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Albert}, PUBLISHER = {University of Chicago Press}, BOOKTITLE = {NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2011, Volume 26}, DATE = {2011}, PAGES = {77--122}, TITLE = {House price booms and the current account}, }%namefmtid={0}, @ARTICLE{bernanke1989agency, AUTHOR = {Bernanke, Ben and Gertler, Mark}, PUBLISHER = {JSTOR}, DATE = {1989}, JOURNALTITLE = {The American Economic Review}, PAGES = {14--31}, TITLE = {Agency costs, net worth, and business fluctuations}, nameformat={givenahead}, }%namefmtid={2}, @REPORT{calvo2006phoenix, AUTHOR = {Calvo, Guillermo A and Izquierdo, Alejandro and Talvi, Ernesto}, INSTITUTION = {National Bureau of Economic Research}, DATE = {2006}, TITLE = {Phoenix miracles in emerging markets: recovering without credit from systemic financial crises}, nameformat={familyahead}, }%namefmtid={3}, @ARTICLE{wang2006another, AUTHOR = {Wang, Peng-fei and Wen, Yi}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, DATE = {2006}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {2533--2552}, TITLE = {Another look at sticky prices and output persistence}, VOLUME = {30}, nameformat={pinyin}, }%namefmtid={4}, @REPORT{xu2012role, AUTHOR = {Xu, TengTeng}, INSTITUTION = {Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge}, DATE = {2012}, TITLE = {The role of credit in international business cycles}, nameformat={pinyin}, } @ARTICLE{zhang2009china, AUTHOR = {Zhang, Wen lang}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, DATE = {2009}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Macroeconomics}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {473--484}, TITLE = {China’s monetary policy: Quantity versus price rules}, VOLUME = {31}, nameformat={pinyin}, } @Book{Yi2013--, Title = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design}, Address = {BeiJing}, Author = {Yi, Shi-He and Zhao, Yu Xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Ming Li}, Publisher = {National Defense Industry Press}, Year = {2013}, nameformat={pinyin}, } @Book{易仕和2013--, Title = {超声速和高超声速喷管设计}, Address = {北京}, Author = {易仕和 and 赵玉新 and 何霖 and 张敏莉}, Publisher = {国防工业出版社}, Year = {2013} } @Periodical{AAAS1883--, Title = {Science}, Date = {1883}, Editor = {{American Association for the Advancement of Science}}, Number = {1}, Volume = {1}, Location = {Washington, D.C.}, Publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science} } @Proceedings{ROSENTHALL1963--, Title = {Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Mathematical Congress, University of Montreal, 1961}, Date = {1963}, Publisher = {University of Toronto Press}, Editor = {E M ROSENTHALL}, Location = {Toronto} } @Thesis{CALMS1965--, Title = {Infrared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen}, Author = {R B CALMS}, Date = {1965}, Institution = {Univ. of California}, Location = {Berkeley} } @Report{WHO1970--, Title = {Factors regulating the immune response}, Author = {{World Health Organization}}, Date = {1970}, Institution = {WHO}, Location = {Geneva}, Titleaddon = {report of WHO Scientific Group} } @Inproceedings{FOURNEY1971-17-38, Title = {Advances in holographic photoelasticity}, Author = {M E FOURNEY and others}, Booktitle = {Symposium on Applications of Holography in Mechanics, August 23-25, 1971, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California}, Date = {1971}, Pages = {17-38}, Publisher = {ASME}, Location = {New York} } @Article{Zhang2007-500-503, Title = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle}, Author = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yuxin and Li, Ming}, Journal = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, Year = {2007}, nameformat={pinyin}, } @Article{张2007-500-503, Title = {超声速短化喷管的设计和试验研究}, Author = {张敏莉 and 易仕和 and 赵玉新 and 李明}, Journal = {空气动力学报}, Year = {2007}, Number = {4}, Pages = {500-503}, Volume = {25}, language = {chinese} } \end{filecontents} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \defbibentryset{bilangyi2013}{易仕和2013--,Yi2013--} \defbibentryset{bilangzhang2007}{张2007-500-503,Zhang2007-500-503} \DeclareBibliographyCategory{kindsofnameformats} 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