= Android / Kotlin Lecture Notes :author: Thomas W. Stütz :revnumber: 1.0.0 :revdate: {docdate} :revremark: NVS 4th and 5th grade HTL Leonding Vocational College :encoding: utf-8 :experimental: ifndef::imagesdir[:imagesdir: images] //:toc-placement!: // prevents the generation of the doc at this position, so it can be printed afterwards :source-highlighter: rouge :sourcedir: ../src/main/java :icons: font :sectnums: // Nummerierung der Überschriften / section numbering :toc: left :toclevels: 5 // this instructions MUST set after :toc: :linkattr: // to be sure to process ", window="_blank"" //Need this blank line after ifdef, don't know why... ifdef::backend-html5[] // https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/ icon:file-text-o[link=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/htl-leonding-college/android-classroom-course/main/asciidocs/{docname}.adoc] ‏ ‏ ‎ icon:github-square[link=https://github.com/htl-leonding-college/android-classroom-course] ‏ ‏ ‎ icon:home[link=https://htl-leonding-college.github.io/android-classroom-course] endif::backend-html5[] // print the toc here (not at the default position) //toc::[] == Sources * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aJsh6P00c0[What’s new in Room (Android Dev Summit '19)^] * https://www.droidcon.com/2019/08/07/coroutine-flow-mvi/?video=362742098[Coroutine + Flow = MVI^] * https://youtu.be/Qxj2eBmXLHg[What's new in architecture components (Google I/O'19)^] == DataStore * replaces SharedPreferences * key/value-pairs * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ws-cJzlJkU&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc8to3Ere-ePuco69yBUmQ9C&index=1[DataStore - MAD Skills] == Flow * https://developer.android.com/kotlin/flow[Kotlin flows on Android^] ** https://youtu.be/fSB6_KE95bU[Kotlin Flows in practice^] == Mealz App * use retrofit for consuming a REST- Api (w/ coroutines) <> [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,javascript] ---- ---- [source,shell] ---- ----