Venn Diagram

A Venn diagram shows all possible logical relationships between several sets of data. This page explains how to build one with R and the VennDiagram package, with reproducible code provided.

Venn diagram section Data to Viz

Most basic

The VennDiagram package allows to build Venn Diagrams thanks to its venn.diagram() function. It takes as input a list of vector. Each vector providing words.

The function starts bycounting how many words are common between each pair of list. It then draws the result, showing each set as a circle.

The output is available as a .png file in your current working directory.

# Load library
# Generate 3 sets of 200 words
set1 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")
set2 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")
set3 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")
# Chart
  x = list(set1, set2, set3),
  category.names = c("Set 1" , "Set 2 " , "Set 3"),
  filename = '#14_venn_diagramm.png',

Customize it

The venn.diagram() function offers several option to customize the output. Those options allow to customize the circles, the set names, and the intersection values.

# Load library
# Generate 3 sets of 200 words
set1 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")
set2 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")
set3 <- paste(rep("word_" , 200) , sample(c(1:1000) , 200 , replace=F) , sep="")

# Prepare a palette of 3 colors with R colorbrewer:
myCol <- brewer.pal(3, "Pastel2")

# Chart
        x = list(set1, set2, set3),
        category.names = c("Set 1" , "Set 2 " , "Set 3"),
        filename = '#14_venn_diagramm.png',
        # Output features
        imagetype="png" ,
        height = 480 , 
        width = 480 , 
        resolution = 300,
        compression = "lzw",
        # Circles
        lwd = 2,
        lty = 'blank',
        fill = myCol,
        # Numbers
        cex = .6,
        fontface = "bold",
        fontfamily = "sans",
        # Set names
        cat.cex = 0.6,
        cat.fontface = "bold",
        cat.default.pos = "outer",
        cat.pos = c(-27, 27, 135),
        cat.dist = c(0.055, 0.055, 0.085),
        cat.fontfamily = "sans",
        rotation = 1

Application on rap Lyrics

Here is an example showing the number of shared words in the lyrics of 3 famous french singers: (Nekfeu, Booba) and Georges Brassens.

This example is extensively described in this dedicated post.

Note the use of both the col and fill options to make the circle border color different darker.

# Libraries

# Load dataset from github
data <- read.table("", header=TRUE) 
to_remove <- c("_|[0-9]|\\.|function|^id|script|var|div|null|typeof|opts|if|^r$|undefined|false|loaded|true|settimeout|eval|else|artist")
data <- data %>% filter(!grepl(to_remove, word)) %>% filter(!word %in% stopwords('fr')) %>% filter(!word %in% proust_stopwords()$word)

# library
#Make the plot
  x = list(
    data %>% filter(artist=="booba") %>% select(word) %>% unlist() , 
    data %>% filter(artist=="nekfeu") %>% select(word) %>% unlist() , 
    data %>% filter(artist=="georges-brassens") %>% select(word) %>% unlist()
  category.names = c("Booba (1995)" , "Nekfeu (663)" , "Brassens (471)"),
  filename = 'IMG/venn.png',
  output = TRUE ,
          imagetype="png" ,
          height = 480 , 
          width = 480 , 
          resolution = 300,
          compression = "lzw",
          lwd = 1,
          col=c("#440154ff", '#21908dff', '#fde725ff'),
          fill = c(alpha("#440154ff",0.3), alpha('#21908dff',0.3), alpha('#fde725ff',0.3)),
          cex = 0.5,
          fontfamily = "sans",
          cat.cex = 0.3,
          cat.default.pos = "outer",
          cat.pos = c(-27, 27, 135),
          cat.dist = c(0.055, 0.055, 0.085),
          cat.fontfamily = "sans",
          cat.col = c("#440154ff", '#21908dff', '#fde725ff'),
          rotation = 1

Related chart types

Grouped and Stacked barplot
Pie chart
Circular packing

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