sources: conus404-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for CONUS404 datasets' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog conus404-drb-eval-tutorial-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for CONUS404 DRB tutorial intermediate datasets' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog nhm-v1.0-daymet-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for National Hydrologic Model version 1.0 model output variables with Daymet v3 forcings' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog nhm-v1.1-c404-bc-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for National Hydrologic Model version 1.1 model output variables with CONUS404 bias-corrected forcings' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog nhm-v1.1-gridmet-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for National Hydrologic Model version 1.1 model output variables with Gridmet forcings' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog trends-and-drivers-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog for USGS Trends and Drivers project data. Note: This data is stored in a credentialed bucket; please contact the HyTEST project if you need credentials to read this data.' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog nhm-prms-v1.1-gridmet-format-testing-catalog: args: path: '' description: 'Catalog of NHM-PRMS v1.1 with Gridmet Forcings data stored in various file formats, used for testing purposes with the USGS National Modeled Water Atlas Project. Note: This data is stored in a credentialed bucket; please contact the HyTEST project if you need credentials to read this data.' driver: intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog nwis-streamflow-usgs-gages-onprem: driver: zarr description: "Streamflow from NWIS, extracted and rechunked into time series (NWM2.1 time period)" args: urlpath: '/caldera/projects/usgs/hazards/cmgp/woodshole/rsignell/conus404/zarr/nwis_chanobs.zarr' consolidated: true nwis-streamflow-usgs-gages-osn: driver: zarr description: "Streamflow from NWIS, extracted and rechunked into time series (NWM2.1 time period)" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/evaluation/nwm/nwis_chanobs.zarr' consolidated: true storage_options: anon: true requester_pays: false client_kwargs: endpoint_url: nwm21-streamflow-usgs-gages-onprem: driver: zarr description: "Streamflow from NWM2.1, extracted and rechunked into time series" args: urlpath: '/caldera/projects/usgs/hazards/cmgp/woodshole/rsignell/conus404/zarr/chanobs.zarr' consolidated: true nwm21-streamflow-usgs-gages-osn: driver: zarr description: "Streamflow from NWM2.1, extracted and rechunked into time series" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/evaluation/nwm/chanobs.zarr' consolidated: true storage_options: anon: true requester_pays: false client_kwargs: endpoint_url: nwm21-streamflow-cloud: driver: zarr description: "National Water Model 2.1 CHRTOUT on AWS" args: urlpath: 's3://noaa-nwm-retrospective-2-1-zarr-pds/chrtout.zarr' consolidated: true storage_options: anon: true geofabric_v1_1-zip-osn: driver: geoparquet # note - this is the wrong driver, and you cannot open this dataset with intake description: "GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( This dataset cannot be opened with intake because the GDB driver doesn't exist; however it is still being catalogged here for the purpose of being able to read the urlpath into your workflow to locate the data." args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: geofabric_v1_1_POIs_v1_1-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "POIs_v1_1 layer of the GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/GFv1.1_POIs_v1_1.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: geofabric_v1_1_TBtoGFv1_POIs-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "TBtoGFv1_POIs layer of the GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/GFv1.1_TBtoGFv1_POIs.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: geofabric_v1_1_nhru_v1_1-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "nhru_v1_1 layer of the GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/GFv1.1_nhru_v1_1.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: geofabric_v1_1_nhru_v1_1_simp-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "nhru_v1_1_simp layer of the GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/GFv1.1_nhru_v1_1_simp.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: geofabric_v1_1_nsegment_v1_1-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "nsegment_v1_1 layer of the GIS Features of the Geospatial Fabric for the National Hydrologic Model, version 1.1 ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/geofabric_v1_1/GFv1.1_nsegment_v1_1.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: gages2_nndar-osn: driver: parquet description: "Estimated streamflow at GAGESII locations ( using nearest-neighbor drainage area ratio (NNDAR), converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/nwis_gages2_streamflow_estimates/gages2_nndar.parquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: wbd-zip-osn: driver: geoparquet # note - this is the wrong driver, and you cannot open this dataset with intake description: "Watershed Boundary Dataset ( This dataset cannot be opened with intake because the GDB driver doesn't exist; however it is still being catalogged here for the purpose of being able to read the urlpath into your workflow to locate the data." args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/wbd/' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: huc12-geoparquet-osn: driver: geoparquet description: "WBDHU12 layer of Watershed Boundary Dataset ( converted to geoparquet format" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/wbd/huc12/huc12.geoparquet' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: huc12-gpkg-osn: driver: geoparquet # This should be geopackage, but this is not currently supported by intake - will be supported in intake v2 description: "WBDHU12 layer of Watershed Boundary Dataset ( converted to geopackage format. This file format is not currently supported by intake, so you cannot currently open this dataset with intake. This will be compatible with intake v2 when in is released in early 2024." args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/wbd/huc12/huc12.gpkg' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: nwm21-scores: description: US state information from [CivilServices]( driver: csv args: urlpath: '' lcmap-cloud: driver: intake_xarray.xzarr.ZarrSource description: 'LCMAP, all 36 years' args: urlpath: "reference://" consolidated: false storage_options: target_options: requester_pays: true fo: 's3://nhgf-development/lcmap/lcmap.json' remote_options: requester_pays: true remote_protocol: s3 rechunking-tutorial-osn: driver: zarr description: "Sample streamflow and velocity data used in HyTEST rechunking tutorial" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/dataset_preprocessing/ReChunking_Tutorial_Data.zarr' consolidated: true storage_options: anon: true requester_pays: false client_kwargs: endpoint_url: pointsample-tutorial-sites-osn: driver: csv description: "Sample gage/point locations used in CONUS404 point sampling tutorial" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/data_access/filtered_temperature_sites.csv' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: pointsample-tutorial-output-osn: driver: netcdf description: "Output point sampled CONUS404 data from CONUS404 point sampling tutorial" args: urlpath: 's3://hytest/tutorials/data_access/' storage_options: anon: true client_kwargs: endpoint_url: