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<h1 align="center">shortcode-asciinema | FixIt</h1>

<div align="center" class="ignore">
  <p>A Hugo theme component with <code>asciinema-embed</code> shortcode.</p>
  <a href="/README.md">简体中文</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/zh-cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=chinese_traditional">繁體中文</a> |
  English |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=french">Français</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=russian">Русский язык</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=spanish">Español</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=hindi">हिन्दी</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=german">deutsch</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=korean">한국어</a> |
  <a href="https://fixit.lruihao.cn/ecosystem/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema/?lang=japanese">しろうと</a>

## Demo

[Installation Theme#CLI  | FixIt](https://fixit.lruihao.cn/documentation/installation/#cli)

## Requirements

Applicable to all Hugo themes.

## Install Component

The installation method is the same as [installing a theme](https://fixit.lruihao.cn/documentation/installation/). There are several ways to install, choose one, Here are two mainstream ways.

### Install as Hugo Module

First make sure that your project itself is a [Hugo module](https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/use-modules/#initialize-a-new-module).

Then add this theme component to your `hugo.toml` configuration file:

    path = "github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt"
    path = "github.com/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema"

On the first start of Hugo it will download the required files.

To update to the latest version of the module run:

hugo mod get -u
hugo mod tidy

### Install as Git Submodule

Clone [FixIt](https://github.com/hugo-fixit) and this git repository into your theme folder and add it as submodules of your website directory.

git submodule add https://github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt.git themes/FixIt
git submodule add https://github.com/hugo-fixit/shortcode-asciinema.git themes/shortcode-asciinema

Next edit `hugo.toml` of your project and add this theme component to your themes:

theme = ["FixIt", "shortcode-asciinema"]

## Record Terminal

You can use the `asciinema` command to record the terminal and upload it to [asciinema.org](https://asciinema.org/).

asciinema rec demo.cast
# press <ctrl-d> or type "exit" when you're done
asciinema upload demo.cast

## Use Shortcode

Here is an example of usage:

{{< asciinema-embed 697494 >}}

The rendering effect is as follows:


## References

- [Develop Theme Components | FixIt](https://fixit.lruihao.cn/contributing/components/)
- [How to Develop a Hugo Theme Component | FixIt](https://fixit.lruihao.cn/components/dev-component/)