version: '2' services: proxy: image: guysoft/ownphotos-proxy tty: true container_name: ownphotos-proxy restart: always links: - "backend:backend" - "frontend:frontend" ports: - "3000:80" ownphotos-db: image: postgres container_name: ownphotos-db restart: always environment: # This db password is internal, you can change it if you want, but also change it in ownphotos-backend container - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=AaAa1234 - POSTGRES_DB=ownphotos volumes: - ownphotos-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data frontend: container_name: ownphotos-frontend image: guysoft/ownphotos-frontend:dev tty: true environment: # This is the path to the backend host public facing. if your website is then this should be "". # Default here is assuming you are running on localhost on port 3000 as given in ownphotos-proxy service - BACKEND_HOST=localhost:3000 links: - "backend:backend" backend: image: hooram/ownphotos:dev # For development uncomment this and comment the image name above #build: . container_name: ownphotos-backend volumes: # Your photos go here - $HOME/Pictures/:/data - $HOME/ownphotos_media:/code/protected_media environment: - SECRET_KEY=change_meme # This is backend host from within the service, you dont need to change this - BACKEND_HOST=backend - - ADMIN_USERNAME=admin # Change your admin password! - ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin - DEBUG=true - DB_BACKEND=postgresql - DB_NAME=ownphotos - DB_USER=postgres # This db password is internal, you can change it if you want, but also change it in ownphotos-db container - DB_PASS=AaAa1234 - DB_HOST=ownphotos-db - DB_PORT=5432 - REDIS_HOST=ownphotos-redis - REDIS_PORT=6379 - MAPBOX_API_KEY=CHANGE_MEAAAA - TIME_ZONE=UTC links: - "ownphotos-db:ownphotos-db" - "ownphotos-redis:ownphotos-redis" ownphotos-redis: image: redis container_name: ownphotos-redis volumes: ownphotos-data: media: