addKiller("Flash", { "canKill": function(data) { if(data.type !== "application/x-shockwave-flash") return false; var match = /(?:^|&)(real_file|file|filename|load|playlistfile|src|source|video|mp3|mp3url|soundFile|soundUrl|url|content|mediaUrl|file_url|sampleURL|wmvUrl|flvUrl)=/.exec(data.params.flashvars); if(match) {data.file = match[1]; return true;} match = /[?&](file|mp3|playlist_url)=/.exec(data.src); if(match) {data.hash = match[1]; return true;} return false; }, "process": function(data, callback) { var flashvars = parseFlashVariables(data.params.flashvars); if(flashvars.config) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", makeAbsoluteURL(decodeURIComponent(flashvars.config), data.baseURL), true); var _this = this; xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { var config = xhr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("config")[0]; var node; for(var i = 0; i < config.childNodes.length; i++) { node = config.childNodes[i]; flashvars[node.nodeName] = node.textContent; } _this.processFlashVars(data, flashvars, callback); }, false); xhr.send(null); } else this.processFlashVars(data, flashvars, callback); }, "processFlashVars": function(data, flashvars, callback) { if(/^rtmp/.test(flashvars.streamer)) return; // Get media and poster URL var sourceURL, posterURL; if(data.file) { sourceURL = decodeURIComponent(flashvars[data.file].replace(/\+/g, " ")); posterURL = decodeURIComponent(flashvars.image || flashvars.preloadImage || flashvars.poster_url || flashvars.icon || flashvars.thumb || flashvars.sScreenshotUrl || ""); } else { sourceURL = new RegExp("[?&]" + data.hash + "=([^&]*)").exec(data.src); if(sourceURL) { sourceURL = decodeURIComponent(sourceURL[1]); posterURL = /[?&]image=([^&]*)/.exec(data.src); if(posterURL) posterURL = decodeURIComponent(posterURL[1]); } } if(/^[a-z]+:\/\//.test(sourceURL) && !/^http/.test(sourceURL)) return; // YouTube redirection // (sometimes with flashvars.provider === "youtube") if(/^http:\/\/(?:www.)? { var match = /[?&\/]v[=\/]([^?&\/]*)/.exec(sourceURL); if(match) { if(!hasKiller("YouTube")) return; var YTcallback = callback; if(posterURL) YTcallback = function(mediaData) { mediaData.playlist[0].poster = posterURL; callback(mediaData); }; getKiller("YouTube").processVideoID(match[1], YTcallback); return; } } // Site-specific hacks if(/^https?:\/\/www\.tvn24\.pl/.test(data.location)) sourceURL = sourceURL.replace(".flv", ".mp4"); if(!sourceURL) return; var ext = getExt(sourceURL); var isPlaylist = data.file === "playlistfile" || data.hash === "playlist_url" || ext === "xml" || ext === "xspf"; var baseURL = data.src; // used to resolve video URLs if(flashvars.netstreambasepath) baseURL = decodeURIComponent(flashvars.netstreambasepath); if(isPlaylist) { parseXSPlaylist(makeAbsoluteURL(sourceURL, data.baseURL), baseURL, posterURL, flashvars.item, callback); return; } sourceURL = makeAbsoluteURL(sourceURL, baseURL); var sources = []; var audioOnly = true; var call = function(info) { if(info) { info.url = sourceURL; sources.push(info); if(!info.isAudio) audioOnly = false; } if(sources.length !== 0 || posterURL !== undefined) callback({ "playlist": [{"poster": posterURL, "sources": sources}], "audioOnly": audioOnly }); }; if(flashvars["hd.file"]) { var hdURL = decodeURIComponent(flashvars["hd.file"]); var info = extInfo(getExt(hdURL)); if(info) { info.url = makeAbsoluteURL(hdURL, baseURL); info.format = "HD " + info.format; info.height = 720; sources.push(info); audioOnly = false; } } if(ext === "php" || !ext) { getMIMEType(sourceURL, function(type) { call(typeInfo(type)); }); } else call(extInfo(ext)); } });