local gistId = "" -- create new secret gist and insert id here local githubToken = "" -- visit https://github.com/settings/tokens for create and copy OAuth token for Gist local programLocation = "/home/lib/hoverhelm/addition_radar.lua" -- it file vill be removed when otusiderplayer will closer to main device local internet = require("component").internet return { handlers={ hh_gist_log = function(card, sender, content) internet.request( "https://api.github.com/gists/"..gistId.."/comments", '{"body":"'..content..'"}', {Authorization="token "..githubToken, Accept="application/vnd.github.v3+json"}, "POST" ) end, hh_destroy_github_token = function(card, sender) require("filesystem").remove(programLocation) end } }