#!/bin/bash # Script Name: cert_ecdsa_localhost.sh # Author: GJS (homelab-alpha) # Date: 2024-06-09T09:16:33+02:00 # Version: 1.0 # Description: # This script is designed to generate an ECDSA certificate specifically for a # localhost server. It automates the entire certificate creation process, # including generating a private key, creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), # issuing the final certificate, and bundling it with an intermediate Certificate # Authority (CA) chain. Additionally, it sets up a certificate bundle for HAProxy, # performs various verification checks, and converts the certificate to different # formats for compatibility with various applications. # Usage: ./cert_ecdsa_localhost.sh # Function to print text in cyan color print_cyan() { echo -e "\e[36m$1\e[0m" # \e[36m sets text color to cyan, \e[0m resets it } # Function to generate a random hex value. generate_random_hex() { openssl rand -hex 16 } # Function to print section headers. print_section_header() { echo "" echo "" echo -e "$(print_cyan "=== $1 === ")" } # Certificate information. file_name=localhost fqdn=localhost ipv4=", IP:" # Define directory paths. print_section_header "Define directory paths" ssl_dir="$HOME/ssl" certificates_dir="$ssl_dir/certificates" intermediate_dir="$ssl_dir/intermediate" # Renew db serial numbers. print_section_header "Renew db serial numbers" for dir in "$ssl_dir/root/db" "$intermediate_dir/db" "$ssl_dir/tsa/db"; do generate_random_hex >"$dir/serial" done generate_random_hex >"$ssl_dir/root/db/crlnumber" generate_random_hex >"$intermediate_dir/db/crlnumber" # Generate ECDSA key. print_section_header "Generate ECDSA key" openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -out "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.pem" # Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR). print_section_header "Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" openssl req -new -sha384 -config "$certificates_dir/cert.cnf" -key "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.pem" -out "$certificates_dir/csr/${file_name}.pem" # Creating an extfile with all the alternative names print_section_header "Create an extfile with all the alternative names" { echo "subjectAltName = DNS:${fqdn}, DNS:*.${fqdn}${ipv4}" echo "basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE" echo "keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature" echo "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" echo "nsCertType = server" echo "nsComment = OpenSSL Generated Server Certificate" } >>"$certificates_dir/extfile/${file_name}.cnf" # Generate Certificate. print_section_header "Generate Certificate" openssl ca -config "$certificates_dir/cert.cnf" -notext -batch -in "$certificates_dir/csr/${file_name}.pem" -out "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" -extfile "$certificates_dir/extfile/${file_name}.cnf" # Create Certificate Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Create Certificate Chain Bundle" cat "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" "$intermediate_dir/certs/ca_chain_bundle.pem" >"$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" # Create Certificate Chain Bundle for HAProxy. print_section_header "Create Certificate Chain Bundle for HAProxy" cat "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.pem" >"$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_haproxy.pem" chmod 600 "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_haproxy.pem" # Verify Certificate against the Certificate Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Verify ${file_name} certificate against the ${file_name} certificate chain Bundle" openssl verify -CAfile "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" # Verify Certificate against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Verify ${file_name} Certificate against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle" openssl verify -CAfile "$intermediate_dir/certs/ca_chain_bundle.pem" "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" # Verify Certificate Chain Bundle against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Verify ${file_name} Certificate Chain Bundle against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle" openssl verify -CAfile "$intermediate_dir/certs/ca_chain_bundle.pem" "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" # Verify HAProxy Certificate Chain Bundle against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Verify HAProxy Certificate Chain Bundle against the Intermediate Certificate Authority Chain Bundle" openssl verify -CAfile "$intermediate_dir/certs/ca_chain_bundle.pem" "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_haproxy.pem" # Check Private Key. print_section_header "Check Private Key" openssl ecparam -in "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.pem" -text -noout # Check Certificate Signing Request (CSR). print_section_header "Check Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" openssl req -text -noout -verify -in "$certificates_dir/csr/${file_name}.pem" # Check Certificate. print_section_header "Check Certificate" openssl x509 -in "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" -text -noout # Check Certificate Chain Bundle. print_section_header "Check Certificate Chain Bundle" openssl x509 -in "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" -text -noout # Convert Certificate from .pem to .crt and .key. print_section_header "Convert Certificate from ${fqdn}.pem to" cat "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.pem" >"$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}.crt" cat "$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.pem" >"$certificates_dir/certs/${file_name}_chain_bundle.crt" cat "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.pem" >"$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.key" chmod 600 "$certificates_dir/private/${file_name}.key" echo -e "$(print_cyan "--> ")""${fqdn}.crt" echo -e "$(print_cyan "--> ")""${fqdn}_chain_bundle.crt" echo -e "$(print_cyan "--> ")""${fqdn}.key"