<# .SYNOPSIS Data Gathering - Windows - Windows 11 Readiness Check .DESCRIPTION This script will check the current system for Windows 11 readiness. It will check the following: OS Disk Size, Memory Capacity, CPU Clock Speed, CPU Logical Processors, CPU Address Width, CPU Family Type, TPM Version, Secure Boot, and UEFI Firmware. .NOTES 2024-05-22: Add detailed information on failure. Add TPM enabled check. 2024-05-22: Add SecureBoot enabled check. 2024-05-22: Fix SecureBoot possible detection logic. 2024-05-22: Fix SecureBoot row colour logic. 2024-05-22: Add table conversion function to convert results to HTML table for Ninja WYSIWYG field. Fix TPM version check to use maximum version. Thanks to Fly Kick and Mark aka AIVenom aka NinjaOne's Technical Product Manager for Scripting for the feedback, suggestions and code corrections / improvements. Thanks to Skolte for the table conversion function. 2024-04-15: Update for changed Windows 11 requirements. 2023-03-26: Fix incorrect variable comparison bugs. Reformat. 2022-02-16: Fix bug with Secure Boot suitability check, add i7-7820hq on Surface Studio 2 or Precision 5520 as supported CPU outside of CPU family check. 2022-02-15: Initial version .LINK Original Source: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-endpoint-manager-blog/understanding-readiness-for-windows-11-with-microsoft-endpoint/ba-p/2770866 .LINK Blog post: https://homotechsual.dev/2022/12/22/NinjaOne-custom-fields-endless-possibilities/ #> ## Custom Function To Convert Results To Table So We Can Use Ninja WYSIWYG Field function ConvertTo-ObjectToHtmlTable { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]$Objects ) $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder # Start the HTML table [void]$sb.Append('') # Add column headers based on the properties of the first object, excluding "RowColour" $Objects[0].PSObject.Properties.Name | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'RowColour' } | ForEach-Object { [void]$sb.Append("") } [void]$sb.Append('') foreach ($obj in $Objects) { # Use the RowColour property from the object to set the class for the row $rowClass = if ($obj.RowColour) { $obj.RowColour } else { '' } [void]$sb.Append("") # Generate table cells, excluding "RowColour" foreach ($propName in $obj.PSObject.Properties.Name | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'RowColour' }) { [void]$sb.Append("") } [void]$sb.Append('') } [void]$sb.Append('
') return $sb.ToString() } ## Main Script Block ## $Win11ReadinessResults = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]' try { [int]$MinOSDiskSizeGB = 64 [int]$MinMemoryGB = 4 [Uint32]$MinClockSpeedMHz = 1000 [Uint32]$MinLogicalProcessors = 2 [Uint16]$MinAddressWidth = 64 $CPUFamilyType = @' using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class CpuFamilyResult { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } public class CpuFamily { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SYSTEM_INFO { public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; ushort Reserved; public uint PageSize; public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; public uint NumberOfProcessors; public uint ProcessorType; public uint AllocationGranularity; public ushort ProcessorLevel; public ushort ProcessorRevision; } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); public enum ProcessorFeature : uint { ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS = 34 } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature processorFeature); private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86 = 0; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64 = 12; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64 = 9; private const string INTEL_MANUFACTURER = "GenuineIntel"; private const string AMD_MANUFACTURER = "AuthenticAMD"; private const string QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER = "Qualcomm Technologies Inc"; public static CpuFamilyResult Validate(string manufacturer, ushort processorArchitecture) { CpuFamilyResult cpuFamilyResult = new CpuFamilyResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manufacturer)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Manufacturer is null or empty"; return cpuFamilyResult; } string registryPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"; SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo = new SYSTEM_INFO(); GetNativeSystemInfo(ref sysInfo); switch (processorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64: if (manufacturer.Equals(QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool isArmv81Supported = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature.ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS); if (!isArmv81Supported) { string registryName = "CP 4030"; long registryValue = (long)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); long atomicResult = (registryValue >> 20) & 0xF; if (atomicResult >= 2) { isArmv81Supported = true; } } cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = isArmv81Supported; cpuFamilyResult.Message = isArmv81Supported ? "" : "Processor does not implement ARM v8.1 atomic instruction"; } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "The processor isn't currently supported for Windows 11"; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64: case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86: int cpuFamily = sysInfo.ProcessorLevel; int cpuModel = (sysInfo.ProcessorRevision >> 8) & 0xFF; int cpuStepping = sysInfo.ProcessorRevision & 0xFF; if (manufacturer.Equals(INTEL_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily >= 6 && cpuModel <= 95 && !(cpuFamily == 6 && cpuModel == 85)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; } else if (cpuFamily == 6 && (cpuModel == 142 || cpuModel == 158) && cpuStepping == 9) { string registryName = "Platform Specific Field 1"; int registryValue = (int)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); if ((cpuModel == 142 && registryValue != 16) || (cpuModel == 158 && registryValue != 8)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } cpuFamilyResult.Message = "PlatformId " + registryValue; } } catch (Exception ex) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Exception:" + ex.GetType().Name; } } else if (manufacturer.Equals(AMD_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily < 23 || (cpuFamily == 23 && (cpuModel == 1 || cpuModel == 17))) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; } break; default: cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported CPU category. Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; break; } return cpuFamilyResult; } } '@ $OSDriveSize = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='$($ENV:SystemDrive)'" | Select-Object @{ Name = 'SizeGB' Expression = { $_.Size / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($OSDriveSize.SizeGB -ge $MinOSDiskSizeGB) { $OSDriveSizeSuitable = 'Yes' } else { $OSDriveSizeSuitable = 'No' } $MemorySize = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum | Select-Object @{ Name = 'SizeGB' Expression = { $_.Sum / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($MemorySize.SizeGB -ge $MinMemoryGB) { $MemorySizeSuitable = 'Yes' } else { $MemorySizeSuitable = 'No' } $TPM = Get-Tpm if ($TPM.TpmPresent) { $TPMVersion = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Tpm -Namespace 'root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm' | Select-Object -Property SpecVersion $TPMMajorVersion = ($TPMVersion.SpecVersion.Split(',').Trim() | ForEach-Object { [decimal]$_ } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum if ($TPMMajorVersion -ge 2) { $TPMSuitable = 'Yes' } else { $TPMSuitable = 'No' $TPMDetail = 'TPM spec version: {0}. Needs to be 2.0 or greater.' -f $TPMMajorVersion } } else { $TPMSuitable = 'No' $TPMDetail = 'No TPM present' } if ($TPM.TpmEnabled -and $TPM.TpmReady -and $TPM.TpmActivated -and $TPM.TPMOwned) { $TPMFullyEnabled = 'Yes' } else { $TPMFullyEnabled = 'No' if (!$TPM.TpmEnabled) { $TPMDetail = 'TPM not enabled' } elseif (!$TPM.TpmReady) { $TPMDetail = 'TPM not ready' } elseif (!$TPM.TpmActivated) { $TPMDetail = 'TPM not activated' } elseif (!$TPM.TPMOwned) { $TPMDetail = 'TPM not owned' } } $ProcessorInformation = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select-Object -Property [a-z]* $ProcessorAddressWidth = $ProcessorInformation.AddressWidth $ProcessorMaxClockSpeed = $ProcessorInformation.MaxClockSpeed $ProcessorNumberOfLogicalProcessors = $ProcessorInformation.NumberOfLogicalProcessors $ProcessorManufacturer = $ProcessorInformation.Manufacturer $ProcessorArchitecture = $ProcessorInformation.Architecture $ProcessorFamily = $ProcessorInformation.Caption Add-Type -TypeDefinition $CPUFamilyType $CPUFamilyResult = [CpuFamily]::Validate([String]$ProcessorManufacturer, [String]$ProcessorArchitecture) $CPUIsSuitable = $CPUFamilyResult.IsValid -and ($ProcessorAddressWidth -ge $MinAddressWidth) -and ($ProcessorMaxClockSpeed -ge $MinClockSpeedMHz) -and ($ProcessorNumberOfLogicalProcessors -ge $MinLogicalProcessors) if (-not($CPUIsSuitable)) { $SupportedDevices = @('Surface Studio 2', 'Precision 5520') $SystemInfo = @(Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0] if ($null -ne $ProcessorInformation) { if ($cpuDetails.Name -match 'i7-7820hq cpu @ 2.90ghz') { $modelOrSKUCheckLog = $systemInfo.Model.Trim() if ($supportedDevices -contains $modelOrSKUCheckLog) { $CPUIsSuitable = $true } } } } if ($CPUIsSuitable) { $CPUSuitable = 'Yes' } else { $CPUSuitable = 'No' $CPUDetail = $CPUFamilyResult.Message } try { $SecureBootEnabled = Confirm-SecureBootUEFI } catch [System.PlatformNotSupportedException] { $SecureBootEnabled = $False $SecureBootDetail = 'Secure Boot not supported' } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { $SecureBootEnabled = $False $SecureBootDetail = 'Unauthorized access' } catch { $SecureBootEnabled = $False $SecureBootDetail = 'Unknown Error' } if ($false -eq $SecureBootEnabled) { $SecureBootPossible = 'No' $SecureBootDetail = 'Secure Boot likely Disabled in BIOS' } elseif ($null -eq $SecureBootEnabled) { $SecureBootPossible = 'Unknown' $SecureBootDetail = 'Secure Boot status unknown' } else { $SecureBootPossible = 'Yes' } if ($SecureBootEnabled) { $SecureBootSuitable = 'Yes' $SecureBootEnabled = 'Yes' } else { $SecureBootSuitable = 'No' $SecureBootEnabled = 'No' } if ($OSDriveSizeSuitable -eq 'Yes' -and $MemorySizeSuitable -eq 'Yes' -and $CPUSuitable -eq 'Yes' -and $TPMSuitable -eq 'Yes' -and $SecureBootSuitable -eq 'Yes') { Ninja-Property-Set windows11Capable 1 | Out-Null Write-Host 'Device Is Windows 11 Suitable' } else { Ninja-Property-Set windows11Capable 0 | Out-Null Write-Host 'Device Is Not Windows 11 Suitable' } ## Create List Of Results So We Can Convert To Table & Write To Ninja WYSIWYG Field $CPUFamilyRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'CPUFamily' 'Result' = $ProcessorFamily 'Detail' = $CPUDetail 'RowColour' = if ($CPUSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' }else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($CPUFamilyRow) $CPUSuitableRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'CPUSuitable' 'Result' = $CPUSuitable 'Detail' = $CPUDetail 'RowColour' = if ($CPUSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' }else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($CPUSuitableRow) $MemorySizeRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'MemorySizeGB' 'Result' = $MemorySize.SizeGB 'Detail' = $null 'RowColour' = if ($MemorySizeSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' }else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($MemorySizeRow) $MemorySizeSuitableRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'MemorySizeSuitable' 'Result' = $MemorySizeSuitable 'Detail' = $null 'RowColour' = if ($MemorySizeSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' }else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($MemorySizeSuitableRow) $OSDriveSizeRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'OSDriveSizeGB' 'Result' = $OSDriveSize.SizeGB 'Detail' = $null 'RowColour' = if ($OSDriveSizeSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($OSDriveSizeRow) $OSDriveSizeSuitableRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'OSDriveSizeSuitable' 'Result' = $OSDriveSizeSuitable 'Detail' = $null 'RowColour' = if ($OSDriveSizeSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($OSDriveSizeSuitableRow) $TPMVerRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'TPMSpecVersions' 'Result' = $TPMVersion.SpecVersion 'Detail' = $TPMDetail 'RowColour' = if ($TPMSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($TPMVerRow) $TPMSuitableRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'TPMSuitable' 'Result' = $TPMSuitable 'Detail' = $TPMDetail 'RowColour' = if ($TPMSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($TPMSuitableRow) $TPMFullyEnabledRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'TPMFullyEnabled' 'Result' = $TPMFullyEnabled 'Detail' = $TPMDetail 'RowColour' = if ($TPMFullyEnabled -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($TPMFullyEnabledRow) $SecureBootEnabledRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'SecureBootEnabled' 'Result' = $SecureBootEnabled 'Detail' = $SecureBootDetail 'RowColour' = if ($SecureBootEnabled -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($SecureBootEnabledRow) $SecureBootSuitableRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'SecureBootSuitable' 'Result' = $SecureBootSuitable 'Detail' = $SecureBootDetail 'RowColour' = if ($SecureBootSuitable -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($SecureBootSuitableRow) $SecureBootPossibleRow = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Check' = 'SecureBootPossible' 'Result' = $SecureBootPossible 'Detail' = $SecureBootDetail 'RowColour' = if ($SecureBootPossible -eq 'Yes') { 'success' } else { 'danger' } } $Win11ReadinessResults.Add($SecureBootPossibleRow) ## Convert List Of Results To HTML Table $Win11ReadinessTbl = ConvertTo-ObjectToHtmlTable -Objects $Win11ReadinessResults ## Write Results To Ninja WYSIWYG Custom Field Ninja-Property-Set windows11Readiness $Win11ReadinessTbl | Out-Null ## Write Results Out To Script Log $Win11ReadinessResults } catch { Write-Error $_ }