## Use the tag that best fits you ## dev contains last build from dev branch. #TAG=dev ## latest is latest released build TAG=latest ## You can also use a specific tag, see https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/home-assistant-cli/tags ## for available ones. ##TAG=0.6.0 IMAGE=homeassistant/home-assistant-cli:$TAG ## The -e arguments passes in the environment variables needed for basic hass-cli setup (HASS_SERVER and HASS_TOKEN) ## and whats needed for auto completion (_HASS_CLI_COMPLETE, COMP_WORDS, COMP_CWORD) ## Be aware that while hass-cli runs via docker these variables values will be visible using `docker inspect`. docker run -e HASS_TOKEN -e HASS_SERVER -e _HASS_CLI_COMPLETE -e COMP_WORDS -e COMP_CWORD -e _HASS_CLI_COMPLETE $IMAGE $*