# GoTags GoTags is a Sublime Text plugin to append or remove tags for Golang struct. Functionality includes: - Append JSON tag with snake cased field name or remove JSON tag - Append XML tag with snake cased field name or remove XML tag - Append Xorm tag with xorm field type or remove Xorm tag ## Usage By default via the keyboard shortcut: `Super + Shift + G`, `Super + Shift + T` on OSX or `Ctrl + Shift + G`, `Ctrl + Shift + T` on other platforms(or change it in ${packages}/User/Default (plantform).sublime-keymap). Then choice the action you want. ** Makesure lines `type STRUCT_NAME struct{` are in select region. ** For example: ```go type Example struct { FieldOne int `` // int field FieldTwo string `orig tag` // string field FieldThree time.Time // time field } ``` Then select `type Example struct {` line (or this is current line) and type the shortcut, select action `JSON: Append tags`: ```go type Example struct { FieldOne int `json:"field_one"` // int field FieldTwo string `orig tag json:"field_two"` // string field FieldThree time.Time `json:"field_three"` // time field } ``` After save with gofmt: ```go type Example struct { FieldOne int `json:"field_one"` // int field FieldTwo string `orig tag json:"field_two"` // string field FieldThree time.Time `json:"field_three"` // time field } ``` ## Idea from: [gotag](https://github.com/suifengRock/gotag): golang auto generate struct tag.