "supported by feature citation"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Feature citation supporting the enterprise function."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spSupportsEfCit
:spSupportsEfCit rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :citation ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionCitation ;
rdfs:label "supports"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Enterprise function citation supported by the software product."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/language
:language rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range dbo:Language;
rdfs:label "language"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The language supported by a software product. A software product can offer multiple languages the user can choose from."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/userCitClassifiedAs
:userCitClassifiedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :classified;
rdfs:domain :UserGroupCitation ;
rdfs:range :UserGroupClassified ;
rdfs:label "classified as"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A classified user group the user group citation is classified as."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/userClaFrom
:userClaFrom rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :catalogue;
rdfs:domain :UserGroupClassified ;
rdfs:range :UserGroupCatalogue ;
rdfs:label "from catalogue"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The user group catalogue the classified user group belongs to."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/databaseManagementSystem
:databaseManagementSystem rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct ;
rdfs:range :DatabaseManagementSystem ;
rdfs:label "database management system"@en ;
skos:altLabel "DBMS"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A database management system a software product uses."@en .
# Data properties
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/internalId
:internalId rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ,
owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Classified ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "internal identifier"@en;
rdfs:comment "Internal identifier of a member of a catalogue. Unique inside a catalogue but duplicates may exist across different catalogues. "@en.
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spUsedInOuCitSctid
:spUsedInOuCitSctid rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ,
owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:domain :OrganizationalUnitClassified ;
rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
rdfs:label "unit SCTID"@en ;
rdfs:comment "SNOMED CT identifier of an organizational unit"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/spUsedByUserCitSctid
:spUsedByUserCitSctid rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ,
owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:domain :UserGroupClassified ;
rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
rdfs:label "group SCTID"@en ;
rdfs:label "SCTID of a user group"@en ;
rdfs:comment "SNOMED CT identifier of a user group"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/publishedInYear
:publishedInYear rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ,
owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Study ;
#rdfs:range xsd:gYear ;
rdfs:range :PublishedInYear;
rdfs:label "published in year"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/vancouverReference
:vancouverReference rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
rdfs:label "Vancouver reference"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Reference to a publication in Vancouver style."@en .
########## Direct connections between SoftwareProduct and classified catalogue entries
:spIsOfAstCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :ApplicationSystemTypeClassified ;
rdfs:label "is of"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A classified application system type of the software product."@en .
:spSupportsEfCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :EnterpriseFunctionClassified ;
rdfs:label "supports"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A classified enterprise function supported by the software product."@en .
:spOffersFCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :FeatureClassified ;
rdfs:label "offers"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A classified feature offered by the software product."@en .
:spUsedByUserCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :UserGroupClassified ;
rdfs:label "used by"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A user group of the software product."@en .
:spUsedInOuCla rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :SoftwareProduct;
rdfs:range :OrganizationalUnitClassified ;
rdfs:label "used in"@en ;
rdfs:comment "An organizational unit using the software product."@en .
# Classes
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue
:ApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Catalogue ;
rdfs:label "Application System Type Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :BbApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue, :WhoDhiSystemCategoryApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified application systems."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Anwendungssystemen"@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ApplicationSystemTypeClassified
:ApplicationSystemTypeClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "Application System Type Classified"@en ;
vann:example :BbDialysisInformationSystem, :BbDigitalDictationSystem, :WhoDhiElectronicMedicalRecord ;
rdfs:comment "The term for an application system type, which is used in the classification of application systems."@en, "Der Begriff für einen Anwendungssystemtyp, der in der Klassifizierung von Anwendungssystemen verwendet wird."@de ;
dcterms:source .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ApplicationSystemTypeCitation
:ApplicationSystemTypeCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Citation;
rdfs:label "Application System Type Citation"@en ;
vann:example :BahmniAppHospitalSystem, :EChasquiLaboratoryInformationSystem ;
rdfs:comment "The natural language term an author uses for an application system type."@en, "Der Begriff, den ein Autor für einen Anwendungssystemtyp verwendet."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Catalogue
:Catalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Collection ;
rdfs:label "Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :BbFeatureCatalogue, :BbFunctionCatalogue, :BbApplicationSystemTypeCatalogue, :SnomedUserGroupCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classifieds of the same type from the same source."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Begriffen der gleichen Art aus der gleichen Quelle"@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Certification
:Certification rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Category ;
rdfs:label "Certification"@en ;
dcterms:source ;
rdfs:comment "Certificate of a software product to assess the compliance with quality management standards."@en, "Zertifikat eines Softwareproduktes zur Bewertung der Einhaltung der Normen des Qualitätsmanagements"@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Citation
:Citation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Tag ;
rdfs:label "Citation"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Natural language description of a software product from that products documentation, such as a web page."@en, "Beschreibung eines Softwareprodukts in natürlicher Sprache anhand der Produktdokumentation, z. B. einer Webseite."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Classification
:Classification rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Collection ;
rdfs:label "Classification"@en ;
vann:example :WhoDhi1-0, :Snomed, :EhrSfm, :Bb ;
rdfs:comment "Collection of catalogues of different catalogue types from the same source."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Classified
:Classified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Category ;
rdfs:label "Classified"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Classifies an entry of a catalogue, such as a feature or an enterprise function. Generic class that is only used as a superclass."@en, "Klassifiziert einen Eintrag eines Katalogs, wie z.B. ein Merkmal oder eine Unternehmensfunktion."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Client
:Client rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:System ;
rdfs:label "Client"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The type of hardware and software environment on which a software product is able to be run."@en, "Die Art der Hardware- und Softwareumgebung, auf der ein Softwareprodukt ausgeführt werden kann."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Mobile
:Mobile a :Client; rdfs:label "mobile"@en ; rdfs:comment "mobile client"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Native
:Native a :Client; rdfs:label "native"@en ; rdfs:comment "native client"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/WebBased
:WebBased a :Client; rdfs:label "web-based"@en ; rdfs:comment "web-based client"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/DatabaseManagementSystem
:DatabaseManagementSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Database Management System"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Database Management System"@en, "Database Management System, wie z.B. MySQL oder PostgreSQL."@de ;
vann:example :MySql, :PostgreSql, :OracleDatabase .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/EnterpriseFunctionClassified
:EnterpriseFunctionClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "Enterprise Function Classified"@en ;
vann:example :BbAdministrativeAdmission, :WhoDhiCertifyBirthEvent ;
rdfs:comment "The term for an enterprise function, which is used in the classification of enterprise functions. It is a classified term as per our definition that belongs to a classification"@en, "Der Begriff für eine Unternehmensfunktion, der in der Klassifizierung von Unternehmensfunktionen verwendet wird. Es ist ein klassifizierter Begriff im Sinne unserer Definition, der zu einer Klassifikation gehört."@de .
# todo: add dcterms:source paper Winter A, Haux R, Ammenwerth E, Brigl B, Hellrung N, Jahn F. Health Information Systems: Architecture and Strategies. 2nd Edition. London: Springer London; 2011.
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/EnterpriseFunctionCitation
:EnterpriseFunctionCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Citation;
rdfs:label "Enterprise Function Citation"@en ;
vann:example :BahmniFuncBilling, :BikaLimsFuncQualityControl, :ElexisFuncAbrechnungssystem ;
dcterms:source ;
rdfs:comment "Natural language citation of an enterprise function, describes what acting human or machines have to do in certain enterprise to contribute to its mission or goals. An enterprise function is a directive in an institution on how to interpret data about entity types and then update data about entity types as a consequence of this interpretation. The citation is a term an author uses to describe the enterprise function that is supported by an application system."@en, "Das natürlichsprachliche Zitat einer Unternehmensfunktion beschreibt, was die handelnden Menschen oder Maschinen in einem bestimmten Unternehmen zu tun haben, um zu dessen Aufgabe oder Zielen beizutragen. Eine Unternehmensfunktion ist eine Richtlinie in einer Institution, wie Daten über Entitätstypen zu interpretieren sind und dann Daten über Entitätstypen als Folge dieser Interpretation zu aktualisieren sind. Das Zitat ist ein Begriff, den ein Autor verwendet, um die Unternehmensfunktion zu beschreiben, die durch ein Anwendungssystem unterstützt wird."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ExperimentalStudyRCT
:ExperimentalStudyRCT rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Study ;
rdfs:label "Experimental Study RCT"@en ;
rdfs:comment "experimental study with randomized control trial"@en, "Experimentelle Studie mit randomisiertem Kontrollversuch."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/FeatureCatalogue
:FeatureCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Catalogue ;
rdfs:label "Feature Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :WhoDhiHealthSystemManagerFeatureCatalogue, :EhrSfmFeatureCatalogue, :BbFeatureCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified software features."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Softwarefeatures."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/FeatureClassified
:FeatureClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "Feature Classified"@en ;
vann:example :BbAdmitPatientsToTheWard, :WhoDhiRegisterBirthEvent, :EhrSfmManageClinicalDocumentation ;
rdfs:comment "The summarizing term of a feature, which is used in catalogues. It is a classified term as per our definition that belongs to a classification"@en, "Der zusammenfassende Begriff eines Merkmals, der in Katalogen verwendet wird. Es ist ein klassifizierter Begriff nach unserer Definition, der zu einer Klassifikation gehört."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/FeatureCitation
:FeatureCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Citation ;
rdfs:label "Feature Citation"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Features are functionalities offered by the software product of the application system which directly contribute to the fulfilment of one or more function. The finer the granularity of a function is formulated, the greater is the probability that the function semantically corresponds with a feature an application component offers."@en, "Features sind vom Softwareprodukt des Anwendungssystems angebotene Funktionalitäten, die direkt zur Erfüllung einer oder mehrerer Funktionen beitragen. Je feiner die Granularität einer Funktion formuliert ist, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Funktion semantisch mit einem Feature einer Anwendungskomponente übereinstimmt."@de ;
dcterms:source .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/EnterpriseFunctionCatalogue
:EnterpriseFunctionCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Catalogue ;
rdfs:label "Function Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :WhoDhiHealthSystemManagerFunctionCatalogue, :BbFunctionCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified enterprise functions."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Unternehmensfunktionen."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OperatingSystem
:OperatingSystem rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Operating System"@en ;
vann:example dbr:Linux, dbr:MacOS, dbr:Microsoft_Windows ;
rdfs:comment "DBpedia instances bundled under this HITO class because DBpedia didn't provide a good fit."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Interoperability
:Interoperability rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Category ;
rdfs:label "Interoperability Standard"@en ;
vann:example :HL7, , , :ICD10, :HL7_FHIR, :HL7_FHIR, :OpenEHR ;
dcterms:source , ;
rdfs:comment "Interoperability in general is the ability of two or more components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. Standards provide a common language and a common set of expectations that enable interoperability between systems and/or devices. In order to seamlessly digest information about an individual and improve the overall coordination and delivery of healthcare, standards permit clinicians, labs, hospitals, pharmacies and patients to share data regardless of application or market supplier. Interoperability standards in the context of HITO also include interoperability frameworks such as IHE."@en, "Interoperabilität ist im Allgemeinen die Fähigkeit von zwei oder mehr Komponenten, Informationen auszutauschen und die ausgetauschten Informationen zu nutzen. Normen bieten eine gemeinsame Sprache und eine Reihe gemeinsamer Erwartungen, die die Interoperabilität zwischen Systemen und/oder Geräten ermöglichen. Um Informationen über eine Person nahtlos zu verarbeiten und die Gesamtkoordination und -bereitstellung der Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern, ermöglichen Normen Ärzten, Labors, Krankenhäusern, Apotheken und Patienten den Austausch von Daten unabhängig von der Anwendung oder dem Marktanbieter."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Journal
:Journal rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:Artifact ;
owl:sameAs dbr:Academic_journal ;
rdfs:label "Journal"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Academic Journal"@en, "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/LabStudy
:LabStudy rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Study ;
rdfs:label "Lab Study"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Laboratory Study"@en, "Laborstudie."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/NonExperimentalStudy
:NonExperimentalStudy rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Study ;
rdfs:label "Non Experimental Study"@en ;
rdfs:comment "study without an independent variable"@en, "Nicht-experimentelle Studie."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OrganizationalUnitCatalogue
:OrganizationalUnitCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Catalogue ;
rdfs:label "Organizational Unit Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :SnomedEnvironmentOrganizationalUnitCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified organizational units."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Organisationseinheiten."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OrganizationalUnitClassified
:OrganizationalUnitClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "Organizational Unit Classified"@en ;
vann:example :SnomedRadiologyDepartmentEnvironment, :SnomedCardiologyDepartmentEnvironment, :SnomedMedicalCenterEnvironment ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
rdfs:comment "Classified catalogue entry of an organizational unit. The SNOMED CT concept from SNOMED International."@en, "Klassifizierter Katalogeintrag einer Organisationseinheit. Das SNOMED CT-Konzept von SNOMED International."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OrganizationalUnitCitation
:OrganizationalUnitCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Citation;
rdfs:label "Organizational Unit Citation"@en ;
vann:example :spUsedInOuCit, :GnuHealthOrgHospitalEnvironment, :ElexisOrgArztpraxis, :MedkeyOrgDentalClinic ;
rdfs:comment "The natural language term an author uses for the organizational unit where the evaluation of the application system takes place."@en, "Der Begriff, den ein Autor für die Organisationseinheit verwendet, in der die Auswertung des Anwendungssystems stattfindet."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OutcomeCriteriaCatalogue
:OutcomeCriteriaCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Outcome Criteria Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :AmmenwerthOutcomeCriteriaCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified outcome criteria."@en, "Eine Sammlung von klassifizierten Ergebniskriterien."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OutcomeCriteriaClassified
:OutcomeCriteriaClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Outcome Criteria Classified"@en ;
vann:example :Communication, :EconomicOutcome, :OutcomeCriteriaClassified ;
rdfs:comment "Classified catalogue entry of an outcome criteria."@en, "Klassifizierter Katalogeintrag eines Ergebniskriteriums."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/OutcomeCriteriaCitation
:OutcomeCriteriaCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
# rdfs:subClassOf :Citation;
rdfs:label "Outcome Criteria Citation"@en ;
vann:example :softwareStability, :strengthsAndWeaknessesOfIntervention, :timeForProducingImages ;
rdfs:comment "The term an author uses for the outcome criteria of the evaluation study."@en, "Der Begriff, den ein Autor für die Ergebniskriterien der Bewertungsstudie verwendet."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ProgrammingLibrary
:ProgrammingLibrary rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Programming Library"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A programming library is a collection of reusable code."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/QuasiExperimentalStudy
:QuasiExperimentalStudy rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Study ;
rdfs:label "Quasi Experimental Study"@en ;
rdfs:comment "empirical interventional study without randomization"@en, "Empirische Interventionsstudie ohne Randomisierung."@de ;
vann:example :NamedStudy3, :NamedStudy4, :NamedStudy22 .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/SoftwareProduct
:SoftwareProduct rdf:type owl:Class ;
skos:closeMatch doap:Project ;
vann:example :GnuHealth, :Bahmni, :Orthanc ;
rdfs:label "Software Product"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A software product is an acquired or self-developed piece of software that can be installed on a computer system."@en, "Ein Softwareprodukt ist ein erworbenes oder selbst entwickeltes Softwareprgramm, das auf einem Computersystem installiert werden kann."@de ;
dcterms:source .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Study
:Study rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf gist:IntellectualProperty ;
rdfs:label "Study"@en ;
vann:example :NamedStudy1, :NamedStudy2, :NamedStudy3 ;
rdfs:comment "An evaluation study"@en, "Eine Evaluationsstudie."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/StudyMethod
:StudyMethod rdf:type owl:Class ;
# rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "Study Method"@en ;
vann:example :Qualitative, :Quantitative ;
dcterms:source ;
rdfs:comment "The study method, qualitative or quantitative."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Qualitative
:Qualitative rdf:type :StudyMethod ;
:vancouverReference "Forrestal E, Watzlaf VJ. Health informatics research methods: principles and practice. 2nd Edition. American Health Information Management Association; 2017. 360 p." ;
rdfs:label "Qualitative"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Qualitative Study Method"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/Quantitative
:Quantitative rdf:type :StudyMethod ;
:vancouverReference "Forrestal E, Watzlaf VJ. Health informatics research method : principles and practice. 2nd Edition. American Health Information Management Association; 2017. 360 p." ;
rdfs:label "Quantitative"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Quantitative Study Method"@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/UserGroupClassified
:UserGroupClassified rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Classified ;
rdfs:label "User Group Classified"@en ;
vann:example :SnomedProfessionalNurseOccupation, :SnomedResearcherOccupation, :SnomedRadiologistOccupation ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
rdfs:comment "The SNOMED CT concept from SNOMED International. SNOMED CT - International SNOMED CT Browser [Internet]. Release: International Edition 20190131. 2019 [cited 2019 Mar 26]. Available from: https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?"@en, "Das SNOMED CT-Konzept von SNOMED International. SNOMED CT - Internationaler SNOMED CT Browser [Internet]. Release: International Edition 20190131. 2019 [zitiert 2019 Mar 26]. Verfügbar unter: https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/?"@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/UserGroupCatalogue
:UserGroupCatalogue rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Catalogue ;
rdfs:label "User Group Catalogue"@en ;
vann:example :SnomedUserGroupCatalogue ;
rdfs:comment "A collection of classified user groups."@en .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/UserGroupCitation
:UserGroupCitation rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Citation;
rdfs:label "User Group Citation"@en ;
vann:example :OpenDentalUserDentist, :OpenMrsUserAdministrativeStaff, :OrthancUserNetworkEngineer ;
rdfs:comment "The natural language term an author uses for the user group of an application system."@en, "Der Begriff, den ein Autor für die Benutzergruppe eines Anwendungssystems verwendet."@de .
### http://hitontology.eu/ontology/ValidationStudy
:ValidationStudy rdf:type owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Study ;
rdfs:label "Validation Study"@en ;
rdfs:comment "Compares the accuracy of a measure with a gold standard measure."@en, "Vergleicht die Genauigkeit einer Messung mit einer Standardmessung."@de .
################### Competence
:ImPosition a owl:Class;
rdfs:label "information management position"@en;
rdfs:comment "description of required competencies for a position in a job offer"@en.
:Competence a owl:Class;
rdfs:label "competence"@en;
rdfs:comment "competence of a person"@en.
:ConcreteCompetence a owl:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf :Competence;
rdfs:label "concrete competence in"@en;
a owl:Class;
owl:unionOf (:Interoperability dbo:Language dbo:ProgrammingLanguage :programmingLibrary :SoftwareProduct :EnterpriseFunctionClassified :ApplicationSystemType :DatabaseManagementSystem)
:AbstractCompetence a owl:Class;
rdfs:label "abstract competence in"@en.
:competenceLevel a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:domain :ImPosition; # inherited to subproperties
rdfs:label "competence level"@en;
rdfs:comment "competence level superproperty"@en.
# class of properties to inherit :competenceLevelNumber
:CompetenceLevel a owl:Class;
rdfs:label "competence level"@en;
rdfs:comment "competence level class"@en.
:competenceLevelNumber a owl:DatattypeProperty;
rdfs:label "competence level number"@en;
rdfs:domain :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:range xsd:positiveInteger.
:competenceLevel1 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "is interested in"@en, "has basic knowledge of"@en;
rdfs:label "knows"@en.
:competenceLevel2 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "has advanced knowledge about"@en;
rdfs:label "understands"@en.
:competenceLevel3 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "3"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "basic/advanced/expert skills in"@en, "experienced with... at basic/advanced/master level"@en, "practical/hands-on experience with"@en;
rdfs:label "applies"@en.
:competenceLevel4 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "4"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "selects"@en, "tests"@en;
rdfs:label "analyzes"@en.
:competenceLevel5 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "5"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "assesses the use of"@en;
rdfs:label "evaluates"@en.
:competenceLevel6 a owl:ObjectProperty, :CompetenceLevel;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :competenceLevel;
rdfs:range :ConcreteCompetence;
:competenceLevelNumber "6"^^xsd:positiveInteger;
skos:altLabel "plans use of"@en, "develops"@en, "provides trainings for"@en;
rdfs:label "creates"@en.
################### Datatypes
:Homepage rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource; rdfs:label "homepage"@en .
:Repository rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource; rdfs:label "repository"@en .
:FirstAuthor a rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:String; rdfs:label "first author"@en .
:Pmid rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource; rdfs:label "PubMed ID"@en .
:PublishedInYear a rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf xsd:gYear; rdfs:label "published in year"@en .
################### Labels for external resources
yago:OperatingSystem106568134 rdfs:label "Operating System"@en .
yago:License106549661 rdfs:label "License"@en, "Lizenz"@de .
dbo:ProgrammingLanguage rdfs:label "Programming Language"@en, "Programmiersprache."@de .
dbo:Language rdfs:label "Language"@en, "Sprache."@de .