#!/usr/bin/perl # =head1 NAME pingpong.pm - Ping robot for HPT perl. (c) Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/58. =head1 SYNOPSIS use pingpong; sub filter{ ping_pong( $fromname, $fromaddr, $toname, $toaddr, $subject, $text ); } $fromname - sender name $fromaddr - sender address $toname - recipient's name $toaddr - recipient address for netmail or undef $area - area for echomail, otherwise undef $secure - current message received via SecureInbound $subject - subject of message $text - text message (with kludges) =head1 DESCRIPTION This program is a Ping robot designed according to FTS-5001.006. This is an extended implementation that allows the Ping response to be redirected via any password-protected link. Insert into HPT configuration file: hptperlfile /home/fido/perl/filter.pl Make sure that the Origin variable is defined in the HPT config. Something like Origin "Origin of the message" (see section B) Put pingpong.pm somewhere in the @INC path. It's strongly recommended for Windows users to put it in the same directory with filter.pl. place to filter.pl something like this: use pingpong; sub filter{ if ( !defined( $area ) ) { ping_pong( $fromname, $fromaddr, $toname, $toaddr, $subject, $text ); } } $fromname - sender name $fromaddr - sender address $toname - recipient's name $toaddr - recipient address for netmail or undef $area - area for echomail, otherwise undef $secure - current message received via SecureInbound $subject - subject of message $text - text message (with kludges) Also, you can use two optional additional parameters "message attributes" and "link level". "message attributes" - Sets additional attributes of the Ping Robot response message. $PVT - for PVT attribute, $K_S - for K/S attribute, undef or 0 to add nothing. See HPT doc for more details on message attributes. B "link level" - A Number. Used when building a list of password-protected links. Only those links will be added to the list, the level of which in the HPT configuration file is equal to or higher than the specified one. For trusted links, you can set the level above the rest in the HPT configuration. Thus, in the Ping Robot response to the %Links command, you can show a list of only trusted links. This parameter also affects, in the same manner, the execution of the command "%RouteTo:". ping_pong( $fromname, $fromaddr, $toname, $toaddr, $subject, $text, $PVT+$K_S ); adds PVT and K/S attributes. ping_pong( $fromname, $fromaddr, $toname, $toaddr, $subject, $text, undef, 100 ); Only nodes with level 100 and higher will be added to the list of links by command %Links. To use the "%RouteTo:" command you should place in the filter.pl sub route{ return route_to(); } =head1 RETURN VALUE ping_pong() return 1 if a message to Ping was detected, 0 - otherwise. =head1 BUGS ping_pong uses the $config{origin} variable. If the Origin variable is not defined in the HPT configuration file, then this leads to the crash of the whole Perl hook. It was fixed in the hpt version 1.9.0 2021-04-18. =head1 AUTHOR Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/58. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =head1 SEE ALSO B http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-5001.006 =cut sub ping_pong($$$$$$;$$) { my ( $from_name, $from_addr, $to_name, $to_addr, $subj, $mtext, $m_attr, $m_level ) = @_; my ( $links_mask ); my $ori_gin = 'Upgrade your HPT to version 1.9.0 2021-04-18 or higher.'; $hpt_version =~ /(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})$/; my $subver = $1.$2.$3; if ( $subver >= 20210418 ) { if ( defined $config{origin} ) { $ori_gin = $config{origin}; } else { $ori_gin = 'Ping-Pong Robot by Stas Mishchenkov'; } } my $addline = ''; my $replykludge = ''; my $msgdirection = 'passed through'; my $time = localtime; my $my_aka = @{$config{addr}}[0]; $m_attr = 0 unless defined $m_attr; $m_level = 0 unless defined $m_level; my $tz = gmtoff(); my $tzs = ''; my $tze = '0'; $tz =~ /(\-?)(\d+)[\.\,]?(\d?)/; $tzs = $1 if defined $1; $tze = $3 . $tze if defined $3; $tz = sprintf("$tzs%02d%02d\r",$2,$tze); if ($to_name =~ /^Ping$/i){ w_log("Ping message detected." ); if ($from_name =~ /^Ping$/i){ w_log("From name \'$from_name\' not allowed." ); $from_name = "Mr. $from_name"; } if ( istous($to_addr) == 1 ) { $my_aka = $to_addr; if ( $subj =~ /\%RouteTo\: (\d\:\d+\/\d+)/i) { w_log( "\'\%RouteTo\:\' command found." ); if ( defined $links{$1}{password} && $links{$1}{level} >= $m_level ) { $addline = "\r\%RouteTo\: $1\r" if $secure == 1; } else { $addline = "\r$1 isn't my password protecded link. '%RouteTo\: $1' command was ignored.\r"; w_log("$1 isn't protecded link. \'\%RouteTo\: $1\' command was not accepted."); } } if ( $subj =~ /\%Links\s?\(?([^\(\)]*)\)?/i) { $links_mask = $1 if defined $1; $addline .= "My links are:\r~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r"; foreach my $key( sort keys %links) { next if defined( $links_mask ) && $key !~ /$links_mask/ && $links_mask ne ''; $addline .= sprintf("%-20s", $key) . "$links{$key}{name}\r" if defined $links{$key}{password} && $key =~ /^\d+\:\d+\/\d+$/ && $links{$key}{name} !~ /Our virtual lin/i && $links{$key}{level} >= $m_level; } } $msgdirection = "was received by"; } if ( $mtext =~ /\x01MSGID: ([^\r]+)\r/i ) { $replykludge = "\x01REPLY: $1\r"; } $mtext =~ s/\r\x01/\r\@/g; $mtext =~ s/^\x01/\@/; $mtext =~ s/\r--- /\r-+- /g; $mtext =~ s/\r \* Origin\:/\r \+ Origin\:/g; $mtext =~ s/\r\%RouteTo\:/\r\@RouteTo\:/gi; putMsgInArea("", "Ping Robot", $from_name, $my_aka, $from_addr, "Pong", "", $LOC+$m_attr, "${replykludge}${tz}Hi $from_name.\r\r". " Your ping-message $msgdirection my system at $time\r\r". "$addline". "---------- Help ------------------------------------------------------------\r". " Also, You may use the following commands in the Subject line:\r". " \%RouteTo\: \<3D_address\> \- The Ping robot reply will be routed via\r". " this node. It MUST be my password-protected link.\r". " \%Links \- Get the list of my password protected-links.\r". " -------- Example ---------------------------------------------\r". " From: ".sprintf("%-32s", $from_name)."$from_addr\r". " To : Ping $my_aka\r". " Subj: %RouteTo: 2:292/854\r". " --------------------------------------------------------------\r". " - The answer to this message will be routed via 2:292/854.\r". "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r". "\rOrignal message:\r". "============================================================================\r". "From: ".sprintf("%-32s",$from_name).sprintf("%-20s",$from_addr)."$date\r". "To : ".sprintf("%-32s",$to_name)."$to_addr\r". "Subj: $subj\r". "============================================================================\r". "$mtext". "============================================================================\r". "--- perl on $hpt_version\r * Origin: $ori_gin \($my_aka\)", 1); return 1; } return 0; } sub istous($) { my ( $addrr ) = @_; for my $cfg_addr ( @{$config{addr}} ) { if( $addrr eq $cfg_addr ) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub route_to() { if ( $text =~ /\r\%RouteDir\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}/i){ return '' if defined( $2 ) && istous( $2 ) == 0; $route = $1; $route =~ /\d+\:\d+\/\d+(\.?\d*)/; $route .= '.0' unless defined( $1 ); $flavour = 'direct'; w_log("\%RouteDir to $route"); $text =~ s/\r\%RouteDir\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}/\r\x01Routed_Direct\: $1 at @{$config{addr}}[0]/i; $change=1; } if ( $text =~ /\r\%RouteHold\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}/i){ return '' if defined( $2 ) && istous( $2 ) == 0; $route = $1; $route =~ /\d+\:\d+\/\d+(\.?\d*)/; $route .= '.0' unless defined( $1 ); $flavour = 'hold'; w_log("\%RouteHold to $route"); $text =~ s/\r\%RouteHold\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}/\r\x01Routed_Hold\: $1 at @{$config{addr}}[0]/i; $change=1; } if ( $text =~ /\r\%RouteTo\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}/i){ return '' if defined( $2 ) && istous( $2 ) == 0; if ( defined( $links{$1}{password} ) ) { w_log("\%Route to $1"); $route = $1; $route =~ /\d+\:\d+\/\d+(\.?\d*)/; $route .= '.0' unless defined( $1 ); $text =~ s/\r\%RouteTo\:\s+(\d+\:\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)\s*(\d+\:\d+\/\d+){0,1}//i; $text = "\x01Routed_To\: $1 at @{$config{addr}}[0]\r$text"; $change=1; } else { $addline = "\rMy links are:\r~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\r"; foreach $key( sort keys %links) { $addline = $addline . sprintf("%-20s", $key) . "$links{$key}{name}\r" if defined $links{$key}{password} && $key =~ /^\d+\:\d+\/\d+$/ && $links{$key}{name} !~ /Our virtual lin/i; } putMsgInArea("", "Evil Robot", $fromname, "", $fromaddr, "Routing", "", $LOC, "Hi $fromname.\r\r". " You use the command \"\%RouteTo:\" and wish to change ". "the routing of your message from default via \"$route\" to \"$1\"". ", but it is not my passworded link. Your message is routed by ". "default.\r\r$addline\r\r". "--- perl on $hpt_version\r * Origin: $config{origin} \(@{$config{addr}}[0]\)", 1); $newmail = 1; } } return $route; } 1;