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Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries.
Moreover, Hoa aims at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds.

# Hoa\Visitor [![Help on IRC](https://img.shields.io/badge/help-%23hoaproject-ff0066.svg)](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#hoaproject) [![Help on Gitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/help-gitter-ff0066.svg)](https://gitter.im/hoaproject/central) [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/documentation-hack_book-ff0066.svg)](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Visitor) [![Board](https://img.shields.io/badge/organisation-board-ff0066.svg)](https://waffle.io/hoaproject/visitor) This library provides interfaces to apply the visitor pattern. [Learn more](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Visitor). ## Installation With [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/), to include this library into your dependencies, you need to require [`hoa/visitor`](https://packagist.org/packages/hoa/visitor): ```sh $ composer require hoa/visitor '~2.0' ``` For more installation procedures, please read [the Source page](https://hoa-project.net/Source.html). ## Testing Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed: ```sh $ composer install ``` Then, to run all the test suites: ```sh $ vendor/bin/hoa test:run ``` For more information, please read the [contributor guide](https://hoa-project.net/Literature/Contributor/Guide.html). ## Quick usage We propose to explain the basis of this library. We have two entities: an element to visit and a visitor, for example a node of a tree and a dumper. The element to visit will implement the `Hoa\Visitor\Element` interface and the visitor will implement the `Hoa\Visitor\Visit` interface. The first one will ask to implement the `accept` method in order to define what data it holds will be visited. The second one will ask to implement the `visit` method which will contain the visitor computations. We will find several examples in Hoa libraries. ## Documentation The [hack book of `Hoa\Visitor`](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Visitor) contains detailed information about how to use this library and how it works. To generate the documentation locally, execute the following commands: ```sh $ composer require --dev hoa/devtools $ vendor/bin/hoa devtools:documentation --open ``` More documentation can be found on the project's website: [hoa-project.net](https://hoa-project.net/). ## Getting help There are mainly two ways to get help: * On the [`#hoaproject`](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#hoaproject) IRC channel, * On the forum at [users.hoa-project.net](https://users.hoa-project.net). ## Contribution Do you want to contribute? Thanks! A detailed [contributor guide](https://hoa-project.net/Literature/Contributor/Guide.html) explains everything you need to know. ## License Hoa is under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see [`LICENSE`](https://hoa-project.net/LICENSE) for details.