addKiller('RaiTv', { 'canKill': function(data) { if (data.type !== 'application/x-silverlight' && data.type !== 'application/x-silverlight-2' && data.type !== 'application/x-shockwave-flash') return false; return data.src.indexOf('') !== -1; }, 'process': function(data, callback) { var chanNames = { 'Rai Uno': 'RaiUno', 'Rai Due': 'RaiDue', 'Rai Tre': 'RaiTre', 'Rai 5': 'RaiCinque', 'Rai Premium': 'RaiPremium', 'Rai YoYo': 'RaiYoyo', '1': 'RaiUno', '2': 'RaiDue', '3': 'RaiTre', '31': 'RaiCinque', '32': 'RaiPremium', '38': 'RaiYoyo' }; var url = ''; var uest_loc = data.location.indexOf('?') + 1; var params = data.location.substring(uest_loc, data.location.length); var hash_loc = data.location.indexOf('#'); params = params.substring(0, hash_loc != -1 ? hash_loc : data.location.length); // Get parameters off URL string // from var qs = (function(a) { if (a == '') return {}; var b = {}; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var p = a[i].split('='); if (p.length != 2) continue; b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } return b; })(params.split('&')); // Fix for parameters that might be named differently than usual if (!!!qs['vd'] && !!qs['day']) { qs['vd'] = qs['day']; } if (!!!qs['vc'] && !!qs['ch']) { qs['vc'] = qs['ch']; } url += chanNames[qs['vc']] + '_' + qs['vd'].replace(/-/g, '_') + '.html'; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false); xhr.addEventListener('load', function() { var json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var selected = {}; // Find the entry for the program among a date-indexed json blob for (key in json[qs['vc']][qs['vd']]) { if (json[qs['vc']][qs['vd']].hasOwnProperty(key) && json[qs['vc']][qs['vd']][key]['i'] === qs['v']) { selected = json[qs['vc']][qs['vd']][key]; break; } } // var videourl_mp4 = (!!selected.urlTablet ? // selected.urlTablet : selected.h264); var sources = []; // if (videourl_mp4.indexOf(',') != -1) { // videourl_mp4 = videourl_mp4.split(','); // for (var i = 1; i < videourl_mp4.length - 1; i++) { // console.log(videourl_mp4[i]); // sources.push({ 'url': videourl_mp4[0] + ',' + videourl_mp4[i] + ',' + videourl_mp4[videourl_mp4.length - 1], // 'format': videourl_mp4[i], // 'isNative': true // }); // } // } else { // sources = [{ 'url': videourl_mp4, // 'format': 'h264', // 'isNative': true // }]; // } for (key in selected) { var h264_loc = key.indexOf('h264_'); if (h264_loc == 0 && !!selected[key]) { sources.push({ 'url': selected[key], 'format': key.substring(5, key.length), 'isNative': true }); } } var poster = selected['image']; // console.log(selected, sources); callback({ 'playlist': [{ 'poster': poster, 'title': selected.t, 'sources': sources }] }); }, false); xhr.send(); } });