definition( name: "All Off", namespace: "hubitat", author: "Bruce Ravenel", description: "Turn Devices Off with Recheck", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "" ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } Map mainPage() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "All Off", uninstall: true, install: true) { section { input "appName", "text", title: "Name this instance of All Off", submitOnChange: true if(appName) app.updateLabel(appName) input "switches", "capability.switch", title: "Switches to turn off", multiple: true paragraph "For the trigger use a Virtual Switch with auto-off enabled, turning it on fires the main off command for the switches above" input "trigger", "capability.switch", title: "Trigger switch" input "retry", "number", title: "Select retry interval in seconds (default 1 second)", defaultValue: 1, submitOnChange: true, width: 4 input "maxRetry", "number", title: "Maximum number of retries?", defaultValue: 5, submitOnChange: true, width: 4 input "meter", "number", title: "Use metering (in milliseconds)", width: 4 } } } void updated() { unsubscribe() initialize() } void installed() { initialize() } void initialize() { subscribe(trigger, "", handler) subscribe(switches, "switch.on", onHandler) atomicState.someOn = true } void handler(evt) { atomicState.retry = 0 turnOff() } void turnOff() { if(atomicState.someOn) { Boolean maybeOn = false List whichOff = [] switches.each{ if(it.currentSwitch == "on") { maybeOn = true whichOff += it if(meter) pause(meter) } } atomicState.someOn = maybeOn if(maybeOn) { "Switches sent off commands: ${"$whichOff" - "[" - "]"}" atomicState.retry++ if(atomicState.retry < maxRetry) runIn(retry, turnOff) else "Stopped after $maxRetry attempts: ${"$whichOff" - "[" - "]"} still on" } else "All switches reported off" } } void onHandler(evt) { atomicState.someOn = true }