require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'io/console' require 'rest-client' require 'rspec/expectations' include RSpec::Matchers system("pkill java") #To close any existing ZAP instance. system("pkill firefox") #To close any existing Firefox instance. IO.popen("/Applications/ZAP\\ -daemon -config api.disablekey=true") #The path here should be the path under ZAP package/folder on your machine; with the option -config api.disablekey=true, ZAP will not check the apikey, which is enable by default after ZAP 2.6.0 p "OWASP ZAP launch completed" sleep 5 #To let ZAP start completely profile = proxy = "localhost:8080") #Normally ZAP will listening at port 8080, if not, please change it to the actual port ZAP is listening profile.proxy = proxy options = profile) driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, options: options driver.get "" element = driver.find_element :name => "q" element.send_keys "Cheese!" element.submit p "Page title is #{driver.title}" wait = => 10) wait.until { driver.title.downcase.start_with? "cheese!" } p "Page title is #{driver.title}" JSON.parse RestClient.get "http://localhost:8080/json/core/view/alerts" #To trigger ZAP to raise alerts if any sleep 5 #Give ZAP some time to process response = JSON.parse RestClient.get "http://localhost:8080/json/core/view/alerts", params: { zapapiformat: 'JSON', baseurl: "", start: 1 } #Get the alerts ZAP found response['alerts'].each {|x| p "#{x['alert']} risk level: #{x['risk']}"} #Extract the risks found events = response['alerts'] low_count ={|x| x['risk'] == 'Low'}.size #Count the Low Risks expect(low_count).to equal(1) #Expecxt only one Low Risk driver.quit RestClient.get "http://localhost:8080/JSON/core/action/shutdown" #Close ZAP instance