# CP Parser ## Important Prerequisite Go to Settings -> Package Settings -> CPParser -> Settings and add your directory paths. Only Codeforces & Codechef are supported as of now I'll be adding support for other sites soon, please create an issue if you want to request support for a site. This ST4 plugin functions as follows: 1. Accepts a problem URL like https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1900/D. 2. Parses the URL to extract the problem code. 3. Generates a new .cpp file using a predefined template. 4. Parses testcases on Codeforces & Codechef in CPPFastOlympicCoding format, so if you're using CPPFastOlympicCoding testcases will be automatically added. ### Usage Upon installation, configuring settings (such as defining the default directory and snippets) is advised default path is ~/Documents/CPParser 1. Tools -> CP Parser -> New Problem 2. Command Palette -> search CP Parser: Parse New Problem ### Set Keybindings You can access keybindings through Preferences > Key Bindings and add your Key Bindings like the following ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+x"], "command": "cp_problem" } ``` ### Supported Websites (current) 1. Codeforces 2. Codechef