#!/bin/bash -e # # debian-buster-zfs-root.sh # # Install Debian GNU/Linux 10 Buster to a native ZFS root filesystem # # (C) 2018-2020 Hajo Noerenberg # # # http://www.noerenberg.de/ # https://github.com/hn/debian-buster-zfs-root # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . # ### Static settings, overridable by TARGET_* environment variables ZPOOL=${TARGET_ZPOOL:-rpool} TARGETDIST=${TARGET_DIST:-buster} PARTBIOS=${TARGET_PARTBIOS:-1} PARTEFI=${TARGET_PARTEFI:-2} PARTZFS=${TARGET_PARTZFS:-3} SIZESWAP=${TARGET_SIZESWAP:-2G} SIZETMP=${TARGET_SIZETMP:-3G} SIZEVARTMP=${TARGET_VARTMP:-3G} NEWHOST=${TARGET_HOSTNAME} NEWDNS=${TARGET_DNS:-} ### User settings declare -A BYID while read -r IDLINK; do BYID["$(basename "$(readlink "$IDLINK")")"]="$IDLINK" done < <(find /dev/disk/by-id/ -type l) for DISK in $(lsblk -I8,254,259 -dn -o name); do if [ -z "${BYID[$DISK]}" ]; then SELECT+=("$DISK" "(no /dev/disk/by-id persistent device name available)" off) else SELECT+=("$DISK" "${BYID[$DISK]}" off) fi done TMPFILE=$(mktemp) whiptail --backtitle "$0" --title "Drive selection" --separate-output \ --checklist "\nPlease select ZFS drives\n" 20 74 8 "${SELECT[@]}" 2>"$TMPFILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi while read -r DISK; do if [ -z "${BYID[$DISK]}" ]; then DISKS+=("/dev/$DISK") ZFSPARTITIONS+=("/dev/$DISK$PARTZFS") EFIPARTITIONS+=("/dev/$DISK$PARTEFI") else DISKS+=("${BYID[$DISK]}") ZFSPARTITIONS+=("${BYID[$DISK]}-part$PARTZFS") EFIPARTITIONS+=("${BYID[$DISK]}-part$PARTEFI") fi done < "$TMPFILE" whiptail --backtitle "$0" --title "RAID level selection" --separate-output \ --radiolist "\nPlease select ZFS RAID level\n" 20 74 8 \ "RAID0" "Striped disks or single disk" off \ "RAID1" "Mirrored disks (RAID10 for n>=4)" on \ "RAIDZ" "Distributed parity, one parity block" off \ "RAIDZ2" "Distributed parity, two parity blocks" off \ "RAIDZ3" "Distributed parity, three parity blocks" off 2>"$TMPFILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi RAIDLEVEL=$(head -n1 "$TMPFILE" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') case "$RAIDLEVEL" in raid0) RAIDDEF="${ZFSPARTITIONS[*]}" ;; raid1) if [ $((${#ZFSPARTITIONS[@]} % 2)) -ne 0 ]; then echo "Need an even number of disks for RAID level '$RAIDLEVEL': ${ZFSPARTITIONS[@]}" >&2 exit 1 fi I=0 for ZFSPARTITION in "${ZFSPARTITIONS[@]}"; do if [ $((I % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then RAIDDEF+=" mirror" fi RAIDDEF+=" $ZFSPARTITION" ((I++)) || true done ;; *) if [ ${#ZFSPARTITIONS[@]} -lt 3 ]; then echo "Need at least 3 disks for RAID level '$RAIDLEVEL': ${ZFSPARTITIONS[@]}" >&2 exit 1 fi RAIDDEF="$RAIDLEVEL ${ZFSPARTITIONS[*]}" ;; esac GRUBPKG=grub-pc if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]; then whiptail --backtitle "$0" --title "EFI boot" --separate-output \ --menu "\nYour hardware supports EFI. Which boot method should be used in the new to be installed system?\n" 20 74 8 \ "EFI" "Extensible Firmware Interface boot" \ "BIOS" "Legacy BIOS boot" 2>"$TMPFILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi if grep -qi EFI $TMPFILE; then GRUBPKG=grub-efi-amd64 fi fi whiptail --backtitle "$0" --title "Confirmation" \ --yesno "\nAre you sure to destroy ZFS pool '$ZPOOL' (if existing), wipe all data of disks '${DISKS[*]}' and create a RAID '$RAIDLEVEL'?\n" 20 74 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi ### Start the real work # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=595790 if [ "$(hostid | cut -b-6)" == "007f01" ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/hostid bs=1 count=4 fi DEBRELEASE=$(head -n1 /etc/debian_version) case $DEBRELEASE in 9*) echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch contrib non-free" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/contrib-non-free.list test -f /var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_stretch_non-free_binary-amd64_Packages || apt-get update if [ ! -d /usr/share/doc/zfs-dkms ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(zfs-dkms); fi ;; 10*) echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster contrib non-free" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/contrib-non-free.list test -f /var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_non-free_binary-amd64_Packages || apt-get update if [ ! -d /usr/share/doc/zfs-dkms ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(zfs-dkms); fi ;; *) echo "Unsupported Debian Live CD release" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac if [ ! -f /sbin/zpool ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(zfsutils-linux); fi if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/debootstrap ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(debootstrap); fi if [ ! -f /sbin/sgdisk ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(gdisk); fi if [ ! -f /sbin/mkdosfs ]; then NEED_PACKAGES+=(dosfstools); fi echo "Need packages: ${NEED_PACKAGES[@]}" if [ -n "${NEED_PACKAGES[*]}" ]; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install --yes "${NEED_PACKAGES[@]}"; fi modprobe zfs if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to load ZFS kernel module" >&2 exit 1 fi test -d /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/$ZPOOL && zpool destroy $ZPOOL for DISK in "${DISKS[@]}"; do echo -e "\nPartitioning disk $DISK" sgdisk --zap-all $DISK sgdisk -a1 -n$PARTBIOS:34:2047 -t$PARTBIOS:EF02 \ -n$PARTEFI:2048:+512M -t$PARTEFI:EF00 \ -n$PARTZFS:0:0 -t$PARTZFS:BF01 $DISK done sleep 2 zpool create -f -o ashift=12 -o altroot=/target -O atime=off -O mountpoint=none $ZPOOL $RAIDDEF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to create zpool '$ZPOOL'" >&2 exit 1 fi zfs set compression=lz4 $ZPOOL # The two properties below improve performance but reduce compatibility with non-Linux ZFS implementations # Commented out by default #zfs set xattr=sa $ZPOOL #zfs set acltype=posixacl $ZPOOL zfs create $ZPOOL/ROOT zfs create -o mountpoint=/ $ZPOOL/ROOT/debian-$TARGETDIST zpool set bootfs=$ZPOOL/ROOT/debian-$TARGETDIST $ZPOOL zfs create -o mountpoint=/tmp -o setuid=off -o exec=off -o devices=off -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false -o quota=$SIZETMP $ZPOOL/tmp chmod 1777 /target/tmp # /var needs to be mounted via fstab, the ZFS mount script runs too late during boot zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy $ZPOOL/var mkdir -v /target/var mount -t zfs $ZPOOL/var /target/var # /var/tmp needs to be mounted via fstab, the ZFS mount script runs too late during boot zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false -o quota=$SIZEVARTMP $ZPOOL/var/tmp mkdir -v -m 1777 /target/var/tmp mount -t zfs $ZPOOL/var/tmp /target/var/tmp chmod 1777 /target/var/tmp zfs create -V $SIZESWAP -b "$(getconf PAGESIZE)" -o primarycache=metadata -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false -o logbias=throughput -o sync=always $ZPOOL/swap # sometimes needed to wait for /dev/zvol/$ZPOOL/swap to appear sleep 2 mkswap -f /dev/zvol/$ZPOOL/swap zpool status zfs list debootstrap --include=openssh-server,locales,linux-headers-amd64,linux-image-amd64,joe,rsync,sharutils,psmisc,htop,patch,less --components main,contrib,non-free $TARGETDIST /target http://deb.debian.org/debian/ test -n "$NEWHOST" || NEWHOST=debian-$(hostid) echo "$NEWHOST" >/target/etc/hostname sed -i "1s/^/\t$NEWHOST\n/" /target/etc/hosts # Copy hostid as the target system will otherwise not be able to mount the misleadingly foreign file system cp -va /etc/hostid /target/etc/ cat << EOF >/target/etc/fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices # that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). # # /dev/zvol/$ZPOOL/swap none swap defaults 0 0 $ZPOOL/var /var zfs defaults 0 0 $ZPOOL/var/tmp /var/tmp zfs defaults 0 0 EOF mount --rbind /dev /target/dev mount --rbind /proc /target/proc mount --rbind /sys /target/sys ln -s /proc/mounts /target/etc/mtab perl -i -pe 's/# (en_US.UTF-8)/$1/' /target/etc/locale.gen echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"' > /target/etc/default/locale chroot /target /usr/sbin/locale-gen chroot /target /usr/bin/apt-get update chroot /target /usr/bin/apt-get install --yes grub2-common $GRUBPKG zfs-initramfs zfs-dkms grep -q zfs /target/etc/default/grub || perl -i -pe 's/quiet/boot=zfs quiet/' /target/etc/default/grub chroot /target /usr/sbin/update-grub if [ "${GRUBPKG:0:8}" == "grub-efi" ]; then # "This is arguably a mis-design in the UEFI specification - the ESP is a single point of failure on one disk." # https://wiki.debian.org/UEFI#RAID_for_the_EFI_System_Partition mkdir -pv /target/boot/efi I=0 for EFIPARTITION in "${EFIPARTITIONS[@]}"; do mkdosfs -F 32 -n EFI-$I $EFIPARTITION mount $EFIPARTITION /target/boot/efi chroot /target /usr/sbin/grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --no-uefi-secure-boot --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id="Debian $TARGETDIST (RAID disk $I)" --recheck --no-floppy umount $EFIPARTITION if [ $I -gt 0 ]; then EFIBAKPART="#" fi echo "${EFIBAKPART}PARTUUID=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value $EFIPARTITION) /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 1" >> /target/etc/fstab ((I++)) || true done fi if [ -d /proc/acpi ]; then chroot /target /usr/bin/apt-get install --yes acpi acpid chroot /target service acpid stop fi ETHDEV=$(udevadm info -e | grep "ID_NET_NAME_ONBOARD=" | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2) test -n "$ETHDEV" || ETHDEV=$(udevadm info -e | grep "ID_NET_NAME_PATH=" | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2) test -n "$ETHDEV" || ETHDEV=enp0s1 echo -e "\nauto $ETHDEV\niface $ETHDEV inet dhcp\n" >>/target/etc/network/interfaces for DNS in $NEWDNS; do echo -e "nameserver $DNS" >> /target/etc/resolv.conf done chroot /target /usr/bin/passwd chroot /target /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure tzdata sync #zfs umount -a ## chroot /target /bin/bash --login ## zpool import -R /target rpool