### Opening a Pull Request to Update your Project I've started a documentation on how we should use the forking workflow here: [https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/documentation/doc/forking-workflow/index.md](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/documentation/doc/forking-workflow/index.md) (will not be merged to main due to file sizes) Please follow these Steps & Guidelines for your Pull Request: #### First, Check and Tick these Boxes: [] make sure that the hugo site build works and check the result visually. [] merge your local branch with upstream/main (see [update doc](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/main/doc/update.md)) [] Deploy the Site on your github pages by activating the "Deploy Page using GH-Actions" Workflow in "gh-pages-action.yml" [] make sure that your PR contains only files / file changes within your project subdirectory. [] make sure that all your file names consist only of lower case letters, numbers, or [-_.] - with only one . for the file extension [] delete all unnecessary files from your PR (including cat.jpg and kitty.jpg) [] check the image file sizes. All Images have to be as small as possible. See [./doc/disk_usage.md](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/main/doc/disk_usage.md) about this issues, there's a script: [./bin/images-smaller.sh](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/main/bin/images-smaller.sh) **Note that if you fail to do so, I may simply reduce the file sizes brute force using the script above - WITHOUT CHECKING THE QUALITY** #### Fill out this Information: 1. Change the PR Title to: (e.g. B0 - update techstack.md) and describe your changes: 2. URL of your Preview Site Containing the Changes: 3. When did your Project Supervisor review your changes? (Date/Note or require review for PR): 4. If your disk usage exceeds 500K, provide a reason while you want to include so many images or why certain images need to be that big: #### IMPORTANT: if you run into trouble / If the checks fail... - if you cannot figure out why a check fails or you think that it may be wrong, don't hesitate to contact me! (e.g. by requesting a review and commenting in the pr) - run the checks locally with: ./bin/check-project-update-pr/run-all.sh #### All good? If all checks run successfully the PR will be reviewed and, if no further changes are requested, merged and closed. (this is the time to update and start a new branch!) ### More Information We are using the Forking Workflow. - [Best Practices for Pull Requests](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/getting-started/best-practices-for-pull-requests) - Atlassian Git Tutorial: [Forking Workflow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/forking-workflow) - GitHub Docs: [Collaborating with pull requests](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests) - Documentation in [README.MD](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/main/README.MD) and [/doc](https://github.com/htw-imi-showtime/showtime-website/blob/main/doc)