# 202X-MM-DD Hypha Worker Co-op Retreat - Mmmm DD, 202X 🌴🍹 **Status**: ## Agenda and Contents ## Background and Intent ## Expected Outcomes At the end of this retreat we will establish: 1. 2. 3. ## Pre-Retreat _Time Required: X hours_ To ensure the sync time we have together is productive, we are asking all meeting attendees to do the following before the meeting: - ### Pre-Retreat Activity _Time Required: X hours_ _When to do: Before X_ During the retreat you're encouraged to share a few thoughts from the following readings: ## Retreat Day X [or Session X] _Length: X hours_ _Format: In person|Video call_ | Time | Length | Description | |---------------|--------|-----------------------------------------------------| | 00:00 - 00:15 | 15mins | [Introductions](#introductions) | | | | | | | | | | | | | ### Introductions _Cultivator: ..._ [If needed] _Scribe: ..._ [If needed] _Timekeeper: ..._ [If needed] ### ### ## Retreat Async Work _Time Required: No more than X hours_ _Format: [Loomio](https://loomio.hypha.coop)_ ## Appendix X: