#!/bin/bash # This is the job script to run a GROMACS example job # Remember to change the following to your own Project ID! #SBATCH -A Project_ID #SBATCH -J Gromacs #SBATCH -t 00:22:00 #SBATCH -n *FIXME* # It is a good idea to do a ml purge before loading other modules ml purge > /dev/null 2>&1 ml GCC/13.2.0 OpenMPI/4.1.6 ml GROMACS/2024.1 export MDRUN='gmx_mpi mdrun' gmx grompp -f step4.1_equilibration.mdp -o step4.1_equilibration.tpr -c step4.0_minimization.gro -r step3_charmm2gmx.pdb -n index.ndx -p topol.top mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS $MDRUN -dlb yes -v -deffnm step4.1_equilibration