# Waza SublimeText 3 Simple Perforce plugin ## Requirements: * p4 console tool must be available in the system's PATH Download it here https://www.perforce.com/downloads/helix-visual-client-p4v ## What does it do: * **CheckOut** current file * **Mark for add** current file * Display **Default changelist stats** ## Integration in SublimeText ### To add a section in SublimeText menu * Use Command Palette to browse packages * Enter *"User"* folder * Add following content to file *"Main.sublime-menu"* ``` { "id" : "P4", "caption" : "P4", "children": [ { "caption" : "CheckOut", "command" : "p4_checkout" }, { "caption" : "Add", "command" : "p4_add" }, { "caption" : "Defaut changelist stats", "command" : "p4_default_changelist_stats" } ] } ``` ### To add shortcuts to commands * Open *"Key Bindings"* from *"Preferences"* menu * Add following content to user file ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+4"], "command": "p4_checkout" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+5"], "command": "p4_add" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+6"], "command": "p4_default_changelist_stats" }, ```