-- made by hotline -- github.com/hotline1337 require("lib/natives") function get_mp_index() local index = script_global:new(0x1807FB):get_int64() if index == 0 then return "MP0_" else return "MP1_" end end function start_dr_dre() system.fiber(function() STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_STORY_BS"), 0xFFC) STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_STORY_STRAND"), -1) STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_GENERAL_BS"), -1) STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_FIXER_COMPLETED_BS"), -1) STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_STORY_BS"), -1) STATS.STAT_SET_INT(string.joaat(get_mp_index() .. "FIXER_STORY_COOLDOWN"), -1) end) return true end function increase_payout() system.fiber(function() script_global:new(0x47A8E):set_int64(2400000) end) return true end local next_ticks = 0 local handler = { dr_dre_started = false, should_execute = false, execute_tick = true } function OnFeatureTick() local current_ticks = system.ticks() if next_ticks > current_ticks then return end next_ticks = current_ticks + 20000 if handler["execute_tick"] and handler["dr_dre_started"] then handler["should_execute"] = true handler["execute_tick"] = false end end function OnInit() local local_player = player.index() if not player.is_valid(local_player) or not player.is_connected(local_player) then utils.notify("Dr. Dre Finale", "Join the game and reload the script", 2, 4) return end -- Starts Dr. Dre mission with a 1$ million payout if start_dr_dre() then handler["dr_dre_started"] = true utils.notify("Dr. Dre Finale", "Successfully started Dr.Dre mission", 28, 1) end -- Increases the payout of the Dr. Dre mission to 2.4$ million if handler["should_execute"] and increase_payout() then utils.notify("Dr. Dre Finale", "Successfully increased your payout", 28, 1) end end