1.1 This object property is used to declare another individual as the data type of the parameter. This object property is used to declare another individual as the data type of the parameter. Optionally indicates the type of the parameter as an XML qualified name, defaults to xsd:string. The DELETE method deletes the specified resource. The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data. The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body. Specifies a HTTP header that pertains to the HTTP request (resource or request) or HTTP response (response). Specifies a matrix URI component. 1 A method element describes the input to and output from an HTTP protocol method that may be applied to a resource. An Option element defines one of a set of possible values for the parameter represented by its parent param element. The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource. The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server. The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request payload. A Parameter element describes a parameterized component of its parent element. Specifies a component of the representation formatted as a string encoding of the parameter value according to the rules of the media type. For Resource or Request: Specifies a URI query parameter represented according to the rules for the query component media type specified by the queryType attribute. For Representation: Specifies a component of the representation as a name value pair formatted according to the rules of the media type. Typically used with media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data'. A representation element describes a representation of a resource's state. A request element describes the input to be included when applying an HTTP method to a resource. 1 1 1 1 1 1 A resource element describes a set of resources, each identified by a URI that follows a common pattern. The resources element acts as a container for the resources provided by the application. A response element describes the output that results from performing an HTTP method on a resource. The parameter is represented as a string encoding of the parameter value and is substituted into the value of the path attribute of the resource element. OK: The request was successfully processed and the result of the request is transferred to the response. Created: The request was successfully processed. The requested resource was created before sending the response. The "location"-header-field may contain the address of the created resource. Not Found: The requested resource was not found. Also reffered to as dead links. Internal Server Error: This is a collection status code for unexpected server errors.