Customize plotly tooltip

This post explains how to customize the tooltip in a plotly chart in R. It provides reproducible code and explanation how to improve the default tooltip.

Plotly section Interactive charts


First, we need to load a few packages:

# Visualisation packages

# Data packages


The gapminder dataset is used in this example. It contains data about life expectancy, population and GDP per capita for many countries over time.

Here, we:

data <- gapminder %>% filter(year=="2007") %>% dplyr::select(-year)
data = data %>%  
  # Reorder countries to having big bubbles on top
  arrange(desc(pop)) %>%
  mutate(country = factor(country, country))

Default plot

p = data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=gdpPercap, y=lifeExp, size = pop, color = continent)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
    scale_size(range = c(1.4, 19), name="Population (M)") +
    scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, guide=FALSE) +
    theme_ipsum() +

# turn ggplot interactive with plotly
pp = ggplotly(p)

# save the widget
#saveWidget(pp, file="HtmlWidget/plotlyDefaultTooltip.html")

Customize tooltip

As you can see, it’s a bit unfortunate that the tooltip does not tell us what is the country. Let’s customize it to add this information.

For this, we:

And that’s it!

data = data %>% 
  mutate(text = paste(
    "Country: ", country,
    "\nPopulation (M): ", pop,
    "\nLife Expectancy: ", lifeExp,
    "\nGdp per capita: ", gdpPercap, sep="")

p = data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=gdpPercap, y=lifeExp, size=pop, color=continent, text=text)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
    scale_size(range = c(1.4, 19), name="Population (M)") +
    scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, guide=FALSE) +
    theme_ipsum() +

# turn ggplot interactive with plotly
pp = ggplotly(p, tooltip="text")

# save the widget
#saveWidget(pp, file="HtmlWidget/plotlyDefaultTooltip2.html")

More advanced customization

The previous example is a good start, but we can go further. Here, we:

data <- data %>%
  mutate(text = paste(
    "<span style='font-size:16px;'><b>", country, "</b></span><br>",
    "<br><b>Population (M):</b> ", pop,
    "<br><b>Life Expectancy (years):</b> ", round(lifeExp, 2),
    "<br><b>Gdp per capita:</b> $", round(gdpPercap, 2),

p <- data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=gdpPercap, y=lifeExp, size=pop, color=continent, text=text)) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
    scale_size(range = c(1.4, 19), name="Population (M)") +
    scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, guide=FALSE) +
    theme_ipsum() +

pp <- ggplotly(p, tooltip="text")
pp <- pp %>%
    hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = "white",
                      font = list(size = 12, color = "black"))

# save the widget
#saveWidget(pp, file="HtmlWidget/plotlyDefaultTooltip3.html")


This post explains how to customize the tooltip in a plotly chart in R.

You can learn more about interactive charts on the R graph gallery.

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