# Read me F# syntax highlighting for Sublime Text. Based on [ionide-fsgrammar][1], converted using [Sublime Syntax Convertor][2]\*. Changes/Fixes are more then welcome! Including a sublime-build; you need to add the path to 'fsi.exe' or 'fsharpi' in your $PATH. ## Contributors - [hoest](https://github.com/hoest) - [dw3w4at](https://github.com/dw3w4at) - [stroborobo](https://github.com/stroborobo) - [gsomix](https://github.com/gsomix) \* Excluding markdown comment rules though, since Sublime doesn't support the `while` match extension that came with TextMate 2. [1]: https://github.com/ionide/ionide-fsgrammar/blob/fc4cac6/grammars/fsharp.json [2]: https://github.com/aziz/SublimeSyntaxConvertor