{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "\n", "\n", "

Tutorial Index

" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Welcome to the HoloViz tutorial! These notebooks will take you through all of the steps involved in exploring data of many different types and sizes, building simple and complex figures, working with thousands or billions of data points, adding interactive behavior, widgets and controls, and deploying full dashboards and applications.\n", "\n", "We'll be using a wide range of open-source Python libraries, but focusing on the tools we help maintain as part of the HoloViz project: \n", "[Panel](https://panel.pyviz.org), \n", "[hvPlot](https://hvplot.pyviz.org),\n", "[HoloViews](http://holoviews.org),\n", "[GeoViews](http://geoviews.org),\n", "[Datashader](http://datashader.org),\n", "[Param](http://param.pyviz.org), and \n", "[Colorcet](http://colorcet.pyviz.org).\n", "\n", "TODO: Screenshot needs updating\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "The HoloViz tools have been carefully designed to work together with each other and with the SciPy/PyData ecosystem to address a very wide range of data-analysis and visualization tasks, making it simple to discover, understand, and communicate the important properties of your data. Other Python viz tools not included in HoloViz are reviewed at [PyViz.org](http://pyviz.org).\n", "\n", "\n", "
\n", "\n", "\n", "This notebook serves as the homepage of the tutorial, including a table of contents letting you launch each tutorial section." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Index and Schedule\n", "\n", "- **Introduction and setup**\n", " *   **5 min**  [Setup](./00_Setup.ipynb): Setting up the environment and data files.\n", " * **10 min**  [Overview](./01_Overview.ipynb): Overview of the HoloViz tools, philosophy, and approach.\n", "\n", "- **The `.plot` API: a data-centric approach to visualization** \n", " * **30 min**  [Plotting](./02_Plotting.ipynb): Quick introduction to the `.plot` interface.\n", " * **20 min**  [Composing Plots](./03_Composing_Plots.ipynb): Overlaying and laying out `.hvplot` outputs to show relationships.\n", " * **15 min**     [*Exercise 1*](./exercises/Plotting.ipynb): Building some `.hvplot` visualizations and composing them together\n", " * **10 min**  *Break*\n", "\n", "- **Building interactivity**\n", " * **20 min**  [Interlinked_Plots](./04_Interlinked_Plots.ipynb ): Creating linkages between plots\n", " * **15 min**    [*Exercise 2*](./exercises/Linking_Plots.ipynb): Linking the plots from the first exercise\n", " * **20 min**  [Interactive_Pipelines](./05_Interactive_Pipelines.ipynb ): Creating interactive pipelines that display data, controlled by widgets\n", " * **15 min**     [*Exercise 3*](./exercises/Building_Pipelines.ipynb): Building your own pipelines and visualizations controlled by widgets.\n", " * **10 min**  *Break*\n", " \n", "- **Building dashboards using Panel**\n", " * **30 min**  [Dashboards](./06_Dashboards.ipynb): How to make apps and dashboards from Python objects.\n", " * **30 min**     [*Exercise 4*](./exercises/Building_a_Dashboard.ipynb): Using a mix of visualizable types, create a panel and serve it.\n", " * **10 min**  *Break*\n", " \n", "- **Advanced dashboards** (optional)\n", " * **15 min**  [Custom Interactivity](./07_Custom_Interactivity.ipynb): Customizing interactivity in detail.\n", " * **15 min**  [Custom Dashboards](./08_Custom_Dashboards.ipynb): Building fully custom dashboards.\n", " * **15 min**  [Advanced Dashboards](./09_Advanced_Dashboards.ipynb): Building complex dashboards.\n", " * **30 min**     [*Exercise 5*](./exercises/Advanced_Dashboarding.ipynb): Build your own, advanced dashboard." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Related links\n", "\n", "You will find extensive support material on the websites for each library. You may find these links particularly useful during the tutorial:\n", "\n", "* [hvPlot user guide](https://hvplot.pyviz.org/user_guide): Guide to the plots available via `.hvplot()`\n", "* [HoloViews reference gallery](http://holoviews.org/reference/index.html): Visual reference of all HoloViews elements and containers, along with some other components\n", "* [Panel reference gallery](http://panel.pyviz.org/reference/index.html): Visual reference of all panes, layouts and widgets." ] } ], "metadata": { "language_info": { "name": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }