metadata { definition ( name: "Kasa Plug Hub Rebooter", namespace: "hubitat", author: "Victor U." ) { command "schedulePowerCycle" } preferences { input ("device_IP", "text", title: "Device IP", defaultValue: getDataValue("deviceIP")) input ("debug", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: false) input ("shutdownHub", "bool", title: "Shut hub down (leave off for testing)", defaultValue: false) } } def installed() { runIn(2, updated) } def updated() { if (debug) log.debug("updating preferences....") unschedule() interfaces.rawSocket.disconnect() if (!device_IP) { log.warn("Device IP is not set.") return } else { updateDataValue("deviceIP", device_IP.trim()) } } void schedulePowerCycle() { if (!getDataValue("deviceIP")) { log.error("No Kasa plug IP specified") return } // TP-Link commands: // JavaScript API docs:"scheduling a power cycle...") unschedule() resetPlugSchedule() pauseExecution(500) // calculate current minute of the day - that's what Kasa plugs schedule deals in Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar() int minuteOfDay = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) "scheduling plug to turn off at ${minutesToReadable(minuteOfDay+2)} and turn on at ${minutesToReadable(minuteOfDay+3)}..." // schedule command to power DOWN sendCmd(outputXOR("""{"schedule":{"add_rule":{"stime_opt":0,"wday":[1,1,1,1,1,1,1],"smin":${minuteOfDay+2},"enable":1,"repeat":1,"etime_opt":-1,"name":"lights off","eact":-1,"sact":0,"emin":0},"set_overall_enable":{"enable":1}}}""")) pauseExecution(500) // and another to power UP sendCmd(outputXOR("""{"schedule":{"add_rule":{"stime_opt":0,"wday":[1,1,1,1,1,1,1],"smin":${minuteOfDay+3},"enable":1,"repeat":1,"etime_opt":-1,"name":"lights on","eact":-1,"sact":1,"emin":0},"set_overall_enable":{"enable":1}}}""")) pauseExecution(500) // fetch the schedule to see that plug got the commands sendCmd(outputXOR("""{"schedule":{"get_rules":null}}""")) // don't reboot the hub tomorrow again runIn(600, "resetPlugSchedule") // shut the hub down if (shutdownHub) { httpPost([uri: ""]) { "hub shutdown initiated" } } } private String minutesToReadable(int minutesOfDay) { java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = new java.text.DecimalFormat("00") return fmt.format(Math.floorDiv(minutesOfDay, 60)) + ":" + fmt.format(Math.floorMod(minutesOfDay, 60)) } void resetPlugSchedule() { interfaces.rawSocket.disconnect() sendCmd(outputXOR("""{"schedule":{"delete_all_rules":null,"erase_runtime_stat":null}}""")) } private void sendCmd(String command) { if (!getDataValue("deviceIP")) { log.error("No Kasa plug IP specified") } else { if (debug) log.debug("sendCmd: '${inputXOR(command)}'") try { if (!interfaces.rawSocket.connected) interfaces.rawSocket.connect("${getDataValue("deviceIP")}", 9999, byteInterface: true) interfaces.rawSocket.sendMessage(command) } catch (e) { if (debug) { log.warn("cannot connect to Kasa plug at ${getDataValue("deviceIP")}: ${getStackTrace(e)}") } else { log.warn("cannot connect to Kasa plug at ${getDataValue("deviceIP")}") } } } } void socketStatus(message) { log.warn("socket status is: ${message}") } def parse(message) { try { if (message && debug) log.debug(parseJson(inputXOR(message))) } catch (Exception e) { // bad message? } } private outputXOR(command) { String encrCmd = "000000" + Integer.toHexString(command.length()) def key = 0xAB for (int i = 0; i < command.length(); i++) { Integer str = (command.charAt(i) as byte) ^ key key = str encrCmd += Integer.toHexString(str) } return encrCmd } private inputXOR(resp) { String[] strBytes = resp.substring(8).split("(?<=\\G.{2})") String cmdResponse = "" byte key = 0xAB byte nextKey byte[] XORtemp for(int i = 0; i < strBytes.length; i++) { nextKey = (byte)Integer.parseInt(strBytes[i], 16) // could be negative XORtemp = nextKey ^ key key = nextKey cmdResponse += new String(XORtemp) } return cmdResponse }