Version 1/210618 of Hidden Prompt by Daniel Stelzer begins here. "Provides a simple way to hide the command prompt during long stretches of text." "inspired by Command Prompt On Cue by Ron Newcomb" [ Fixed typo in title and added version number -- Zed Lopez ] Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer. Section A Hidden prompt is initially false. The implicit hidden-prompt command is initially "wait". The former prompt is initially "". To say (X - number) as a key: (- print (char) {X}; -). The hidden-prompt signal is initially "[close bracket] ". Rule for reading a command when hidden prompt is true (this is the hidden prompt command rule): say "[italic type][implicit hidden-prompt command][roman type][line break]"; change the text of the player's command to the implicit hidden-prompt command. Section B1 (for use with Command Modification by Daniel Stelzer) To hide the command prompt: if the command override queue is not empty, stop; if hidden prompt is true, stop; now the former prompt is the command prompt; now the command prompt is the hidden-prompt signal; now hidden prompt is true. To hide the command prompt with implicit command (T - text): if the command override queue is not empty, stop; if hidden prompt is true, stop; now the implicit hidden-prompt command is T; hide the command prompt. To show the command prompt: if the command override queue is not empty, stop; if hidden prompt is false, stop; now the command prompt is the former prompt; now hidden prompt is false. Section B2 (for use without Command Modification by Daniel Stelzer) To hide the command prompt: if hidden prompt is true, stop; now the former prompt is the command prompt; now the command prompt is the hidden-prompt signal; now hidden prompt is true. To hide the command prompt with implicit command (T - text): if hidden prompt is true, stop; now the implicit hidden-prompt command is T; hide the command prompt. To show the command prompt: if hidden prompt is false, stop; now the command prompt is the former prompt; now hidden prompt is false. Section C1 (for use with Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer) Before reading a command when hidden prompt is true (this is the hidden prompt interruption rule): say "[hidden-prompt signal][run paragraph on]"; let X be the chosen letter; unless X is 13 or X is 31 or X is 32 or X is -6 or X is 127: preload the command "[X as a key]"; now the command prompt is the former prompt; now hidden prompt is false. Section C2 (for use without Command Preloading by Daniel Stelzer) The saved first letter is initially "". Before reading a command when hidden prompt is true (this is the hidden prompt interruption rule): say "[hidden-prompt signal][run paragraph on]"; let X be the chosen letter; unless X is 13 or X is 31 or X is 32 or X is -6 or X is 127: now the saved first letter is "[X as a key]"; now the command prompt is "[former prompt][saved first letter]"; now hidden prompt is false. Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is I beg your pardon error and the saved first letter is not empty (this is the hidden prompt single-letter command failure rule): now the command prompt is the former prompt; now the saved first letter is "". First after reading a command when hidden prompt is false and the saved first letter is not empty (this is the hidden prompt correct first keystroke rule): now the command prompt is the former prompt; change the text of the player's command to "[saved first letter][player's command]"; [say "(changed to [player's command])[command clarification break]";] now the saved first letter is "". Hidden Prompt ends here. ---- DOCUMENTATION ---- This works similarly to Command Prompt On Cue by Ron Newcomb, but is (almost) pure I7 and thus unlikely to break with new updates. The most important phrases are these: hide the command prompt This makes the command prompt invisible until the player attempts to type a command. hide the command prompt with implicit command (T - text) This is the same as the above, but supplies T instead of "wait" if the player doesn't type anything. show the command prompt If the player never interrupted, this ends the sequence.