#include #include #include // TELLO setting const char* TELLO_SSID = "TELLO-xxxxxx"; // Set your Tello's SSID const char* TELLO_IP = ""; // TELLO IP const int PORT = 8889; // TELLO_PORT // wifi variables WiFiUDP Udp; char packetBuffer[255]; String message = ""; char command_str[20]; // MPU6886 variables bool IMU6886Flag = false; // acceleration value float accX = 0.0F; float accY = 0.0F; float accZ = 0.0F; float x, y, z; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { M5.begin(); if (M5.IMU.Init() != 0) IMU6886Flag = false; else IMU6886Flag = true; // initialize Wire.begin(); WiFi.begin(TELLO_SSID, ""); // default Tello has no password // wait WiFi conecttion while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); } // UDP start Udp.begin(PORT); // send "command" to Tello, then Tello goes into SDK mode tello_command_exec("command"); delay(500); // delay for stability } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // get acceleration data M5.IMU.getAccelData(&accX, &accY, &accZ); x = accX; y = accY; z = accZ; // button B processing // Landing if (M5.Btn.wasPressed()) { // push Btn B quickly, then Land tello_command_exec("land"); delay(500); } // Takeoff if (M5.Btn.pressedFor(300)) { // press Btn B for 300msec, then Takeoff tello_command_exec("takeoff"); delay(500); } // z < 0, that means normal posture if ( z < 0 ) { // create rc command only when tilted greatly if (fabs(x) > 0.3 || fabs(y) > 0.3) { sprintf(command_str, "rc %d %d 0 0", int(x * 100), int(-y * 100) ); // a:left/right, b:forward/backward } else { sprintf(command_str, "rc 0 0 0 0" ); } tello_command_exec(command_str); // send rc command } else if ( z > 0 ) { // z > 0, that means upside down posture // create rc command only when tilted greatly if (fabs(x) > 0.3 || fabs(y) > 0.3) { sprintf(command_str, "rc 0 0 %d %d", int(y * 100), int(-x * 100) ); // c:up/down d:yaw } else { sprintf(command_str, "rc 0 0 0 0" ); } tello_command_exec(command_str); // send rc command } M5.update(); } // UDP send command void tello_command_exec(char* tello_command) { Udp.beginPacket(TELLO_IP, PORT); Udp.printf(tello_command); Udp.endPacket(); delay(100); }