.. include:: ../resources.rst .. _changes: ######### Changelog ######### in-progress =========== .. _version-0.17.0: 2020-05-14 0.17.0 ================= - :ref:`node-yun-http`: Make it compile from the :ref:`firmware-builder` on Arduino Core on Linux - Prepare the :ref:`generic-firmware` and :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware` for :ref:`firmware-builder` - Improve firmware building for :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware` re. artefact naming - Add vanilla “SerialDebugger” library from http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/SerialDebugger - Update `node-wifi-mqtt.ino`_ firmware. Thanks, Matthias and Giuseppe! - Improve SerialDebugger output - Fix output of local ip address with SerialDebugger - Improve connectivity flow - node-wifi-mqtt-homie: Workaround for ArduinoJson regarding float precision. Thanks, Alex! - Update EmBencode library - Add howto about PlatformIO - Add support for Seeeduino Stalker v3.1 to Open Hive GSM sensor node firmware - node-esp8266-generic: ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini based scale with Wifi / GSM support for SIM800. Thanks, Stefan! - Update documentation - Update Makefiles for macOS - Bare-Arduino-Project: update to the latest master. Thanks, Hoijui! - node-esp32-generic: ESP32 TTGO-T-CALL based scale with Wifi / GSM support for SIM800. Thanks, Stefan! - Update URL to UUID generator. Thanks, Alan and Weef! .. _version-0.16.0: 2017-04-16 0.16.0 ================= - Try to fix :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware` regarding ESP8266 compatibility again - `node-wifi-mqtt.ino`_ firmware: - Fix ``DEEPSLEEP_TIME`` order of magnitude: ``MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL`` is in ms already. Thanks, Matthias! - Fix IP address output. Thanks, Matthias! - When ``SENSOR_DUMMY`` is enabled, don't use any real sensors. Thanks, Giuseppe! - Add comment about connecting ``GPIO#16`` to ``RST`` for waking up after deep sleep. Thanks, Giuseppe and Matthias! - Add sensor ADS1231. Thanks, Clemens! - Improve :ref:`firmware-builder` - Add support for architecture "ESP" - Add variables ``TARGET_BOARD_TAG`` and ``TARGET_BOARD_SUB`` to firmware builder helper output - Add firmware builder helper to Makefile for node-wifi-mqtt-homie - Properly define and use ``HE_CONTAINERS`` in :ref:`generic-firmware` .. _version-0.15.0: 2017-04-06 0.15.0 ================= - :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware` (`scale-adjust-hx711.ino`_ and `scale-adjust-ads1231.ino`_) - Make it compile against Espressif/ESP8266 - Make it work on the ESP8266 at runtime by satisfying the watchdog. Thanks, Martin! - Properly read numeric value from serial port. Thanks, Matthias! - Fix computing the ``loadCellKgDivider``. Thanks, Clemens! - Fix compilation on Arduino version <= 1.0.6 - :ref:`generic-firmware`: Reduce loop interval when being in bootstrap phase - :ref:`node-gsm-http`: Fix Makefile for ESP8266. Thanks, Matthias! - :ref:`node-yun-http`: Add firmware `beescale-yun.ino`_ for `Mois Box`_. Thanks, @bee-mois. - Improve the `node-wifi-mqtt.ino`_ firmware for the :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt`: - Fix Makefile for ESP8266 reported not to work on Ubuntu 16.10. Thanks, Matthias! - Completely overhaul the basic ESP8266/MQTT firmware making it more efficient and flexible, see also `Improve the basic “node-wifi-mqtt” firmware `_. Thanks, Giuseppe and Matthias! - Start with single device counts of DHTxx and DS18B20 sensors to make firmware even more basic out of the box. Thanks again, Matthias! - Modularize and streamline code to better serve educational purposes - Enable connecting to multiple WiFi access points with multiple attempts. Thanks, Matthias and Clemens! - Read and transmit battery level. Thanks, Matthias! - Read and transmit free heap memory - Improve overall configurability and wifi_connect/mqtt_connect re. retrying - Add deep sleep mode 2017-03-31 0.14.0 ================= - Add slot, build infrastructure and dependency libraries for :ref:`mois-node` - Update GPRSbee library to 1.9.2 - Update OneWire library to 2.3.3 - Update HX711 library incorporating our fix »Define “yield” as noop for older Arduino Core releases« - Update Arduino-Makefile and makeEspArduino tools - Improve firmwares :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt-homie` and :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt-homie-battery` - :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt`: - Fix JSON serialization: Transmit sensor readings as float values and improve robustness. Thanks, Matthias and Giuseppe! - Improve configuration and documentation, last but not least regarding MQTT authentication. 2017-03-17 0.13.0 ================= - Add x-www-form-urlencoded serialization to :ref:`lib-terkin-data` library - Fix JSON serialization: Don’t convert values to string - Improve CSV serialization demo: Set float precision to three digits 2017-02-01 unreleased ===================== - Add JSON serialization to :ref:`lib-terkin-data` library 2017-01-14 0.12.0 ================= - Add ArduinoSTL, a STL and iostream implementation for Arduino based on uClibc++ - Update firmware for :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt` (`node-wifi-mqtt.ino`_). Thanks Clemens and Karsten! - Make things actually work - Add dependency "Adafruit_MQTT_Library" - Add more sensors - Add Makefile and documentation - Improve Homie Firmware for :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt-homie` - Add dependencies as git submodules - Add Makefile - Add :ref:`lib-terkin-data` library: Flexible data collection for decoupling sensor reading and telemetry domains 2017-01-10 0.11.0 ================= - Add firmware for :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt-homie` (`node-homie-basic.ino`_). Contributed as `PR #1`_ by Alexander Wilms of `Imkerverein Nettetal e.V.`_. Thanks a bunch! - Update firmware for :ref:`open-hive-firmware-gprs`: (`openhive-gsm-wifi.ino`_). Thanks, Clemens! - Add support for HX711 - Add support for ESP8266 - Add "makeEspArduino", a makefile for ESP8266 Arduino projects by Peter Lerup - Pull update to HX711 submodule - Fix compilation errors for ADS1231 library on ESP8266 - Improve documentation .. _PR #1: https://github.com/hiveeyes/arduino/pull/1 2016-11-01 0.10.0 ================= - Add sketch and update documentation about CSV payload transmission and forwarding to UART using a JeeLink device to complete the Open Hive RFM69 trio: :ref:`openhive-rfm69-gateway-uart` (`rfm69-gateway-uart.ino`_). Thanks Richard! - Update sketch (beta release) and add documentation about :ref:`node-wifi-mqtt` (`node-wifi-mqtt.ino`_). Thanks Clemens and Karsten! 2016-09-17 0.9.0 ================ - Add documentation about :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware`. - Update firmware for :ref:`open-hive-firmware-gprs` "`openhive-gsm-wifi.ino`_": Modularize sensors and debugging. Thanks, Clemens! - Add firmwares for Open Hive RFM69 tandem with build infrastructure and documentation - :ref:`open-hive-firmware-rfm69-node`: `rfm69-node.ino`_ - :ref:`open-hive-firmware-rfm69-gateway-sdcard`: `rfm69-gateway-sdcard.ino`_ - Improve documentation 2016-07-08 0.8.1 ================ - Add documentation about the new :ref:`generic-firmware`, "`multihop.ino`_". - Switch “node-gprs-http” sketch from Rob Tillaarts DHTlib to DHTstable, as suggested by Clemens. Thanks again! 2016-07-08 0.8.0 ================ - Make building “generic” sketch for x86_64 a bit easier, just do ``cd generic; ./sim/build``. - Add :ref:`open-hive-firmware-gprs` from Clemens Gruber as "`openhive-gsm-wifi.ino`_". Thanks, Clemens! - Satisfy dependencies of “node-gprs-http” per git submodules (mostly), accompanied by Arduino Makefile yak shaving. - Add :ref:`scale-adjust-firmware`. Thanks again, Clemens! - Finish restructuring work on "generic" sketch. Proof-of-Concept ``node69-relay69x95-gateway95`` is working! 2016-07-04 0.7.1 ================ - Improve documentation at :ref:`README`, :ref:`beradio-c++` and :ref:`firmware-builder`. 2016-07-04 0.7.0 ================ General ------- - Add sketch `multihop.ino`_ as a module composition breadboard. - Add Terrine_, an application boilerplate for convenient MCU development. - Run generic sketch on x86_64 incl. pseudo radio link communication using RadioHead RH_TCP driver. BERadio ------- - Bring libberadio in shape as `BERadio C++`_. - *BERadioMessage* does generic Bencode_ serialization on top of EmBencode_ using a map for holding sensor family values. - Automatic message fragmentation based on MTU (maximum transfer unit) size for BERadioMessage. - Last mile from BERadio message to radio transmission, use RadioHead RH_TCP_ driver on Unix. - Move non-BERadio code to Terrine. Libraries --------- - Add RadioHead_ library, we are using the RH_RF69_ and RH_RF95_ drivers. - Switch from vanilla EmBencode_ to Hiveeyes fork. - Switch to branch “oo-improvements” of EmBencode fork. - Add "Standard C++ for Arduino" library StandardCplusplus_. - Switch from vanilla StandardCplusplus_ to Hiveeyes fork fixing an issue with gcc5. - Switch submodule EmBencode_ to branch “oo-improvements” - Make submodules EmBencode and StandardCplusplus track specific feature branches of Hiveeyes forks. - Switch submodule EmBencode_ to branch “header-guard” fixing ``redefinition of 'class EmBencode’`` errors. - Add guard to BERadio header file fixing ``redefinition of 'class BERadioMessage’`` errors. - Switch to EmBencode branch "fix-typeinfo-reference". 2016-06-17 0.6.1 ================ - Add Firmware-Builder helper to Linux Makefile for `openhive-gsm-wifi.ino`_. - Update docs. 2016-06-16 0.6.0 ================ General ------- - Add project tooling `Arduino-Makefile`_ and `Bare-Arduino-Project`_ as git submodules under ``tools/``. - Adapt vanilla Makefiles from Bare-Arduino-Project for vendor ``node-gprs-http``. - Add Hiveeyes foundation libraries as proposal for decoupling sensor and transmitter domains. - Add convention for automated firmware builder that ``make --file Makefile-Xyz.mk all-plus-firmware-info`` should output the path to the target HEX- and ELF files, e.g.:: TARGET_HEX: ../bin/node-gprs-http/pro328/node-gprs-http.hex TARGET_ELF: ../bin/node-gprs-http/pro328/node-gprs-http.elf Open Hive GPRSbee ----------------- This piece of software supports the :ref:`openhive-seeeduino-stalker` carrying a GPRSbee_ transceiver using the software components Terkin_, `Hiveeyes-Lib`_ and `OpenHive-Lib`_. - Add ArduinoJson_ and `GPRSbee library`_ as git submodules under ``libraries/``. - Add example sketch `openhive-gsm-wifi.ino`_ demonstrating simple HTTP+JSON communication over GPRSbee. - Update ``HE_API_URL`` to use different url for non-TLS communication: ``http://swarm.hiveeyes.org/api-notls/``. The default GPRSbee devices don't do SSL. - Connect to access point with authentication by default, using ``GPRSBEE_AP_USER`` and ``GPRSBEE_AP_PASS``. Disable authenticated mode by setting ``GPRSBEE_AP_AUTH`` to ``false``. Documentation ------------- - Fix make target “docs-html” - Upgrade to Sphinx 1.4.1 - Add “sphinx_rtf_theme==0.1.9” to requirements-dev.txt due to error "sphinx_rtd_theme is no longer a hard dependency since version 1.4.0. Please install it manually." - Add label ``hiveeyes-arduino`` and ``changes`` to documentation for referencing from other Sphinx instances. - Disable caching of remote intersphinx inventories 2016-05-26 0.5.2 ================ - Add :ref:`libberadio` to evaluate whether a Standard C++ based firmware will still fit into the 32 KB flash memory of the little ATmega328_. - Get Sphinx documentation in shape 2016-04-16 0.5.1 ================ - Add Sphinx for documentation 2016-04-16 0.5.0 ================ - Get real with HX711 - Polish repository for publishing on GitHub 2016-02-20 0.4.1 ================ - Fix nasty battery draining 2016-02-03 0.4.0 ================ - Add RADIO_ATC capability - Update RFM69 library - Get the node into the field - Interval tuning 2015-11-12 0.3.0 ================ - Update RFM69 library - Add code for DS18B20 sensor - Add MCU sleep modes (LowPower) - Add serial-to-mqtt forwarding - Design BERadio communication paradigm - Work on update-over-the-air (WirelessProgramming) - Add code for HX711 and DHT22 sensors - Add RF-to-UART gateway code, see `gateway-rfm69-beradio.ino`_ 2015-08-19 0.2.0 ================ - Add Bencode [cccamp2015] 2015-02-03 0.1.0 ================ - Switch to RFM69, see `node-rfm69-beradio.ino`_. This supports the :ref:`HEnode` hardware implementing a sensor node. 2014-11-04 0.0.0 ================ - Start working on Hiveeyes Arduino using RFM12