angular.module('validation', ['validation.provider', 'validation.directive']); angular.module('validation.provider', []); angular.module('validation.directive', ['validation.provider']); (function() { angular .module('validation.provider') .provider('$validation', Provider); function Provider() { var $injector; var $scope; var $http; var $q; var $timeout; var _this = this; /** * Setup the provider * @param injector */ var setup = function(injector) { $injector = injector; $scope = $injector.get('$rootScope'); $http = $injector.get('$http'); $q = $injector.get('$q'); $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); }; /** * Define validation type RegExp * @type {{}} */ var expression = {}; /** * default valid method * @type {{}} */ var validMethod = null; /** * default error, success message * @type {{}} */ var defaultMsg = {}; /** * Allow user to set a custom Expression, do remember set the default message using setDefaultMsg * @param obj * @returns {*} */ this.setExpression = function(obj) { angular.extend(expression, obj); return _this; }; /** * Get the Expression * @param exprs * @returns {*} */ this.getExpression = function(exprs) { return expression[exprs]; }; /** * Allow user to set default message * @param obj * @returns {*} */ this.setDefaultMsg = function(obj) { angular.extend(defaultMsg, obj); return _this; }; /** * Get the Default Message * @param msg * @returns {*} */ this.getDefaultMsg = function(msg) { return defaultMsg[msg]; }; /** * allow user to set the global valid method * @param v * @returns {*} */ this.setValidMethod = function(v) { validMethod = v; }; /** * Get the valid method * @returns {*} */ this.getValidMethod = function() { return validMethod; }; /** * Override the errorHTML function * @param func * @returns {*} */ this.setErrorHTML = function(func) { if (func.constructor !== Function) { return; } _this.getErrorHTML = func; return _this; }; /** * Invalid message HTML, here's the default * @param message * @returns {string} */ this.getErrorHTML = function(message) { return '

' + message + '

'; }; /** * Override the successHTML function * @param func * @returns {*} */ this.setSuccessHTML = function(func) { if (func.constructor !== Function) { return; } _this.getSuccessHTML = func; return _this; }; /** * Valid message HTML, here's the default * @param message * @returns {string} */ this.getSuccessHTML = function(message) { return '

' + message + '

'; }; /** * Whether show the validation success message * You can easily change this to false in your config * example: $validationProvider.showSuccessMessage = false; * @type {boolean} */ this.showSuccessMessage = true; /** * Whether show the validation error message * You can easily change this to false in your config * example: $validationProvider.showErrorMessage = false; * @type {boolean} */ this.showErrorMessage = true; /** * Check form valid, return true * checkValid(Form): Check the specific form(Form) valid from angular `$valid` * @param form * @returns {boolean} */ this.checkValid = function(form) { return !!(form && form.$valid); }; /** * Validate the form when click submit, when `validMethod = submit` * @param form * @returns {promise|*} */ this.validate = function(form) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var idx = 0; if (form === undefined) { console.error('This is not a regular Form name scope'); deferred.reject('This is not a regular Form name scope'); return deferred.promise; } if (form.validationId) { // single $scope.$broadcast(form.$name + 'submit-' + form.validationId, idx++); } else if (form.constructor === Array) { // multiple for (var k in form) { $scope.$broadcast(form[k].$name + 'submit-' + form[k].validationId, idx++); } } else { for (var i in form) { // whole scope if (i[0] !== '$' && form[i].hasOwnProperty('$dirty')) { $scope.$broadcast(i + 'submit-' + form[i].validationId, idx++); } } } deferred.promise.success = function(fn) { deferred.promise.then(function(value) { fn(value); }); return deferred.promise; }; deferred.promise.error = function(fn) { deferred.promise.then(null, function(value) { fn(value); }); return deferred.promise; }; $timeout(function() { if (_this.checkValid(form)) { deferred.resolve('success'); } else { deferred.reject('error'); } }); return deferred.promise; }; /** * Do this function if validation valid * @param element */ this.validCallback = null; /** * Do this function if validation invalid * @param element */ this.invalidCallback = null; /** * Do this function when reset is performed * @param element */ this.resetCallback = null; /** * reset the specific form * @param form */ this.reset = function(form) { if (form === undefined) { console.error('This is not a regular Form name scope'); return; } if (form.validationId) { $scope.$broadcast(form.$name + 'reset-' + form.validationId); } else if (form.constructor === Array) { for (var k in form) { $scope.$broadcast(form[k].$name + 'reset-' + form[k].validationId); } } else { for (var i in form) { if (i[0] !== '$' && form[i].hasOwnProperty('$dirty')) { $scope.$broadcast(i + 'reset-' + form[i].validationId); } } } }; /** * Add Message Element in config phase * When you need custom your messageElement * NODE: this funtion & and `message-id` attribute, have similar purpose. * This function will help you add your `messageElement` automatically instead of pre-defined. * @param element */ this.addMsgElement = function(element) { return element.after(''); }; /** * Add Message Element in config phase * When you need custom your messageElement * NODE: this funtion & and `message-id` attribute, have similar purpose. * This function will help you add your `messageElement` automatically instead of pre-defined. * @param element */ this.getMsgElement = function(element) { return; }; /** * $get * @returns {{setErrorHTML: *, getErrorHTML: Function, setSuccessHTML: *, getSuccessHTML: Function, setExpression: *, getExpression: Function, setDefaultMsg: *, getDefaultMsg: Function, checkValid: Function, validate: Function, reset: Function}} */ this.$get = ['$injector', function($injector) { setup($injector); return { setValidMethod: this.setValidMethod, getValidMethod: this.getValidMethod, setErrorHTML: this.setErrorHTML, getErrorHTML: this.getErrorHTML, setSuccessHTML: this.setSuccessHTML, getSuccessHTML: this.getSuccessHTML, setExpression: this.setExpression, getExpression: this.getExpression, setDefaultMsg: this.setDefaultMsg, getDefaultMsg: this.getDefaultMsg, showSuccessMessage: this.showSuccessMessage, showErrorMessage: this.showErrorMessage, checkValid: this.checkValid, validate: this.validate, validCallback: this.validCallback, invalidCallback: this.invalidCallback, resetCallback: this.resetCallback, reset: this.reset, addMsgElement: this.addMsgElement, getMsgElement: this.getMsgElement }; }]; } }).call(this); (function() { angular .module('validation.directive') .directive('validationReset', Reset); function Reset($injector) { var $validationProvider = $injector.get('$validation'); var $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); var $parse = $injector.get('$parse'); return { link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { var form = $parse(attrs.validationReset)(scope); $timeout(function() { element.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $validationProvider.reset(form); }); }); } }; } Reset.$inject = ['$injector']; }).call(this); (function() { angular .module('validation.directive') .directive('validationSubmit', Submit); function Submit($injector) { var $validationProvider = $injector.get('$validation'); var $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); var $parse = $injector.get('$parse'); return { priority: 1, // execute before ng-click (0) require: '?ngClick', link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) { var form = $parse(attrs.validationSubmit)(scope); $timeout(function() { // Disable ng-click event propagation'click'); element.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $validationProvider.validate(form) .success(function() { $parse(attrs.ngClick)(scope); }); }); }); } }; } Submit.$inject = ['$injector']; }).call(this); (function() { angular .module('validation.directive') .directive('validator', Validator); function Validator($injector) { var $validationProvider = $injector.get('$validation'); var $q = $injector.get('$q'); var $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); var $compile = $injector.get('$compile'); var $parse = $injector.get('$parse'); var groups = {}; /** * Do this function if validation valid * @param element * @param validMessage * @param validation * @param callback * @param ctrl * @returns {} */ var validFunc = function(element, validMessage, validation, scope, ctrl, attrs, param) { var messageToShow = validMessage || $validationProvider.getDefaultMsg(validation).success; var validCallback = $parse(attrs.validCallback); var messageId = attrs.messageId; var validationGroup = attrs.validationGroup; var messageElem; if (messageId || validationGroup) messageElem = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + (messageId || validationGroup))); else messageElem = $validationProvider.getMsgElement(element); if (element.attr('no-validation-message')) { messageElem.css('display', 'none'); } else if ($validationProvider.showSuccessMessage && messageToShow) { messageToShow = angular.isFunction(messageToShow) ? messageToShow(element, attrs, param) : messageToShow; messageElem.html('').append($compile($validationProvider.getSuccessHTML(messageToShow, element, attrs))(scope)); messageElem.css('display', ''); } else { messageElem.css('display', 'none'); } ctrl.$setValidity(ctrl.$name, true); validCallback(scope, { message: messageToShow }); if ($validationProvider.validCallback) $validationProvider.validCallback(element); return true; }; /** * Do this function if validation invalid * @param element * @param validMessage * @param validation * @param callback * @param ctrl * @returns {} */ var invalidFunc = function(element, validMessage, validation, scope, ctrl, attrs, param) { var messageToShow = validMessage || $validationProvider.getDefaultMsg(validation).error; var invalidCallback = $parse(attrs.invalidCallback); var messageId = attrs.messageId; var validationGroup = attrs.validationGroup; var messageElem; if (messageId || validationGroup) messageElem = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + (messageId || validationGroup))); else messageElem = $validationProvider.getMsgElement(element); if (element.attr('no-validation-message')) { messageElem.css('display', 'none'); } else if ($validationProvider.showErrorMessage && messageToShow) { messageToShow = angular.isFunction(messageToShow) ? messageToShow(element, attrs, param) : messageToShow; messageElem.html('').append($compile($validationProvider.getErrorHTML(messageToShow, element, attrs))(scope)); messageElem.css('display', ''); } else { messageElem.css('display', 'none'); } ctrl.$setValidity(ctrl.$name, false); invalidCallback(scope, { message: messageToShow }); if ($validationProvider.invalidCallback) $validationProvider.invalidCallback(element); return false; }; /** * Verify whether there is one of the elements inside the group valid. * If so, it returns true, otherwise, it returns false * * @param validationGroup * @return {boolean} */ var checkValidationGroup = function(validationGroup) { var group = groups[validationGroup]; return Object.keys(group).some(function(key) { return group[key]; }); }; /** * Set validity to all elements inside the given group * * @param scope * @param groupName * @param validity */ function setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, validity) { var validationGroupElems = document.querySelectorAll('*[validation-group=' + validationGroup + ']'); // Loop through all elements inside the group for (var i = 0, len = validationGroupElems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = validationGroupElems[i]; var formName =; var elemName =; scope[formName][elemName].$setValidity(elemName, validity); } } /** * collect elements for focus * @type {Object} ***private variable */ var focusElements = {}; /** * Get Validation Result Object * @param data * @returns { * result: Boolean, // is success or error * message: String // tips * } */ function getResultObj(data) { var res = {}; if (data && data.length > 0) { res = data[0]; if (!angular.isObject(res)) { res = { result: res, message: '' }; } } else { res = { result: false, message: '' }; } return res; } /** * Check Validation with Function or RegExp * @param scope * @param element * @param attrs * @param ctrl * @param validation * @param value * @returns {} */ var checkValidation = function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value) { var validators = validation.slice(0); var validatorExpr = validators[0].trim(); var paramIndex = validatorExpr.indexOf('='); var validator = paramIndex === -1 ? validatorExpr : validatorExpr.substr(0, paramIndex); var validatorParam = paramIndex === -1 ? null : validatorExpr.substr(paramIndex + 1); var leftValidation = validators.slice(1); var successMessage = validator + 'SuccessMessage'; var errorMessage = validator + 'ErrorMessage'; var expression = $validationProvider.getExpression(validator); var validationGroup = attrs.validationGroup; var valid = { success: function(message) { validFunc(element, message || attrs[successMessage], validator, scope, ctrl, attrs, validatorParam); if (leftValidation.length) { return checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, leftValidation, value); } else { return true; } }, error: function(message) { return invalidFunc(element, message || attrs[errorMessage], validator, scope, ctrl, attrs, validatorParam); } }; if (expression === undefined) { console.error('You are using undefined validator "%s"', validator); if (leftValidation.length) return checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, leftValidation, value); else return; } // Check with Function if (expression.constructor === Function) { return $q.all([$validationProvider.getExpression(validator)(value, scope, element, attrs, validatorParam)]) .then(function(data) { var resultObj = getResultObj(data); var message = resultObj.message; if (resultObj.result) { if (validationGroup) { groups[validationGroup][ctrl.$name] = true; setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, true); } return valid.success(message); } else if (validationGroup) { groups[validationGroup][ctrl.$name] = false; // Whenever the element is invalid, we'll check whether one of the elements inside the its group valid or not. // If there is a valid element, its invalid message won't be shown, Otherwise, shows its invalid message. if (checkValidationGroup(validationGroup)) { setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, true); } else { setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, false); return valid.error(message); } } else return valid.error(message); }, function() { return valid.error(); }); } // Check with RegExp else if (expression.constructor === RegExp) { // Only apply the test if the value is neither undefined or null if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { if ($validationProvider.getExpression(validator).test(value)) { if (validationGroup) { groups[validationGroup][ctrl.$name] = true; setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, true); } return valid.success(); } else if (validationGroup) { groups[validationGroup][ctrl.$name] = false; // Whenever the element is invalid, we'll check whether one of the elements inside the its group valid or not. // If there is a valid element, its invalid message won't be shown, Otherwise, shows its invalid message. if (checkValidationGroup(validationGroup)) { setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, true); } else { setValidationGroup(scope, validationGroup, false); return valid.error(); } } else return valid.error(); } } else return valid.error(); }; /** * generate unique guid */ var s4 = function() { return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1); }; var guid = function() { return (s4() + s4() + s4() + s4()); }; return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { /** * All attributes */ var useViewValue = attrs.useViewValue !== 'false'; var validator = attrs.validator; var messageId = attrs.messageId; var validationGroup = attrs.validationGroup; var validMethod = attrs.validMethod; var ngModel = attrs.ngModel; /** * watch * @type {watch} * * Use to collect scope.$watch method * * use watch() to destroy the $watch method */ var watch = function() {}; /** * validator * @type {Array} * * Convert user input String to Array */ var validation = validator.split(','); /** * guid use */ var uid = ctrl.validationId = guid(); /** * to have a value to rollback to */ var originalViewValue = null; /** * Set initial validity to undefined if no boolean value is transmitted */ var initialValidity = void 0; if (typeof attrs.initialValidity === 'boolean') { initialValidity = attrs.initialValidity; } /** * Observe validator changes in order to allow dynamically change it */ attrs.$observe('validator', function(value) { validation = value.split(','); }); /** * Set up groups object in order to keep track validation of elements */ if (validationGroup) { if (!groups[validationGroup]) groups[validationGroup] = {}; groups[validationGroup][ctrl.$name] = false; } /** * Default Valid/Invalid Message */ if (!(messageId || validationGroup)) $validationProvider.addMsgElement(element); /** * Set custom initial validity * Usage: */ ctrl.$setValidity(ctrl.$name, initialValidity); /** * Reset the validation for specific form */ scope.$on(ctrl.$name + 'reset-' + uid, function() { /** * clear scope.$watch here * when reset status * clear the $watch method to prevent * $watch again while reset the form */ watch(); $timeout(function() { ctrl.$setViewValue(originalViewValue); ctrl.$setPristine(); ctrl.$setValidity(ctrl.$name, undefined); ctrl.$render(); if (messageId || validationGroup) angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + (messageId || validationGroup))).html(''); else $validationProvider.getMsgElement(element).html(''); if ($validationProvider.resetCallback) $validationProvider.resetCallback(element); }); }); /** * Check validator */ validMethod = (angular.isUndefined(validMethod)) ? $validationProvider.getValidMethod() : validMethod; /** * Click submit form, check the validity when submit */ scope.$on(ctrl.$name + 'submit-' + uid, function(event, index) { var value = useViewValue ? ctrl.$viewValue : ctrl.$modelValue; var isValid = false; isValid = checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value); if (validMethod === 'submit') { // clear previous scope.$watch watch(); watch = scope.$watch(function() { return scope.$eval(ngModel); }, function(value, oldValue) { // don't watch when init if (value === oldValue) { return; } // scope.$watch will translate '' to undefined // undefined/null will pass the required submit /^.+/ // cause some error in this validation if (value === undefined || value === null) { value = ''; } isValid = checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value); }); } var setFocus = function(isValid) { if (isValid) { delete focusElements[index]; } else { focusElements[index] = element[0]; $timeout(function() { focusElements[Math.min.apply(null, Object.keys(focusElements))].focus(); }, 0); } }; if (isValid instanceof Object) isValid.then(setFocus); else setFocus(isValid); }); /** * Validate blur method */ if (validMethod === 'blur') { element.bind('blur', function() { var value = scope.$eval(ngModel); if (scope.$root.$$phase !== '$apply') { scope.$apply(function() { checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value); }); } else { checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value); } }); return; } /** * Validate submit & submit-only method */ if (validMethod === 'submit' || validMethod === 'submit-only') { return; } /** * Validate watch method * This is the default method */ scope.$watch(function() { return scope.$eval(ngModel); }, function(value) { /** * dirty, pristine, viewValue control here */ if (ctrl.$pristine && ctrl.$viewValue) { // has value when initial originalViewValue = ctrl.$viewValue || ''; ctrl.$setViewValue(ctrl.$viewValue); } else if (ctrl.$pristine) { // Don't validate form when the input is clean(pristine) if (messageId || validationGroup) angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + (messageId || validationGroup))).html(''); else $validationProvider.getMsgElement(element).html(''); return; } checkValidation(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, validation, value); }); $timeout(function() { /** * Don't showup the validation Message */ attrs.$observe('noValidationMessage', function(value) { var el; if (messageId || validationGroup) el = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + (messageId || validationGroup))); else el = $validationProvider.getMsgElement(element); if (value === 'true' || value === true) el.css('display', 'none'); else if (value === 'false' || value === false) el.css('display', 'block'); }); }); } }; } Validator.$inject = ['$injector']; }).call(this);