println=println or function()end -- for bibi function split(str, separator) local r = {} for ri in string.gmatch(str, "([^" .. separator .. "]+)") do table.insert(r, ri) end return table.unpack(r) end local function createPlainFilter(...) local pattern=table.pack(...) return function(...) local signal = table.pack(...) for i=1,pattern.n do if pattern[i] and signal[i]~=pattern[i] then return false end end return true end end setmetatable(component, { __index=function(_,key) local a = component.list(key)() local r = a and component.proxy(a) component[key]=r return r end } ) local eeprom=component.eeprom local serverAddress, port, networkCardAddress = split(eeprom.getData(),":") port = port and tonumber(port) println(serverAddress, port, networkCardAddress) bios={} bios.serverAddress=serverAddress bios.port=port local namedDevice=component.drone or component.robot = namedDevice and or eeprom.getLabel() eeprom.setLabel( -- Insensibility filtered pull local pullInsensibly do local originalPullSignal = computer.pullSignal local prevSignalQueue = {} computer.pullSignal = function(timeout) if #prevSignalQueue>0 then local signal = prevSignalQueue[1] table.remove(prevSignalQueue, 1) return table.unpack(signal) else return originalPullSignal(timeout) end end pullInsensibly = function(filter, timeout) timeout = timeout or math.huge local startTime=computer.uptime() local queue={} local signal repeat signal = table.pack(computer.pullSignal(timeout)) table.insert(queue,signal) --println(table.unpack(signal)) until filter(table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n)) or computer.uptime()-startTime>timeout if computer.uptime()-startTime>timeout and not filter(table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n))then return nil end if #prevSignalQueue==0 then queue[#queue] = nil -- remove found signal prevSignalQueue = queue else for i=1,#queue-1 do local signal=queue[i] table.insert(prevSignalQueue, 1, signal) end end return table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n) end end ---[[#if_def modem local networkCard = networkCardAddress and component.proxy(networkCardAddress) or component.modem local hhServerEventFilter = createPlainFilter("modem_message",networkCard.address, serverAddress, port) bios.card = { send = function(...) networkCard.send(serverAddress, port, ...) end } --#end_if]] ---[[#if_def tunnel local networkCard = networkCardAddress and component.proxy(networkCardAddress) or component.tunnel local hhServerEventFilter = createPlainFilter("modem_message",networkCard.address) bios.card = { send = networkCard.send } --#end_if]] local function unserialize(tableString) return assert(load("return "..tableString,"tableString","t",{}))() end bios.card.await = function() local invokeResult = table.pack(pullInsensibly(hhServerEventFilter)) -- remove formal values for i=1,5 do table.remove(invokeResult,1) end -- prepare values, find potential tables and unserialize for i=1,invokeResult.n do if type(invokeResult[i])=="string" and string.sub(invokeResult[i],1,1)=="{" and string.sub(invokeResult[i],-1,-1)=="}" then invokeResult[i]=unserialize(invokeResult[i]) end end return table.unpack(invokeResult) end bios.card.sendAwait = function(...) bios.card.send(...) println(" send",...) local invokeResult = table.pack(bios.card.await()) println("test",table.unpack(invokeResult)) local ok = invokeResult[1] ~= "hh_error" if ok then return table.unpack(invokeResult, 2) else error(tostring(invokeResult[2])) end end local function loadFile(file,api) local handle, reason = api("open",file) if not handle then error(reason) end local buffer = "" repeat local data = api("read",handle,math.huge) buffer = buffer .. (data or "") until not data api("close",handle) local ok,err = load(buffer, file) if not ok then error(err) end return ok() end do local function segments(path) local parts = {} for part in path:gmatch("[^\\/]+") do local current, up = part:find("^%.?%.$") if current then if up == 2 then table.remove(parts) end else table.insert(parts, part) end end return parts end function canonical(path) local result = table.concat(segments(path), "/") if unicode.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then return "/" .. result else return result end end local tmpFs = component.proxy(computer.tmpAddress()) local presendPath = "/presend/" local presendCacheSaved = tmpFs.exists(presendPath) and tmpFs.isDirectory(presendPath) = bios.card.sendAwait("hh_connect",, presendCacheSaved) bios.presendCache = {} local function loadPresendFromTempFs() local function readFile(path) local f, err =,"r") if f then local r="" local,math.huge) while chunk do r=r..chunk,math.huge) end return r else return nil, err end end for _,filename in ipairs(tmpFs.list(presendPath)) do if not tmpFs.isDirectory(filename) then local canonicalPath = canonical(filename:gsub("%$","/")) println("loaded presend from tmp", canonicalPath) bios.presendCache[canonicalPath] = readFile(presendPath..filename) end end end local function awaitPresend() local currentFileName local h while true do local invokeResult = table.pack(bios.card.await()) if invokeResult[1]=="hh_fs_presend" then currentFileName = canonical(invokeResult[2]) bios.presendCache[currentFileName] = "" elseif invokeResult[1]=="hh_fs_presend_chunk" then bios.presendCache[currentFileName] = bios.presendCache[currentFileName]..invokeResult[2] elseif invokeResult[1]=="hh_fs_presend_finished" then break end end end local start = computer.uptime() if presendCacheSaved then loadPresendFromTempFs() else awaitPresend() end println("presend time: ",computer.uptime()-start) end --println("memory1",computer.freeMemory(), computer.totalMemory()) println("test1", bios.fsAddress=loadFile("/secondary-eeprom.lua",function(...)return bios.card.sendAwait("hh_fs_invoke",...)end) println("test2") component.filesystem=component.proxy(bios.fsAddress) println("test3") loadFile("/init.lua",function(method,...)return component.filesystem[method](...)end) println("test4")