]> ###2020.05.11 - Put quotes around the share name to allow for spaces in the name. - Fixed spelling error on config page for greater. ###2020.05.08 - Sparseness (.1 as an example) - Ignore based on list inside of a file (provide a path) (ignore filelist) - Ignore based on file types (comma seperated list of file extension. .mkv,.mp4,.txt ###2020.04.08 - Removed echo's from age_mover to not trigger emails to admin. - Added check in age_mover to verify input variables are supplied. ###2020.03.28 - Added the ability to leave small files on cache. (ignore files smaller than a user selected size). ###2020.03.22 - Add 1-4 for days old selection. - Disable days old selection if "No" selected for move based on age. ###2020.03.04 - updated mover.php to handle a stop with age - allow cache preferred to work with age_mover and dates set. ###2020.02.28 - Added ability to move based on age of file - Days old. ###2019.08.23 - Respect mover logging setting in Mover Settings ###2019.07.07 - Add in help text to priority settings ###2019.06.23a - Add in option to set I/O priority ###2019.06.23 - Add in option to set priority - Utilize CA update check ###2019.01.17 - Add option to force turbo write mode during mover ###2019.01.13 - Update icons ###2018.12.24 - Change text on disabling mover running on a schedule for clarity ###2018.12.01 - Accept Stop parameter on command line ###2018.10.19 - Fix broken pipe ###2018.04.14 - Add in forced mover schedule ###2018.04.12 - Fix logic error on freespace calculation - Prevent mover running again if move already in progress - Allow mover to stop (mover stop) ###2018.04.08 - Initial Release # Remove old 'source' files rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/&name;/&name;*.txz 2>/dev/null | grep -v '&version;') https://raw.github.com/&github;/master/archive/&name;-&version;-x86_64-1.txz &md5; if [[ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/mover.old ]]; then mv /usr/local/sbin/mover /usr/local/sbin/mover.old; fi cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/mover /usr/local/sbin/mover echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo " &name; has been installed." echo " Copyright 2018, Andrew Zawadzki" echo " Version: &version;" echo "----------------------------------------------------" echo "" mv /usr/local/sbin/mover.old /usr/local/sbin/mover removepkg &name;-&version;-x86_64-1 rm -rf &plugdir; rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name; /usr/local/sbin/update_cron