from flusstools.geotools.raster_mgmt import * # make sure to use exceptions gdal.UseExceptions() def how2use(): # provide usage instructions for the script print(""" $ [ band number ] input-raster """) # exit program if wrong input arguments provided sys.exit(1) def get_color_bands(raster_band): """ :param raster_band: osgeo.gdal.Band object :output: list of color bands used in raster_band """ # get ColorTable and return False if None color_table = raster_band.GetColorTable() if color_table is None: print("Band has no ColorTable.") return None else: print("Found %i color definitions." % int(color_table.GetCount())) # iterate through color_table and append objects found to colors_bands list color_bands = [] for c in range(0, color_table.GetCount()): entry = color_table.GetColorEntry(c) if not entry: continue color_bands.append(str(color_table.GetColorEntryAsRGB(c, entry))) return color_bands def main(band_number, input_file): src, band = open_raster(input_file) print("Band minimum: ", band.GetMinimum()) print("Band maximum: ", band.GetMaximum()) print("No-data value: ", band.GetNoDataValue()) print("Band unit type: ", band.GetUnitType()) try: print(", ".join(get_color_bands(band))) except TypeError: print("ColorTable: None") if __name__ == '__main__': # make standalone if len(sys.argv) < 3: print(""" ERROR: Provide two arguments: 1) the band number (int) and 2) input raster directory (str) """) print("Received: (1)" + str(sys.argv[1]) + " (2) " + str(sys.argv[2])) how2use() main(int(sys.argv[1]), str(sys.argv[2]))