««« code: CS181 name: Artificial Intelligence I semester: Fall 2021 category: Project 课程设计 title: Project Requirement »»» # Project Requirement ## Topic Use what you have learned in this course to solve a problem of your choice. In order to help you decide your project topic, here we release S18 slides. of the remaining topics to be covered in this course: - Probabilistic temporal models - Markov decision processes - Reinforcement learning - Introduction to machine learning - Introduction to natural language processing ## Group There should be 1-5 people in each group. You are encouraged to form large groups. To find a group to join or recruit more members for your group, you may use the Piazza "search for teammates" function. ## Timetable - By early Dec.: form your group - Mid-Dec.: proposal presentation - Jan. 13&14 (week 18): final presentation, report submission ## Grading 15% of the total grade. Your project will be judged by its novelty, soundness and depth, its relevance to this course, and the quality of your report and presentation. While we do not prohibit usage of external code and tools in your project, please note that: 1. the core component and algorithms of your project should be implemented by yourself, and 2. in your final presentation and report you must explicitly list all the external resources that you use and explain how/why you use them. After the final presentation, you will be asked to submit your source code along with your final project report, so we could manually check whether you follow the above policy. # Project submission Due: 11:59pm, Jan 14 (Fri) You need to submit: 1. A PDF report in the academic paper style. No page requirement 2. Your source code in a zip file (do not include external libraries) Each group only needs to make one submission (by one of the members). Submission link: Blackboard -> Project -> Project Material Submission Please use your group number (see the schedule above) as your filename (e.g., "Group2.pdf"). ## Note: At the end of your presentation and report, please list all the external resources (e.g., code, library, tools) that you use and explain how/why you use them.