function shoppingInit(){ shoppingCartInit(); setAllProducts(); } /** * Function to create ProductItem * @param {index of productItem in shopingCartObj} index * @param {quantity of products in product item*} quantity * @returns returns a productItem object */ function createProductItem(index, quantity) { let productItem = new ProductItem( JSON.parse(getLocalData("PRODUCTS_LIST"))[index], quantity ); return productItem; } /** * gets products from database, stores them in local storage and "prints" them. * * ../backupData/backup2.json */ function setAllProducts() { productsList = new Array(); fetch('') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((json) => { json.forEach((product) => { let productItem = new Product(, product.title, product.description, product.image, product.price, product.category ); productsList.push(productItem); let element = productItem.createCard(); document.getElementById("products").appendChild(element); }); setLocalData("PRODUCTS_LIST", JSON.stringify(productsList)); }); } /** * creates a product html element and its contents by cloning a template */ function renderCard(id, title, description, image, price) { let mytemplate = document.querySelector("#myTemplate"), clone = mytemplate.content.cloneNode(true), titleNode = clone.querySelector("#title-node"), descriptionNode = clone.querySelector("#description-node"), imageNode = clone.querySelector("#image-node"), priceNode = clone.querySelector("#price-node"), buyButton = clone.querySelector("#buy-node"), modalButton = clone.querySelector("#modal-button") titleNode.innerText = title; descriptionNode.innerText = description.substr(0, 150) + "..."; imageNode.src = image; priceNode.innerText = price + currency; buyButton.value = id; buyButton.dataset.title=title; modalButton.dataset.title = title; modalButton.dataset.description = description; modalButton.dataset.image=image; return clone; } /** * creates a product item html element and its contents by cloning a template */ function renderItem(product, quantity) { let mytemplate = document.querySelector("#product-item"), clone = mytemplate.content.cloneNode(true), titleNode = clone.querySelector("#product-item-title"), idNode = clone.querySelector("#product-id"), imageNode = clone.querySelector("#product-item-image"), quantityNode = clone.querySelector("#product-item-quantity"), minusNode = clone.querySelector("#quantity-minus"), plusNode = clone.querySelector("#quantity-plus"), removeNode = clone.querySelector("#product-item-remove") titleNode.innerText = product.title; imageNode.src = product.image; quantityNode.innerText = quantity; = "quantity-of-" +; = "minus-" +; = "plus-" +; =; plusNode.dataset.productId =; minusNode.dataset.productId =; removeNode.dataset.productId =; minusNode.setAttribute("onclick", "substractQuantity(this);"); plusNode.setAttribute("onclick", "sumQuantity(this);"); removeNode.setAttribute("onclick", "removeItem(this);"); return clone; } /** * * event listener for "buy" button, adds a product to shopping cart */ function addToCart(e) { let iconText = document.getElementById("shopping-cart-icon").innerText; let productItem = createProductItem(e.value - 1, 1); if (getItemIndex( >= 0) { updateItemQuantityByIndex(getItemIndex(, 1); } else { addItemToShoppingCart(productItem); document .getElementById("shopping-cart") .appendChild(renderItem(productItem.product, productItem.quantity)); document.getElementById("shopping-cart-icon").innerText = Number(iconText) + 1; } } /** * updates the shopping cart from the local storage */ function shoppingCartInit() { if(getLocalData("SHOPPING_CART_INDEX_COUNT")<0){ clearShoppingCartData() } shopingCartObj = new Array(); cartItemAmount = 0; if (getLocalData("SHOPPING_CART") != null) { cartItemAmount = getLocalData("SHOPPING_CART_INDEX_COUNT"); shopingCartObj = JSON.parse(getLocalData("SHOPPING_CART")); document.getElementById("shopping-cart-icon").innerText = cartItemAmount<0?0:cartItemAmount; for (productIndex in shopingCartObj) { document .getElementById("shopping-cart") .appendChild( renderItem( shopingCartObj[productIndex].product, shopingCartObj[productIndex].quantity ) ); } } else { console.log("shopping cart not found in storage"); } updateTotalPrice(); } /** * adds item to shoping cart and updates the total price */ function addItemToShoppingCart(productItem) { shopingCartObj[cartItemAmount++] = productItem; setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART", JSON.stringify(shopingCartObj)); setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART_INDEX_COUNT", cartItemAmount); updateTotalPrice(); } /** * * returns the index of a product item in local storage shopping cart array */ function getItemIndex(productId) { for (index in shopingCartObj) { if (shopingCartObj[index] == productId) return index; } return -1; } /** * updates quantity of a product item by given index and quantity (amount) */ function updateItemQuantityByIndex(index, amount) { console.log("index to: " + index + " amount " + amount); shopingCartObj[index].quantity = shopingCartObj[index].quantity + amount; setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART", JSON.stringify(shopingCartObj)); setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART_INDEX_COUNT", cartItemAmount); updateShoppingCartItemQuantity( shopingCartObj[index], shopingCartObj[index].quantity ); } /** * updates the quantity element of a product item */ function updateShoppingCartItemQuantity(productId, newQuantity) { $("#quantity-of-" + productId).text(newQuantity); updateTotalPrice(); } /** * removes an item from shopping cart */ function removeItemByIndex(index) { let productItem = shopingCartObj[index]; cartItemAmount--; shopingCartObj.splice(index, 1); setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART", JSON.stringify(shopingCartObj)); setLocalData("SHOPPING_CART_INDEX_COUNT", cartItemAmount - 1); $("#" +; document.getElementById("shopping-cart-icon").innerText = cartItemAmount; updateTotalPrice(); } /** * updates the total price HTML element, calculating from local storage */ function updateTotalPrice() { let totalPrice = 0; for (index in shopingCartObj) { totalPrice += Number(shopingCartObj[index].quantity) * Number(shopingCartObj[index].product.price); } console.log(totalPrice); $("#shopping-cart-total-price").text(totalPrice.toFixed(2) + currency); } /** * event listener to substract quantity of an item */ function substractQuantity(e) { const productId = e.dataset.productId; const indexOfItem = getItemIndex(productId); if (shopingCartObj[indexOfItem].quantity > 1) { updateItemQuantityByIndex(indexOfItem, -1); } } /** * event listener to add quantity of an item */ function sumQuantity(e) { const productId = e.dataset.productId; const indexOfItem = getItemIndex(productId); if (shopingCartObj[indexOfItem].quantity < 50) { updateItemQuantityByIndex(indexOfItem, 1); } } /** * event listener to remove item */ function removeItem(e) { const productId = e.dataset.productId; const indexOfItem = getItemIndex(productId); removeItemByIndex(indexOfItem); } /** * listens to "info" button and retrieves a modal with info */ $("#info-modal").on("", function (event) { var button = $(event.relatedTarget); var title ="title"); var description ="description"); var"image"); var modal = $(this); modal.find(".modal-title").text(title); modal.find(".modal-body").text(description); modal.find(".modal-image").attr("src",image); }); /** * listens to buy button and retrieves a modal */ $("#added-modal").on("", function (event) { var button = $(event.relatedTarget); var title = 'Added to cart'; var description ="title")+ ' has been added to your Shopping Cart!'; var modal = $(this); modal.find(".modal-title").text(title); modal.find(".modal-body").text(description); }); /** * listens to "check out" button and redirects to order.html */ $('#check-out-button').click(function(){ if(shopingCartObj.length>0) window.location.href='order.html' //TODO:add some message when cart is empty })