# Sublime Linguist Syntax A collection of high quality and well-maintained syntax definations that used by [GitHub.com](https://github.com/github/linguist). ## How to generate(update) syntaxes? - Install [Deno](https://deno.land). - Clone this repo. - Run `deno run ./scripts/generate.ts `. Normally `` should be `./syntaxes`, but you can change it to whatever you want if you wish. - Done. When running `generate.ts`, thanks to the Deno's permission API, the script can not access any network and disks without your permission. So there will be an interactive prompt to ask permissions for: - network access to `github.com`, `api.github.com`, `objects.githubusercontent.com`, `raw.githubusercontent.com`, for download [linguist](https://github.com/github/linguist). - write and read permissions to `/tmp`, in order to store the downloaded assets and process them. - write permission to `` If you don't like prompts, you can pass them in the CLI arguments like this: ``` deno run --allow-net=github.com,api.github.com,objects.githubusercontent.com,raw.githubusercontent.com --allow-read=/tmp --allow-write=/tmp, scripts/generate.ts ```