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setFreeForm(freeformtype:Number) — method, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
Sets freeform.
setLanguage(localeCode:String) — method, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
Set the speech recognition language.
setOptionalCommand(command:String, parameter:String) — method, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
Specify additional parameters to send to the server.
setOptionalCommand(command:String, parameter:String) — method, class ispeech.SpeechSynthesis
Specify additional parameters to send to the server.
setVoice(voice:String) — method, class ispeech.SpeechSynthesis
Sets the voice, default is usfemaleenglish1
speak(text:String) — method, class ispeech.SpeechSynthesis
Converts text into speech.
SpeechRecognizer — class, package ispeech
Contains important methods to recognize audio and convert free form speech into text.
SpeechRecognizer(api:String, production:Boolean) — Constructor, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
SpeechSynthesis — class, package ispeech
Contains methods used to synthesize speech from text.
SpeechSynthesis(ApiKey:String, production:Boolean) — Constructor, class ispeech.SpeechSynthesis
startRecordAndNotify(recordBluetooth:Boolean, notifyInMillisec:Number, silencelevel:Number) — method, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
Begins recording from microphone.
stopRecord() — method, class ispeech.SpeechRecognizer
Stops the recording process.
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