addKiller("ThemisMedia", { "canKill": function(data) { return data.src.indexOf("") !== -1; }, "process": function(data, callback) { var configUrl = parseFlashVariables(data.params.flashvars).config; if (configUrl) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', configUrl, true); var _this = this; xhr.onload = function(event) { // Fix the response data. They send something that looks like JSON, but really isn't: // they mostly use the ' character for strings and keys instead of ". This should turn // it into valid JSON. var response = JSON.parse('/g, '"')); var title = "Video"; var posterUrl = null; var sourceUrl; response.playlist.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.eventCategory === "Video") { sourceUrl = elem.url; } else if (elem.eventCategory === "Video Splash") { posterUrl = elem.url; } }); if ("viral" in response.plugins) { title = unescapeHTML(response.plugins.viral.share.description); } if (sourceUrl) { callback({"playlist": [{ "title": title, "poster": posterUrl, "sources": [{ "url": sourceUrl, "format": "MP4", "isNative": true }] }]}); } }; xhr.send(null); } } });